June 17, 2003, Extra Credit
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June 17, 2003
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Free Tutoring Comes to Portland; Helps Students at Schools In Need of Improvement
As reported in yesterday's Oregonian, "Free tutoring—from pre-algebra to SAT prep courses—is available this summer for students at four struggling Portland schools." The tutoring programs, offered in Portland by Kaplan Learning Services and the YMCA among other groups, are part of the bipartisan No Child Left Behind law championed by President Bush.

Following are excerpts from the article:

"About 800 slots have been set aside for summer programs at Whitaker Middle School, and Jefferson, Roosevelt and Marshall high schools. Any student who attends one of the schools and who qualifies for free or reduced-price lunch is eligible."

"The six-week sessions, which start this month, are required by the federal No Child Left Behind law. It aims to improve learning by identifying academically struggling schools then pushing them to produce better results."

"Unlike typical summer programs, the sessions aren't just for students who have failed classes and need to earn credits. Any qualified student who wants help with reading, writing, math or study skills may sign up."

"Each school is offering different courses and schedules. But Dunya Minoo, the Portland Public Schools employee coordinating the programs, said there are similarities. All will offer help in reading and math. All will feature low student-teacher ratios. All will provide bus service or bus passes for students. High school programs will offer help for Spanish speakers."

The complete text of this article is available by subscription at:


About Extra Credit
NCLB Extra Credit is a regular look at the No Child Left Behind Act, President Bush's landmark education reform initiative passed with bipartisan support in Congress.

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Last Modified: 12/14/2004

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