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Fact Sheets (Program Highlights)
01/01/1992 - OSHA's Full Service Area Offices

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U.S. Department of Labor
Program Highlights

Fact Sheet No. OSHA 92-13


Local offices of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) carry out a balanced mix of programs -- enforcement, state programs, voluntary compliance programs, and training and education.

The agency encourages communities to call upon OSHA and its staff for a variety of services and technical assistance aimed at promoting safe and healthful working conditions.

For example, OSHA safety and health personnel are available to speak at civic clubs, union meetings, and trade association gatherings. When appropriate, OSHA field offices will issue news releases at the local level and brief newspaper and broadcast reporters. These outreach efforts are designed to explain new OSHA standards, encourage participation in OSHA rulemakings and answer questions about the agency's approach to workplace safety and health. These are also ways the agency can promote strong workplace safety and health programs and alert employers and employees to training courses available through the OSHA Training Institute. As with the enforcement programs, OSHA targets its outreach efforts on high hazard industries.

The OSHA compliance staff is also familiar with the work of other federal and state agencies and professional safety and health organizations. Thus, they can refer callers to other sources of help such as the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, the Environmental Protection Agency, or the Employment Standards Administration.

OSHA also shares, to the extent possible, technical equipment and materials. Lists of equipment and materials which can be borrowed or reviewed within the OSHA office are available at each area office and also at each closing conference following an inspection.

Local OSHA offices can also provide prepackaged training programs to unions or trade groups, or hold brief training sessions in the office conference room. If intensive training is needed, the staff will refer inquirers to the OSHA Training Institute to an OSHA-approved educational center. Other sources for training and education may include OSHA grantees who have developed programs with OSHA's financial assistance.

Other topics for high-hazard small business include OSHA's free consultation program; voluntary protection programs: Star, Merit, and Demonstration; off-site employer abatement assistance; onsite consultation for federal agencies; and safety and health program assistance.

In short, although OSHA continues to conduct inspections, the agency now offers additional services at its area offices. By broadening the scope of its service, OSHA expects to better assist employers and employees in preventing occupational injury and illness.

Reducing workplace accidents and disease remains the agency's primary goal. Expanded outreach, referrals, training and education, and voluntary compliance will enable the agency to work more effectively with employers, employees, and the general public to achieve that goal.

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This is one of a series of fact sheets highlighting U.S. Department of Labor programs. It is intended as a general description only and does not carry the force of legal opinion. This information will be made available to sensory impaired individuals upon request. Voice phone: (202) 523-8151. TDD message referral phone: 1-800-326-2577.

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Washington, DC 20210