USGS Lake Tahoe Data Clearinghouse U.S. Geological Survey Lake Tahoe Data Clearinghouse The National Map Geography Western Geographic Science Center

Land Cover Data


The U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with many other Federal agencies, is building a nationwide dataset of land cover. The dataset includes information from LandSat satellites as well as many ancillary sources such as census statistics. The dataset for California and Nevada is still being verified, but a preliminary view is below. More information on the National Land Cover Dataset is available at footer image.

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Data Download

The following land cover data have been mosaicked together from the18 7.5-minute quadrangles that cover the Lake Tahoe Basin. The mosaicked files are more convenient for looking at areas throughout the basin or areas on the edge of two quadrangles.

Landcover data of Basin Lake Tahoe.

Land cover data are in UTM NAD83 zone 10 projection. Raw (original) data are in the following projections: data east of 120 degrees longitude are in UTM zone 11 and data west of 120 degrees longitude are in UTM zone 10. It is not possible to combine different UTM zones in Geographic Information System (GIS), therefore, all data have been reprojected into one standard projection, UTM NAD83 zone 10 projection, for the Lake Tahoe Basin.

Click on the following links to download data:
(TIFF image with world file, 748 KB compressed)
(ArcInfo Grid format, 829 KB compressed)

-- Original CA, NV.
-- Reprojected CA, NV.

The original data can be downloaded from the EPA at footer image.

Click on image for a larger version of the Land Cover map and legend.


Digital Data


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Last Modified: Wednesday, 05-Dec-2007 17:52:10 EST (tm)
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