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“In three words, I can sum up everything I've learned about life. It goes on.”

Robert Frost



Living Your Life


OK. You're in your new place. Now what? It'd be so easy to just curl up in a ball and hide in your room, wouldn't it? But what will that accomplish? Not much more than making you miserable and passing that misery on to everyone else in your house.

Someone once said that a mind is like a parachute. It only works when it's open. If you only consider one point of view, you won't stretch. And if you don't stretch, you won't grow. So, yeah, one point of view you can take is that your life is unfair because you had to move again. What's another way to look at things? You can look at this new place as an adventure, an opportunity and a personal challenge.

Do a quick attitude check; how are you feeling and what are you thinking? That's your attitude; and it can be really positive or really negative; or somewhere in between.

You may not like what is happening to you right now, but if you remember to check your attitude, your attitude will improve, and you will have a really good chance to grow, learn, and, best of all, just be happy.

Each day in your new life brings a new start.



The attitude you have when you roll out of bed in the morning influences how the rest of the day goes for you. If you start the day with a negative attitude, focusing on all the things you don’t like, the chance of having a positive day go right down the drain. But, if your attitude is hopeful and positive, and you’re looking for the good, the chances of enjoying yourself are practically guaranteed.


teen boy sitting with a skateboard


“We moved to the installation in June, right after school got out for the summer. So I just looked for the nearest mall, and started applying for jobs. I ended up working in a music store, and by the time school started, I think I had already met everyone in my entire high school. That summer job totally helped me. I actually looked forward to my first day of school!”

Autumn, 15