October 2, 2003, Extra Credit
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October 2, 2003
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In Albany, New York, Free Tutoring Gets An A+ From Parents

Following is an article from Capital News 9 in Albany, New York:

Federal funds pay for tutoring programs
By: Megan Baker

Valarie Garland's son Brandon is repeating the 11th grade this year. That troubles Garland who knows her son could do better if he had some extra help.

She said, "I consulted with the 11th grade school counselor, the principal, the assistant principal. They never had any resources for me."

But now under the No Child Left Behind Act, children who attend a school that hasn't met federal standards for two years can enroll in tutoring programs.

Secretary of Education Rod Paige said, "It doesn't cost the parent anything. It will be paid for by the school system using funds from the federal title one allocation to the states."

School districts are required to tell parents if their child's school is on the list of schools in need of improvement.

Program providers said the after school programs really work.

Services coordinator Alberta Paul said, "We are finding that students are paying attention to the instruction, paying attention to the directions from the teacher, beginning to have relationships that are positive with their peers."

For Garland and many other parents of children with poor grades, this is a program that gets an A+.

Enrollment for the after school programs is going on now. Parents should call their school to find out if they are eligible and how to enroll.


About Extra Credit
NCLB Extra Credit is a regular look at the No Child Left Behind Act, President Bush's landmark education reform initiative passed with bipartisan support in Congress.

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