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Formal metadata: information and software

Formal metadata: information and software

The less you want to know, the harder your work will be.

What's it all about?

Software tools

Name Version Documentation
mp 2.9.8 A compiler for formal metadata
mp checks the structure of a metadata record against the FGDC standard, indicating discrepancies. It also re-expresses the metadata in several useful alternative formats.
cns 2.8.4 A pre-parser for formal metadata
cns is used in case a text metadata record appears to have correct element names but is in a format that cannot be parsed by mp. Usually the main problem to be corrected is inconsistent indentation, but cns corrects a variety of other conditions. Use with care.
xtme 2.7.18 An editor for formal metadata
For primitive installations of the X Window System in which Tcl/Tk is not available, xtme uses Athena widgets.
Tkme 2.9.23 Another editor for formal metadata
A versatile editing tool based on the Tcl/Tk toolkit.
mq 2.6.22 A Tcl interface for formal metadata
Software interface that can be used to implement sophisticated editing operations on large, diverse collections of metadata records that are stored as separate files.
DBFmeta 1.13 A tool to help document DBF files
Reads the DBF file and creates a Detailed_Description that can be pasted in a metadata record using Tkme. This tool can be used to detect spelling errors or other consistency problems in the data file.
err2html 2.1.10 Make mp's error messages easier to read
Re-expresses the error listing generated by mp to reduce duplication, show most severe messages first, and show hypertext links for element names.

Download software

System Package Contents Size
Microsoft Windows
(All versions)
all_win.exe All programs and documentation 3.4M
bin_win.exe no Tkme, mq, or source code 1.8M
tkme.exe Tkme as a Windows stand-alone runtime 1.9M
Linux (i386) bin_lnx.tar.gz All programs and documentation 1.6M
Solaris (SPARC) bin_sun.tar.gz All programs and documentation 1.8M
All src.tar.gz Source code and documentation 1.5M
tkme.kit Tkme as a platform-independent starkit 868K

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Page Last Modified: Tuesday, 19-Feb-2008 11:52:31 EST