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National Advisory Committee on Microbiological Criteria for Foods
Minutes of Plenary Session: September 28, 2005

Omni Colonnade Hotel
180 Aragon Avenue
Coral Gables, FL

Dr. Richard Raymond, USDA, Under Secretary for Food Safety, Chair opened the meeting at 8:30 AM, Wednesday, September 28. Both the Chair and the Vice-Chair, Dr. Robert Brackett, Director, Food and Drug Administration/Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (FDA/CFSAN), made opening remarks.

Subcommittee Reports/Work

Dr. Daniel Engeljohn, Subcommittee Chair of Analytical Utility of Campylobacter Methodologies, presented their final report to the Full Committee for consideration of adoption. After deliberations the document: "Analytical Utility of Campylobacter Methodologies" was adopted with changes (1st motion by Irene Wesley, 2nd motion Joseph Madden).

Dr. Lee-Ann Jaykus, filling in for Mr. Spencer Garrett, Subcommittee Chair for the Determination of Cooking Parameters for Safe Seafood for Consumers, provided an interim report on a draft document. Dr. Jaykus asked Dr. Brackett if the group could address the questions in the charge in a different order, and he concurred. Dr. Jaykus also asked for clarification on whether FDA wanted the Subcommittee to address some of the microbial toxins, such as Staphylococcus aureus enterotoxin, and also those that that might be associated with harmful algal blooms, and histamine. Dr. Brackett indicated that it was originally intended that just microbiological agents be considered, and that it was acceptable that the Subcommittee exclude these toxins from discussions. No action was taken.

Dr. Daniel Engeljohn, Subcommittee Chair, Consumer Guidelines for the Safe Cooking of Poultry Products, summarized the group's document and reported that he believes their work is complete. The group's next step will be to provide a draft document to the full Committee for review and comment before it is presented at the next plenary for consideration of adoption.

Introduction of Concept for an Upcoming Charge

Dr. Robert Brackett introduced the concept for a future charge to the Committee, Assessment of the Food Safety Importance and Public Health Significance of Mycobcterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (MAP). He explained that he was presenting a pre-charge or heads-up, at this time and that FDA will be working to develop specific charge statements, as well as determining experts to be brought in to augment information available to the Committee, and that the formal charge would be presented to NACMCF at the next meeting. Dr. Brackett indicated that MAP is associated with an animal disease known as Johne's disease, which is an infectious bacterial disease in ruminants. Johne's has been spreading slowly through the domestic livestock population. MAP has been isolated from the environment, water, a variety of foods, including milk and ground beef. The organism is being investigated as an animal pathogen that has the potential of being transmitted to humans, and that is why it is of concern. Dr. Brackett pointed out that it is important to identify research that is needed relating to food safety, and to eliminate MAP as a potential cause of human illness.

Public Comment

Mr. Mark Worth, Public Citizen, provided comments related to seafood safety. He indicated that his group, along with the Center for Food Safety, have filed extensive comments with FDA regarding the FDA's recent approval of the use of irradiation to eradicate Vibrio, and other microorganisms in various seafood products. He made several comments on specific aspects of FDA's rule. He asked, despite acknowledging that it was not under the purview of USDA, how big of a role does the Agency see irradiation as being as an intervention step for pathogens in mollusks?

NACMCF Response to Public Comments

Dr. Raymond explained that the seafood cook group only presented an interim report (their work is ongoing), and invited Mr. Worth to attend the seafood cook Subcommittee work sessions to see if his questions would be addressed. Dr. Brackett explained that the very specific charge with respect to seafoods the Subcommittee was charged with is: "determination of cooking parameters for safe seafood for consumers." He indicated that this was the only thing the Subcommittee would be deliberating with respect to seafood. He also explained that the Committee is asked to provide scientific information on very specific issues that are addressed in the agenda, and that the Committee is not to make policy as to what USDA, or FDA, would choose to do in the future.


Dr. Raymond adjourned the meeting at approximately 12:00 noon, Wednesday, September 28, 2005.

A list of NACMF members in attendance and outside participants follows. Further meeting details are available in the meeting transcripts.

9-28-05 NACMCF Meeting Participants

  • Chair: Dr. Richard Raymond
  • Vice-Chair: Dr. Robert Brackett
  • NACMCF Members:
    • Dr. Gary Ades
    • Dr. Kathryn Boor
    • Dr. Scott Brooks
    • Dr. Peggy Cook
    • Dr. Daniel Engeljohn
    • Dr. Timothy Freier
    • Dr. Linda Harris
    • Dr. Walt Hill
    • Dr. Michael Jahncke
    • Dr. Lee-Ann Jaykus
    • MAJ Robin King
    • Dr. Barbara Kowalcyk
    • Dr. Joseph Madden
    • Dr. Alejandro Mazzotta
    • Dr. Jianghong Meng
    • Dr. Dale Morse
    • Dr. Eli Perencevich
    • Dr. Donald Schaffner
    • Ms. Virginia Scott
    • Dr. John Sofos
    • Dr. Sterling Thompson
    • Dr. Irene Wesley
    • Dr. Donald Zink
  • NACMCF Members Attending by Phone:
    • Dr. Patricia Griffin
    • Dr. Ann Marie McNamara
    • Ms. Angela Ruple
    • Ms. Emille Cole for Mr. Spencer Garrett
  • NACMCF Executive Committee:
    • Dr. LeeAnne Jackson, FDA
    • LTC. Bradford Hildabrand, DOD
    • Dr. Arthur Liang, CDC
    • Dr. David Goldman, FSIS
  • FSIS Staff:
    • Ms. Gerri Ransom, NACMCF Executive Secretariat
    • Ms. Karen Thomas, Advisory Committee Specialist
    • Dr. Celine Nadon
    • Ms. Nisha Oatman
  • FDA Staff:
    • Dr. Mary Losikoff.
  • Outside Participant:
    • Mr. Mark Worth, Public Citizen

Last Modified: March 23, 2006



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