Other Reforms
The goals in the President's Management Agenda are being
undertaken in advance of, not instead of, other needed
management improvements. As part of OMB's pursuit of the Agenda,
Office of Management and Budget Director Mitch Daniels has
called attention to several other matters requiring the
Administration's attention:
- Reduced Vehicle Fleets:
One Cabinet Department reports more vehicles than employees, and
five agencies appear to have at least one vehicle for every
three FTEs. On April 10, 2002, Mitch Daniels wrote department
and agency heads asking for information and ideas to tighten
control of the federal vehicle fleet. 
- Tighter Controls and Action on Abuse of Government Charge Cards:
Recent reports by the General Accounting Office and Inspectors
General have raised serious concerns regarding the adequacy of
controls to monitor the use of the more than 2.5 million
government credit cards now in circulation. On April 18, 2002,
Mitch Daniels asked departments and agencies to tighten control
of their purchase and travel card programs. 
- Saving Taxpayer Dollars on Printing Costs:
Executive Branch departments and agencies should not be required
to select the Government Printing Office when more efficient and
cost-effective options are available through the private sector
or other avenues. On May 3, 2002, Mitch Daniels wrote
departments and agencies with new guidelines for their printing
and duplicating needs.