October 6, 2005 Extra Credit
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October 6, 2005

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October 5
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"Keeping up the Momentum"

The following article appeared in The (MI) Grand Rapids Press (10-06-05):

"The Greenville school district has made the grade.

"Assistant Superintendent Pete Haines said the district achieved adequate yearly progress, a benchmark schools must meet for accreditation under the federal No Child Left Behind Act.

"Greenville didn't make adequate yearly progress last year.

""It made for a great kickoff to the new school year," Haines said of this year's benchmark.

"Schools must show improvement on Michigan Educational Assessment Program test scores each year to meet adequate yearly progress, and those that fall short face a progressive series of sanctions.

""The purpose of the (No Child Left Behind) law -- that all children succeed in school -- has long been the mission of Greenville Public Schools," said Superintendent Terance Lunger.

"He said the district met the benchmark with professional development for teachers, computer software to track student mastery of curriculum, mentoring and extended-year opportunities for struggling students.

""Quality teaching alone is not enough," Haines said. "Over the last couple of school years, staff members have analyzed achievement data. They intervened with strategic responses to the learning needs of students, with the goal of exceeding the standards outlined in No Child Left Behind. Their efforts really paid off."

"He said the district's new goal is "to keep the momentum.""


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