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*NEW! AMPO ANNUAL CONFERENCE - Many of our sessions at the Conference have been APPROVED for CM credit.

*NEW! Joint letter on PL Rescission from AMPO, APA, NADO and NARC to Congress

*NEW! FHWA response to AMPO letter on PL Rescission

*NEW! AMPO letter to the Administration on PL Rescission related to the Energy Independence Security Act (EISA) of 2007

*NEW!The next Integrating Transportation and Land Use Planning workshop will be hosted by the Capital Area MPO in Austin, TX on November 17th & 18th. The draft agenda and registration are NOW available.

*NEW! AMPO members testify in Q&A session with the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee's Subcommittee on Highways and Transit (9/18/08):

*NEW! AMPO POLICY DOCUMENT(authorization framework)

Colleague-to-Colleague, Person-to-Person: Please think of those persons' lives who were so dramatically impacted by Hurricane Ike.
Gulf Coast Relief Fund

South East Texas Emergency Relief Fund

*NEW! FHWA, in partnership with AMPO and facilitated by the Resource Systems Group, held four peer exchanges in 2007 and 2008. The reports from these are now available online. Topics were: Financial Uncertainty and YOE, Security Planning, Climate Change, and MPO Effectiveness

A memorandum, put together by the AMPO legal team, surveys recent developments in the area of global warming and possible implications for MPOs and transportation planning. Members can view this on the Members Only page.

Presentation by DeLania Hardy, Executive Director: Talking With AMPO

Presentation by Ron Kirby, National Capital Region Transportation Planning Board, addresses Senate Environment and Public Works Committee Staff on Planning and Project Delivery: Transportation Project Development

Transportation Economic Land Use System (TELUS) is an information-management and decision-support software system  designed specifically for MPOs and state DOTs.  Click HERE for more information on this free tool.

Keep America Moving video.  AMPO and NADO release awareness video for MPO Board members, transportation officials and the public.


The Association of Metropolitan Planning Organizations (AMPO) is a nonprofit, membership organization established in 1994 to serve the needs and interests of " metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs)" nationwide. Federal highway and transit statutes require, as a condition for spending federal highway or transit funds in urbanized areas, the designation of MPOs, which have responsibility for planning, programming and coordination of federal highway and transit investments. AMPO offers its member MPOs technical assistance and training, conferences and workshops, frequent print and electronic communications, research, a forum for transportation policy development and coalition building, and a variety of other services. The nine-member AMPO Board of Directors is directly elected by the membership, including the President and Vice President. The majority of the Board seats are held by local elected officials who are active members of their respective MPOs and play a vital leadership role in the affairs of AMPO. Full-membership in AMPO is open to all MPOs and associate memberships are available to all interested parties.


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Weekly Legislative Update

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The Impacts on MPOs -U.S. DOT Report

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Update: Transportation Appropriations

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House Committee Passes Saving Energy Through Public Transportation Act of 2008

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Ron Kirby's House T&I Testimony

AMPO Alerts 2008
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Metropolitan Mobility Caucus

Visit AMPO's Archives


BRIEF: Socorro mayor seeks action from railroad
11/04/2008 | 03:10 am
Nov. 4--EL PASO -- Socorro Mayor Trini Lopez has a pair of gripes for Union Pacific railroad, which ...

Public Transit Moves County Forward
11/03/2008 | 09:19 pm
By Carol Fricke, Lina Teeter, Rob Heasley and Daniel P.l McGlinn Kalamazoo Gazette (Mich.) Public t...

MPO commits to trolley
11/03/2008 | 06:25 pm
While Anna Maria Island has just 3 percent of the population of Manatee County, it contributes more ...

Reminder: Next Shreveport budget meeting today
11/03/2008 | 05:47 pm
The next Shreveport City Council meeting on the 2009 budget is today at 5:15 p.m. The work session w...

NARC Washington, DC Update - 10/31/08
11/03/2008 | 04:51 pm
TRANSPORTATIONBRIEF Senate: Boxer Outlines Priorities for EPW Committee The Senate Environment and ...

Safety dots to be painted on local highway
11/03/2008 | 07:03 am
The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) will introduce its "Dot tailgating treatment...

Daily commutes are changing: Energy-efficient ways to get to work gaining favor
11/03/2008 | 06:35 am
Not only have high fuel costs help frustrate an already anxious nation, but they have also drawn att...

State Route 126 takes center stage in House race (1)
11/03/2008 | 05:28 am
INDIAN SPRINGS A political blamestorm has been raining over State Route 126 during this election se...

State Route 126 takes center stage in House race (0)
11/03/2008 | 12:52 am
INDIAN SPRINGS A political blamestorm has been raining over State Route 126 during this election se...

Candidates all over the road on issues
11/03/2008 | 12:36 am
Michael Way will be closed to traffic beginning Monday through Nov. 10 for sewer line installation, ...


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Washington, DC 20005
Copyright © 2008 AMPO
202.296.7051 Fax: 202.296.7054

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