June 20, 2003, Extra Credit
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June 20, 2003
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Minnesota Education Commissioner Says Accountability is Working
Noting that accountability is the hallmark of the new federal No Child Left Behind Act, the Minneapolis Star Tribune reported today that Minnesota's third- and fifth-graders showed clear improvement on state reading and math scores released Thursday, giving state and local education officials cause for optimism that their focus on accountability is beginning to show results. Following are excerpts from the article:

Minnesota Education Commissioner Cheri Pierson Yecke said the improvement shows that teachers and principals are reaching all children. They also are working hard to avoid being listed as low-performing, she said. That tells me that accountability is working, she said. I have heard from so many principals, saying, I do not want my school on that list. And they know what to do to stay off of that list.

Overall, gains made by St. Paul schools in every category outpaced state growth. Maria Lamb, the district's educational officer, said: We are very focused in St. Paul. [You're seeing gains] because we are very focused on literacy and integrated math. We are also very focused on teacher training.

This article is no longer available online.


About Extra Credit
NCLB Extra Credit is a regular look at the No Child Left Behind Act, President Bush's landmark education reform initiative passed with bipartisan support in Congress.

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