May 12, 2003, Extra Credit
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May 12, 2003
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Education & the Workforce Chairman Boehner: "No Child Left Behind isn't the problem in our nation's schools; it's part of the solution."
Following is the text of a letter to the editor published in yesterday's South Bend Tribune:

New education law offers solution

Regarding the "No child left behind, no time to waste," Tribune editorial on April 24 and the April 29 story, "Superintendent, trustees blast NCLB demands":

Last summer, I had the distinct pleasure of traveling to South Bend to meet with local education leaders, including Superintendent Joan Raymond, about the historic No Child Left Behind law. I was extremely impressed with their commitment to ensuring that all children learn.

During the meeting, we discussed the important goals of No Child Left Behind and the challenges facing local school districts. This is why I was surprised to read that the law does not come with any new resources.

It includes historic increases in Title I federal aid to our most disadvantaged students. Overall funding for Title I has increased by $2.9 billion since the enactment of No Child Left Behind, including an estimated $34 million increase for Indiana. In the first year of the law alone, the South Bend Community School Corp. received a $1.2 million (26.4 percent) increase in federal Title I aid. It is set to receive another significant increase in Title I aid this year as well. Schools that are identified as "needing improvement" qualify for more resources -- not less -- under No Child Left Behind. The new law also ensures that these new resources come with fewer strings attached, giving school districts more flexibility to use those funds as they see fit.

No Child Left Behind isn't the problem in our nation's schools; it's part of the solution.

U.S. Rep. John A. Boehner, R-Ohio
Chairman, Committee of Education and the Workforce


About Extra Credit
NCLB Extra Credit is a regular look at the No Child Left Behind Act, President Bush's landmark education reform initiative passed with bipartisan support in Congress.

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Last Modified: 08/23/2003

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