May 16, 2003, Extra Credit
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May 16, 2003
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As Title I Funding for Rhode Island Increases 25 Percent in Just One Year, Governor Don Carcieri Praises No Child Left Behind
Rhode Island yesterday became the 18th state to have its No Child Left Behind state accountability plan approved by the U.S. Department of Education. Following are excerpts from the Providence Journal's coverage of the announcement:

"Everyone from Governor Carcieri to Rhode Island Education Commissioner Peter McWalters lauded the federal law for demanding that schools and states raise the performance of all students, not just white, middle-class ones."

"Both Carcieri and McWalters said yesterday that Rhode Island has many of the systems in place required by federal law. The state already tests students in selected grades, compares the performance of schools and measures their progress, and has established a series of consequences for schools that consistently fail to improve."

"At a State House ceremony yesterday, Susan Sclafani, counselor to U.S. Secretary of Education Rod Paige, praised Rhode Island for being 'in the vanguard of those who recognize that No Child Left Behind is the right thing to do.'"

"Sclafani ... said Rhode Island is getting a 25-percent increase in Title 1 dollars over the current $39.2 million. Title 1 refers to a federal program that targets schools where a majority of the students live at or near the poverty line. Approximately one-third of Rhode Island's schools receive Title 1 funds."

The complete text of the Providence Journal article can be found at:


About Extra Credit
NCLB Extra Credit is a regular look at the No Child Left Behind Act, President Bush's landmark education reform initiative passed with bipartisan support in Congress.

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