October 1, 2003, Extra Credit
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October 1, 2003
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Federal Teacher Quality Enhancement Grant Funds Mentoring Program For New Teachers In Virginia

A key component of the No Child Left Behind law is the goal of placing a highly qualified teacher in every classroom. To help states and local schools meet that goal, the federal government provides numerous grants and other initiatives to help teachers.

The Teacher Quality Enhancement Grant program, part of the Higher Education Act, helps improve the recruitment, preparation, licensing, and support of new teachers. The following Associated Press article details just one way the state of Virginia is using its federal Teacher Quality Enhancement Grant to support new teachers:

$1 million in federal grants to support new Virginia teachers
Associated Press, September 29, 2003

RICHMOND — More than $1 million in government grants are headed to schools throughout Virginia to support new teachers and to keep them in the classroom.

The Virginia Department of Education announced Monday that six Virginia school divisions and four regional consortiums representing 26 additional school systems will receive the grants to pilot the mentoring programs.

At a time when teachers in many subject areas and disciplines are in short supply, Virginia cannot afford to have talented men and women leave the classroom because of the discouragement that sometimes accompanies the first year of teaching," Gov. Mark R. Warner said in a statement.

Nationally, about 9 percent of new teachers leave the classroom before completing their first year of teaching and nearly 30 percent leave the profession within five years.

The Mentor Teacher Pilot Grants are part of a $13.5 million Teacher Quality Enhancement Grant Virginia received last fall from the U.S. Department of Education.


About Extra Credit
NCLB Extra Credit is a regular look at the No Child Left Behind Act, President Bush's landmark education reform initiative passed with bipartisan support in Congress.

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