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East Coast

Online Science Resource Locator
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Publications icon Publications
Data Sets icon Data Sets

Items below are listed from most recently updated to least recently updated.

These are results 1 through 25 of 150 matches.

Publication icon Publication
Description: This archive presents unprocessed SEG-Y data files, processed seismic profiles, associated navigation files, trackline maps, logbooks, and formal metadata for boomer data collected on USGS Cruise 96CCT01.
updated: 2008-08-28       pages include: Data Sets icon Maps icon Publications icon

Publication icon Publication
Open-File Report 2004-1447: A Preliminary Assessment of Geologic Framework and Sediment Thickness Studies Relevant to Prospective US Submission on Extended Continental Shelf
Description: A compilation of marine seismic reflection and refraction profile data and derivative sediment thickness studies in the United States 200-mile Exclusive Economic Zone and beyond that would be relevant to a submission for extended continental shelf under the provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS Article 76).
updated: 2008-08-28       pages include: Publications icon

Publication icon Publication
EAARL Topography-Thomas Stone National
Description: Digital map atlas of lidar-derived topography maps for Thomas Stone National Historic Site
updated: 2008-04-28       pages include: Data Sets icon Maps icon Publications icon Photographs icon

Publication icon Publication
EAARL Topography-Sagamore Hill National Historic Site (SAHI)
Description: Digital atlas of lidar-derived topography maps for Sagamore Hill National Historic Site
updated: 2008-04-24       pages include: Data Sets icon Maps icon Publications icon Photographs icon

Publication icon Publication
EAARL Topography-Gateway National Recreation Area-Home
Description: Digital map atlas of lidar-derived topography maps for the Gateway National Recreation Area
updated: 2008-04-23       pages include: Data Sets icon Maps icon Publications icon Photographs icon

Publication icon Publication
EAARL First Return Topography—Fire Island National Seashore
Description: Digital map atlas of lidar-derived topography maps for Assateague Island National Seashore
updated: 2008-04-21       pages include: Data Sets icon Maps icon Publications icon Photographs icon

Publication icon Publication
USGS-NPS-NASA EAARL Bare Earth Topography - Fire Island National Seashore
Description: Digital map atlas of Lidar-derived topography maps for Fire Island National Seashore
updated: 2008-04-21       pages include: Data Sets icon Maps icon Publications icon Photographs icon

Publication icon Publication
USGS-NPS-NASA EAARL Topography - George Washington Birthplace
Description: Digital map atlas of lidar-derived topography maps for George Washington Birthplace National Monument
updated: 2008-04-17       pages include: Data Sets icon Maps icon Publications icon Photographs icon

Publication icon Publication
Geomorphology and Depositional Sub-environments of Assateague Island MD/VA
Description: Geomorphology and Depositional Sub-environments of Assateague Island MD/VA, Open File Report 2007-1388
updated: 2008-03-17       pages include: Maps icon Publications icon Photographs icon

Publication icon Publication
GIS Library, Multibeam Data, Massachusetts Bay, SBNM Sanctuary, USGS Data Series 99; Version 1.0; Start Page
Description: This Geographic Information Systems (GIS) library contains images and grids of bathymetry, shaded relief bathymetry, and backscatter intensity data from surveys of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary and western Massachusetts Bay, offshore of Boston, Massachusetts. The data are in an Environmental Systems Research Institute ( (ESRI) ArcMap 9.1 Geographic Information System project. The shapefiles, images, and grids may also be downloaded individually. Descriptions and interpretations of the data are available in a series of published maps.
updated: 2008-03-06       pages include: Data Sets icon Maps icon Publications icon

Publication icon Publication
EAARL Topography - Assateague Island National Seashore (ASIS)
Description: Digital atlas of lidar-derived topography maps for Assateague Island National Seashore
updated: 2008-02-27       pages include: Data Sets icon Maps icon Publications icon Photographs icon

Publication icon Publication
USGS OFR 2007-1012: Geologic Interpretation and Multibeam Bathymetry of the Sea Floor in the Vicinity of the Race, Eastern Long Island Sound, Title Page
Description: Interpretations of the exposed geological units and surface processes of easternmost Long Island Sound and westernmost Block Island Sound based on multibeam bathymetry and high-resolution seismic reflection profiles.
updated: 2008-02-01       pages include: Data Sets icon Maps icon Publications icon

Publication icon Publication
USGS OFR 2007-1191: The Geology of Six Mile Reef, Eastern Long Island Sound, Title Page
Description: Interpretations of the sedimentary environments and surface processes of Six Mile Reef based on multibeam bathymetry and subbottom seismics.
updated: 2008-02-01       pages include: Data Sets icon Maps icon Publications icon

Publication icon Publication
USGS Open-File Report 2006-1008, High-Resolution Geologic Mapping of the Inner Continental Shelf: Boston Harbor and Approaches, Massachusetts, Title Page
Description: Geologic mapping of the Massachusetts' inner continental shelf reveals a high-relief, bedrock-framed seafloor that is partially mantled with a wide variety of surfical sediments.
updated: 2008-02-01       pages include: Data Sets icon Maps icon Publications icon Photographs icon

Publication icon Publication
The Massachusetts Bay Internal Wave Experiment, August 1998: Data Report, USGS DS 85, Version 2.0, Start Page
Description: This data report presents a description of the Massachusetts Bay Internal Wave Experiment (MBIWE) field program carried out in August 1998, an overview of the data through summary plots and statistics, and the time-series data in NetCDF format. The objective of this report is to make the data available in digital form and to provide summary plots and statistics to facilitate browsing of the data set.
updated: 2008-02-01       pages include: Data Sets icon Publications icon

Research Project icon Research Project
Coastal Change Hazards: Hurricanes and Extreme Storms
Description: This project investigates the coastal impacts of hurricanes and extreme storms, such as Hurricanes Isabel (2003), Dennis (1999), Bonnie & Georges (1998), and winter storms, such as those associated with the 1997-98 El Niño.
updated: 2008-01-16       pages include: Research Materials icon Data Sets icon Maps icon Educational Materials icon Photographs icon

Educational Material icon Educational Materials
USGS Coastal Change Hazards
Description: USGS Coastal Change Hazards - Focuses on hurricanes, tsunamis, sea-level rise, shoreline erosion, wetland destruction, and other issues relevant to coastal zone management and disaster preparedness.
updated: 2008-01-01       pages include: Research Materials icon Data Sets icon Maps icon Educational Materials icon Publications icon Photographs icon Movies icon

Educational Material icon Educational Materials
Coastal and Marine Knowledge Bank
Description: An initiative to develop and present a national-scale, interdisciplinary scientific framework for marine environments, the coastal zone, and coastal watersheds
updated: 2007-11-28       pages include: Data Sets icon Maps icon Educational Materials icon Publications icon Photographs icon

Research Project icon Research Project
The Coastal Sedimentary System: Northern North Carolina
Description: The USGS, in collaboration with the State of North Carolina and university researchers, is studying the coastal sedimentary system of northern North Carolina. The primary objective is to map the regional sedimentary framework of the inner shelf in order to understand recent coastal processes, including erosion and the impacts of shoreline change.
updated: 2007-10-11       pages include: Research Materials icon Maps icon

Publication icon Publication
USGS OFR 2005-1346: USGS Open-File Report 2005-1346, Geologic Framework Studies of South Carolina's Long Bay from Little River Inlet to Winyah Bay, 1999 - 2003; Geospatial Data Release, Title Page
Description: Geologic framework studies within Long Bay, South Carolina reveal the surficial sediment distribution, sea-floor morphology, and underlying geology of the region.
updated: 2007-10-11       pages include: Data Sets icon Maps icon Publications icon

Publication icon Publication
USGS Data Series 265, Time-Series Photographs of the Sea Floor in Western Massachusetts Bay, Version 1, 1989-1993, USGS Data Series 265, Title Page
Description: This U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Data Series report presents time-series photographs of the sea floor obtained from an instrumented tripod deployed in western Massachusetts Bay (42° 22.6' N., 70° 47.0' W., 30 m water depth) from December 1989 to March 1990; July 1990 to October 1990; and October 1990 to February 1991. The objective of this report is to enable easy and rapid viewing of the photographs and to provide a medium-resolution digital archive. The images, obtained every 6 hours, are presented as a movie (in .avi format that may be viewed using an image viewer such as QuickTime or Windows Media Player) and as individual images (.jpg format.)" /> updated: 2007-10-11       pages include: Publications icon Photographs icon Movies icon

Publication icon Publication
USGS Open-File Report 2005-1345, Morphology and Texture of Modern Sediments on the Inner Shelf of South Carolina's Long Bay from Little River Inlet to Winyah Bay, Title Page
Description: Geologic framework studies within Long Bay, South Carolina reveal the surficial sediment distribution, sea-floor morphology, and underlying geology of the region.
updated: 2007-10-11       pages include: Maps icon Publications icon

Publication icon Publication
USGS OFR 2006-1199: Surficial Geology in Central Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island: Interpretations of Sidescan Sonar and Multibeam Bathymetry , Title Page
Description: Surficial geology of Central Narragansett Bay interepreted from sidescan sonar, multibeam bathymetry, and surficial sediment samples.
updated: 2007-10-11       pages include: Data Sets icon Maps icon Publications icon

Publication icon Publication
USGS OFR 2006-1357: Sea-Floor Character and Surface Processes in the Vicinity of Quicks Hole, Elizabeth Islands, Massachusetts, Title Page
Description: Interpretations of the sedimentary environments and surface processes of the Quicks Hole vicinity based on sidescan sonar, multibeam bathymetry, bottom photography, and surficial sediment samples.
updated: 2007-10-11       pages include: Data Sets icon Maps icon Publications icon Photographs icon

Publication icon Publication
USGS OFR 2007-1138: Sea-Floor Character and Sedimentary Processes of Great Round Shoal Channel, Offshore Massachusetts, Title Page
Description: Interpretations of the sedimentary environments and surface processes of Great Round Shoal Channel based on sidescan-sonar, multibeam bathymetry, bottom photography, and surficial sediment samples.
updated: 2007-10-11       pages include: Data Sets icon Maps icon Publications icon Photographs icon

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Generated Tue Nov 4 16:12:25 2008  (BJM)