June 26, 2003, Extra Credit
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June 26, 2003
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No Child Left Behind's Reading First Program Helps Provide Reading Facilitators and Teacher Training in Kansas Elementary Schools
No Child Left Behind's Reading First program provides grants to states to help schools and districts improve children's reading achievement through scientifically proven methods of instruction. The following excerpts from an article in the Arkansas City Traveler—reporting on the use of a $372,274 Reading First grant in Arkansas City, Kan.—provide just one example of how this program is making a real difference in schools across the country.

"'This is pretty exciting,' said Dr. Perry Perkins, superintendent of schools. 'There's a lot of research to indicate that this program is going to be successful. It will be a major type of program. Two hours will be set aside for reading, and we will be hiring some people who are certified for regular teaching positions.' The plan is to hire a media specialist and two reading facilitators—one for each school, Perkins said. Their salaries are covered by grant money."

"According to [assistant superintendent Dr. Jan Voss] the program would provide teacher training as well as intensive reading and writing classes for students. ... 'Assessment results will determine not only additional reading skill group time (30 minutes), but also students targeted for additional individual or small group tutoring,' Voss said."

"Adams and Jefferson qualified for the grant because of their rank by four criteria: number and percentage of kindergarten through third grade students not on grade level for reading; number and percentage of students on free and reduced lunch; number of years on Title I School Improvement, and whether or not schools have received Comprehensive School Reform (CSR) grants."

The complete text of this article was published in the June 25, 2003 edition of The Arkansas City Traveler. It is no longer available online.


About Extra Credit
NCLB Extra Credit is a regular look at the No Child Left Behind Act, President Bush's landmark education reform initiative passed with bipartisan support in Congress.

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Last Modified: 08/24/2004

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