October 25, 2005 Extra Credit
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October 25, 2005

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October 24
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Rossview High School Under NCLB: "Our Scores Skyrocketed"

The following are excerpts from an article appearing in the Clarksville [TN] Leaf-Chronicle (10-22):

"Rossview High School had lots of work to do in 2003.

"The school landed on the No Child Left Behind ‘target list’ that year because a subgroup of students did not meet the federal benchmark in reading/language arts.

"‘When the scores came back, we decided we needed to fix that,’ said Rossview High School English teacher Angela Smith.

"English teachers at the school developed a plan. Using the students' benchmark assessments and scores, the teachers began offering tutoring sessions to students who needed them. They created assignments tailored to the students' needs, and seniors in advanced English classes helped once a week during advisory periods.

"The result has been peers helping each other, and students' scores improving.

"Rossview High School met all 2005 federal benchmarks and will be removed from the ‘high priority’ list if it meets the benchmarks next year.

"‘Apparently it worked, because our scores skyrocketed,’ Smith said.

"Teachers decided to continue the peer tutoring sessions, which have been well received by the tutors and the students being helped.

"Freshman Emily Quinn said the extra assistance helps her improve in her reading skills.

"‘My reading level is not where it should be, so I receive help from teachers all the time,’ she said. ‘I think the tutoring is good, because the help will get me to where I need to be.’"


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