May 29, 2003, Extra Credit
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May 29, 2003
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NCLB helps keep kids safe, brings more $
Following are excerpts from NBC's KY3 News' coverage of deputy undersecretary Eric Andell's visit to Springfield, Mo.:

"One of President George W. Bush's top education deputies toured three schools in Springfield on Tuesday. Eric Andell, a deputy undersecretary at the Department of Education, visited two schools in the Springfield School District as well as the Greenwood Laboratory School.

"Andell wanted to see the impact on students of character education and Safe and Drug-Free Schools programs. Those are parts of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 that Bush got Congress to approve.

"Andell spotlighted the improved performance at Campbell Elementary, 506 S. Grant, since character education was adopted. He attended the school's weekly challenge assembly and toured some classrooms. Andell says schools in Missouri have had success using the character education program, which has resulted in more federal money for education.

"Andell also visited Cherokee Middle School, 420 E. Plainview Road, in the southern part of the district, to hear about its character education and Safe and Drug Free Schools curriculum. He talked to students who are part of the Peer Mediation Team, a Breakfast Club, the Arrow Club and a journalism class.

"At Greenwood, Andell planned to hear about the development of curriculum that emphasizes public affairs and civic responsibility. Public affairs education is a mission of Southwester Missouri State University, which owns and runs greenwood as part of its College of Education.

"Andell directs the Office of Safe and Drug-Free Schools at the Department of Education. That office oversees activities related to safe schools, crisis response, alcohol and drug prevention, health and well being of students and building strong character and citizenship."


About Extra Credit
NCLB Extra Credit is a regular look at the No Child Left Behind Act, President Bush's landmark education reform initiative passed with bipartisan support in Congress.

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Last Modified: 08/23/2003

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