Connections: Partnerships in Science |
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Welcome to Connections: Partnerships in ScienceAs the science bureau of the DOI, the USGS through its programs within the Geologic Hazards, Resources, and Landscape Processes activity, provides the Earth science information and technologies that are critical to mission achievement of the Department land and resource management agencies. Connections: Partnerships in Science, developed by the Geology Discipline of the USGS, explores the collaborative geologic work of our USGS scientists and other Bureaus at the Department of the Interior. Relation to Departmental Strategic Goals:The USGS geologic hazards programs support DOI's Serving Communities goal to safeguard lives, property and assets, advance scientific knowledge, and improve the quality of life for communities we serve.
The USGS geologic landscape and coastal assessments programs support DOI's Resource Protection goal to protect the Nation’s natural, cultural and heritage resources.
The USGS resources programs support DOI's Resource Use goal to manage natural resources to promote responsible use and sustain a dynamic economy
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