Search USGS
USGS is using the Google™ Custom Search Engine to provide access to our public Web content. Therefore, all of the search syntax and advanced search operators used by Google™ will work here as well.
To begin your search, simply type in the search terms and go! The search engine will automatically look for variant terms, plurals, and phrases. If you want to search for a specific phrase, place quotation marks (“ ”) around the phrase. You can also exclude terms by preceeding the term you don't want with a minus sign (-).
If you are having trouble finding the information you need through Search, though, please feel free to Contact us!
To narrow your search results, you can add advanced search operators to your search terms. These operators will allow you to limit the retrieved results by language, file type, dates, and many other qualifications.
USGS is using the Google™ Custom Search Engine to provide access to our public Web content. While the search results will be identical with or without JavaScript, by enabling JavaScript your search results page will be delivered through and provide extra options for refining your search results within the USGS.