IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA ) ELOUISE PEPION COBELL, et al., ) ) No. 1:96cv01285 (JR) Plaintiffs, ) v. ) ) DIRK KEMPTHORNE, Secretary of ) the Interior, et al., ) ) Defendants. ) ____________________________________) INTERIOR DEFENDANTS’ NOTICE OF FILING CERTIFICATION OF THE ADMINISTRATIVE RECORD Interior Defendants respectfully file the certification of the Administrative Record (“AR”) in support of the Department of the Interior’s Plan for Completing the Historical Accounting of Individual Indian Money Accounts. The AR was filed with the Court on July 9, 2007 [Dkt. 3357], and supplemented on August 31, 2007 [Dkt. 3381]. The certification was executed by Jeffrey P. Zippin, Deputy Director of the Office of Historical Accounting, United States Department of the Interior. Dated: September 19, 2007 Respectfully submitted, PETER D. KEISLER Assistant Attorney General MICHAEL F. HERTZ Deputy Assistant Attorney General J. CHRISTOPHER KOHN Director /s/ Robert E. Kirschman, Jr. ROBERT E. KIRSCHMAN, JR. (D.C. Bar No. 406635) Deputy Director Commercial Litigation Branch Civil Division P.O. Box 875 Ben Franklin Station Washington, D.C. 20044-0875 (202) 616-0328 -2­ CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that, on September 19, 2007 the foregoing Interior Defendants’ Notice of Filing Certification of the Administrative Record was served by Electronic Case Filing, and on the following who is not registered for Electronic Case Filing, by facsimile: Earl Old Person (Pro se) Blackfeet Tribe P.O. Box 850 Browning, MT 59417 Fax (406) 338-7530 /s/ Kevin P. Kingston Kevin P. Kingston IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA ELOUISE PEPION COBELL, ) Plaintiffs, ) v: ) DIRK KEMPTHORNE, Secretary ofthe mterior, ), ) Defendants ) Case No.1: 96CV01285 (Judge Robertson) DECLARATION OF JEFFREY P. ZIPPIN CERTIFYING ADMINISTRATIVE RECORD I, Jeffrey P. Zippin, Deputy Director of the Office of Historical Accounting, United States Department ofthe mterior, certify as follows: • that the attached index reflects the documents constituting the Administrative Record supporting the Plan for Completing the Historical Accounting ofIndividual Indian Money Accounts ofMay 31,2007 and the Historical Accounting Plan for Individual Indian Money Accounts of January 6,2003; • that the documents reflected by this index are official records of the Department of the mterior and are in the legal custody of the Department of the mterior; • that true copies ofthe documents reflected by this index were provided to the Court and to the plaintiffs on July 9, 2007 and on August 31, 2007; • that the documents reflected by this index are those considere'd by the Department of the mterior in formulating the plans identified above, as well as documents that demonstrate implementation ofthe Plans or provide explanatory or background material. Interior Defendants' Notice of Filing Certification ofthe Administrative Record I declare that the foregoing is true and correct to the best ofmy knowledge, information, and belief. 9/17/07 Date Jeffrey P. Zippin, Deputy Director Office of Historical Trust Accounting United States Department of the Interior 2 Interior Defendants' Notice of Filing Certification ofthe Administrative Record INDEX OF DOCUMENTS ADMINISTRATIVE RECORD For the January 6, 2003, Historical Accounting Plan for Individual Indian Money Accounts and the May 31, 2007, Plan for Completing the Historical Accounting Date Author Doc Type Document Title Purple/Green Plan Start Bates Number Ending Bates Number ACCOUNTING PROCEDURES Accounting Reconciliation Tool (ART) Manual 8/1/2004 Manual Accounting Reconciliation Tool (ART) Manual Purple and Green D000-000-HTA-WDC-000044-0002-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000044-0002-0221 Accounting Reconciliation Tool (ART) Manual 1/24/2003 Brief Brief for Brian Burns, CIO of BIA Re: ART D000-000-HTA-WDC-000002-0002-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000002-0002-0013 Accounting Reconciliation Tool (ART) Manual 1/10/2003 Historical Accounting System - Additional Functionality D000-000-HTA-WDC-000002-0003-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000002-0003-0006 Accounting Reconciliation Tool (ART) Manual 1/6/2003 Reconciliation Tool Project Plan D000-000-HTA-WDC-000002-0004-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000002-0004-0075 Accounting Reconciliation Tool (ART) Manual 12/16/2002 Srebrow Email Historic Accounting System D000-000-HTA-WDC-000002-0005-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000002-0005-0002 Accounting Reconciliation Tool (ART) Manual 10/15/2002 Dunne-CD&L Memo Joint Application Development Session - Washington, DC 9/5-6/2002 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000002-0006-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000002-0006-0019 Accounting Reconciliation Tool (ART) Manual 12/9/2002 ART Software Requirements Specification D000-000-HTA-WDC-000002-0007-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000002-0007-0083 Accounting Standards Manual 3/30/2007 Deloitte Manual Accounting Standards Manual, 8th Revision Green D000-000-HTA-WDC-000044-0001-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000044-0001-0581 Accounting Standards Manual 1/22/2003 Turner - Deloitte Email w/attachments Accounting Standards Manual-Sections 17 & 18 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000001-0002-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000001-0002-0029 Accounting Standards Manual 12/18/2002 Policies, Procedures and Historical Accounting Reconciliation Manual D000-000-HTA-WDC-000001-0003-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000001-0003-0138 Accounting Standards Manual 12/14/2002 Turner - Deloitte Email w/attachments Updated Sampling Document D000-000-HTA-WDC-000001-0004-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000001-0004-0016 Accounting Standards Manual 12/13/2002 Brunner - KPMG Email OHTA Manual Chs. 15, 17 and 18 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000001-0005-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000001-0005-0003 Accounting Standards Manual 12/11/2002 Chavarria - CD&L Email w/attachments OHTA Manual Chs 18 and 19 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000001-0006-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000001-0006-0033 Accounting Standards Manual 12/10/2002 Edwards Email w/attachments Standards Manual D000-000-HTA-WDC-000001-0007-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000001-0007-0003 Accounting Standards Manual 12/7/2002 Beck - GT Email w/attachments Accounting Standards Manual - Please Respond with Comments by Dec 13th D000-000-HTA-WDC-000001-0008-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000001-0008-0015 Accounting Standards Manual 11/17/2002 Edwards Email Working Draft of Accounting Standards Manual Update D000-000-HTA-WDC-000001-0009-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000001-0009-0001 Accounting Standards Manual 11/15/2002 Beck - GT Email w/attachments Working Draft of Accounting Standards Manual Update D000-000-HTA-WDC-000001-0010-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000001-0010-0112 Accounting Standards Manual 11/5/2002 Beck - GT Email w/attachments Draft - Updates to Accounting Standards Manual - Variances and Reconciliation Results D000-000-HTA-WDC-000001-0011-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000001-0011-0008 Accounting Standards Manual 11/1/2002 Dunne - CD&L Email w/attachments Comments on Accounting Standards Manual v 4.1 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000001-0012-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000001-0012-0003 Accounting Standards Manual 11/1/2002 Edwards Email Incorporation of Breach 1 Concepts into Accounting Standards Manual D000-000-HTA-WDC-000001-0013-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000001-0013-0001 Accounting Standards Manual 11/1/2002 Edwards Email Gustavson Associates D000-000-HTA-WDC-000001-0014-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000001-0014-0001 Accounting Standards Manual 11/1/2002 Edwards Email Nature of Historical Accountings-Professional Standards D000-000-HTA-WDC-000001-0015-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000001-0015-0001 Accounting Standards Manual 7/15/2002 Edwards Memo w/attachments Memo distributing Accounting Standards Manual D000-000-HTA-WDC-000001-0016-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000001-0016-0249 Accounting Standards Manual 6/17/2002 Manual Working Draft-Accounting Standards Manual D000-000-HTA-WDC-000001-0017-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000001-0017-0092 Accounting Standards Manual 3/12/2002 Bilbrey - EY Email Accounting Methods Paper D000-000-HTA-WDC-000001-0018-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000001-0018-0014 Imaging and Coding Manual 3/30/2007 Manual Office of Historical Trust Account Coding and Imaging Manual Revision 3 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000044-0003-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000044-0003-0430 Imaging and Coding Manual 3/30/2007 Manual Electronic Coding and Imaging Examples D000-000-HTA-WDC-000044-0004-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000044-0004-01512 Imaging and Coding Manual 12/27/2002 Email Expanding acceptable transfer formats: Transfer Instructions for Scanned Images of Textual Records D000-000-HTA-WDC-000043-0002-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000043-0002-0030 Imaging and Coding Manual 11/25/2002 Email Potential Document Types D000-000-HTA-WDC-000043-0003-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000043-0003-0001 Imaging and Coding Manual 11/22/2002 Email 11/20 Requirements Meeting in ABQ, inc Indexing Proposal and Records Mtg docs D000-000-HTA-WDC-000043-0004-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000043-0004-0009 Imaging and Coding Manual 11/15/2002 Jiang-Ecompex Email Document - Imagining and Coding D000-000-HTA-WDC-000043-0005-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000043-0005-0005 Imaging and Coding Manual 11/14/2002 LABAT Presentation Imaging and Information Integration in Support of an Historical Accounting of IIM Accounts D000-000-HTA-WDC-000043-0006-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000043-0006-0026 Imaging and Coding Manual 10/30/2002 Scheuren - NORC Email Promised Early Draft on Imaging QC D000-000-HTA-WDC-000043-0007-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000043-0007-0003 Imaging and Coding Manual 10/26/2002 Baier/Scheuren - NORC Issue Paper Procedures for Imaging and Coding Documents D000-000-HTA-WDC-000043-0008-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000043-0008-0046 Imaging and Coding Manual 10/1/2002 Herman - KPMG Email Draft Imaging / Coding Requirements D000-000-HTA-WDC-000043-0009-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000043-0009-0006 Imaging and Coding Manual 9/17/2002 Email Imaging & Coding Presentation and Write-Up / Alaska Tool Specs D000-000-HTA-WDC-000043-0010-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000043-0010-0012 Imaging and Coding Manual 9/9/2002 Email Imaging & Coding D000-000-HTA-WDC-000043-0011-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000043-0011-0003 Imaging and Coding Manual Outline Document Imaging Strategy D000-000-HTA-WDC-000043-0012-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000043-0012-0001 QC Plan 1/6/2003 Plan Appendix C - Quality Control D000-000-HTA-WDC-000058-0002-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000058-0002-0005 QC Plan 11/14/2002 Chesser - G&B Email w/ attachment FW: Draft - Quality Plan D000-000-HTA-WDC-000058-0003-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000058-0003-0005 QC Plan 10/23/2002 Bill Brundick-UMI Email w/ attachment Outline for QC section of the Jan 6th Report D000-000-HTA-WDC-000058-0004-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000058-0004-0002 QC Plan 10/18/2002 Harris Email w/ attachment Potential Historical Accounting Plan Reviewer List D000-000-HTA-WDC-000058-0005-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000058-0005-0002 QC Results/Reports 11/12/2004 GT Report Report on Quality Control Check of IIM Historical Accounting Project Mailing of a Supplemental Letter to Judgment Subgroup 1A Account Holders -- 1,208 Accounts for the White Mountain Apache Tribe D000-000-HTA-WDC-000062-0001-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000062-0001-0007 QC Results/Reports 1/2/2003 GT Report, draft Draft report on quality control check of IIM historical trust accounting project - CD & L judgment subgroups 19A, 20A, 21A, 22A, 23A, 24A, and 25A D000-000-HTA-WDC-000059-0002-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000059-0002-0015 QC Results/Reports 12/19/2002 GT Report Report on quality control check of IIM historical trust accounting project - CD & L judgment subgroups 3A, 4A and 15A D000-000-HTA-WDC-000059-0003-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000059-0003-0012 QC Results/Reports 12/19/2002 Herman - KPMG Email Appendix H - Quality Control D000-000-HTA-WDC-000059-0004-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000059-0004-0005 QC Results/Reports 12/11/2002 Edwards Memo Quality Control Reports D000-000-HTA-WDC-000059-0005-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000059-0005-0007 QC Results/Reports 11/8/2002 GT Report Report on quality control check of IIM historical trust accounting project mailing of Judgment Subgroup 1A-648 accounts for the White Mountain Apache Tribe D000-000-HTA-WDC-000059-0006-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000059-0006-0007 QC Results/Reports 10/21/2002 GT Report Report on quality control check of IIM historical trust accounting project mailing of Judgment Subgroup 1A-first 560 accounts for the White Mountain Apache Tribe D000-000-HTA-WDC-000059-0007-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000059-0007-0011 QC Results/Reports 7/31/2002 GT Report Report on Quality Control Check of IIM Historical Accounting Project CD & L Judgment Subgroups 11A, 12A, 13A, and 14A D000-000-HTA-WDC-000059-0008-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000059-0008-0017 QC Results/Reports 2/26/2002 Kraft - BAH Brief Revised Quality Security Plan D000-000-HTA-WDC-000059-0009-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000059-0009-0032 QC Results/Reports 2/25/2002 Kraft - BAH Issue Papers Quality and Security Breakout Group & Lessons Learned D000-000-HTA-WDC-000059-0010-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000059-0010-0014 Accounting Conferences 7/23/2003 Meeting Docs Accountants Conference, July 22-23, 2003; Albuquerque, NM Green D000-000-HTA-WDC-000003-0002-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000003-0002-0329 Accounting Conferences 9/20/2002 Herman - KPMG Email w/attachments Dulles Materials D000-000-HTA-WDC-000003-0003-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000003-0003-0007 Accounting Conferences 9/3/2002 Dunne - CD&L Memo w/enclosures OHTA Status/Planned Meeting 8/22 & 8/23/02 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000003-0004-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000003-0004-0059 ATTACHMENT A RI Interior Defendants’ Notice of Filing Certification of the Administrative Record ATTACHMENT A For the January 6, 2003, Historical Accounting Plan for Individual Indian Money Accounts and the May 31, 2007, Plan for Completing the Historical Accounting Date Author Doc Type Document Title Purple/Green Plan Start Bates Number Ending Bates Number Accounting Conferences 3/20/2002 Meeting Docs Accounting Conference, March 18-20, 2002 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000004-0002-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000004-0002-0514 Accounting Conferences 3/6/2002 Zippin Email Accounting Conference Papers D000-000-HTA-WDC-000005-0002-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000005-0002-0001 Accounting Conferences 2/6/2002 Meeting Docs Records Conference, February 4-6, 2002 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000006-0002-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000006-0002-0422 Accounting Conferences Meeting Docs Records Conference Follow-up Items D000-000-HTA-WDC-000006-0003-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000006-0003-0062 Accounting Conferences 1/28/2002 Herman - KPMG Email w/attachments Records Conference Materials D000-000-HTA-WDC-000007-0002-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000007-0002-0020 ACCOUNTING STRATEGY Development of Plan 6/6/2007 Edwards Email IR-2007-113: IRS Updates National Research Program for Individuals Green D000-000-HTA-WDC-000054-0002-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000054-0002-0003 Development of Plan 11/15/2005 Court Opinion Court Opinion Vacating Previous Order Reissuing the Hist. Acctg. Injunction Green D000-000-HTA-WDC-000054-0003-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000054-0003-0010 Development of Plan 11/23/2004 BAH Presentation OHTA Litigation Support Accounting - After Action Review Green D000-000-HTA-WDC-000054-0004-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000054-0004-0028 Development of Plan 12/30/2002 Herman - KPMG Email Comments on Draft 4 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000054-0005-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000054-0005-0003 Development of Plan 12/27/2002 Cason Email Reworking of Voluntary Buy-out Language D000-000-HTA-WDC-000054-0006-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000054-0006-0001 Development of Plan 12/27/2002 Cason Email Reworking of Voluntary Buy-out Language D000-000-HTA-WDC-000054-0007-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000054-0007-0002 Development of Plan 12/27/2002 Bernhardt Email Reworking of Voluntary Buy-Out Language D000-000-HTA-WDC-000054-0008-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000054-0008-0011 Development of Plan 12/19/2002 Herman - KPMG Email Appendix N - Accounting Options D000-000-HTA-WDC-000054-0009-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000054-0009-0008 Development of Plan 12/17/2002 Herman - KPMG Email Outline Section II D.5. D000-000-HTA-WDC-000054-0010-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000054-0010-0004 Development of Plan 12/17/2002 Zippin Email Addition to Sections D000-000-HTA-WDC-000054-0011-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000054-0011-0001 Development of Plan 12/14/2002 Zippin Email Addition to the Plan D000-000-HTA-WDC-000054-0012-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000054-0012-0003 Development of Plan 12/14/2002 Scheuren - NORC Email Addition to the Plan D000-000-HTA-WDC-000054-0013-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000054-0013-0005 Development of Plan 12/14/2002 Edwards Memo First Draft of Historical Accounting Plan D000-000-HTA-WDC-000054-0014-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000054-0014-0002 Development of Plan 12/13/2002 Herman - KPMG Email Updated Sampling Document D000-000-HTA-WDC-000054-0015-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000054-0015-0005 Development of Plan 12/11/2002 Herman - KPMG Email Sampling Excerpt D000-000-HTA-WDC-000054-0016-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000054-0016-0004 Development of Plan 12/11/2002 Zippin Email Meeting Thursday D000-000-HTA-WDC-000054-0017-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000054-0017-0001 Development of Plan 12/3/2002 Draft outline Draft Outline for the January 6, 2003 Historical Accounting Plan D000-000-HTA-WDC-000054-0018-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000054-0018-0003 Development of Plan 12/3/2002 Zippin Note Some Quick January Plan Assignments D000-000-HTA-WDC-000054-0019-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000054-0019-0008 Development of Plan 12/3/2002 Edwards Memo Options for Conducting Historical Accounting D000-000-HTA-WDC-000054-0020-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000054-0020-0017 Development of Plan 11/20/2002 Meeting Docs Documents from Meeting on Records in Albuquerque, NM and a Historical Accounting Planning Conference D000-000-HTA-WDC-000054-0021-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000054-0021-0047 Development of Plan 11/15/2002 Herman - KPMG Email Jan. 6 Plan-Draft Imaging & Collection Materials D000-000-HTA-WDC-000054-0022-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000054-0022-0006 Development of Plan 11/13/2002 Zippin Email Outline of January 6 Plan D000-000-HTA-WDC-000054-0023-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000054-0023-0003 Development of Plan 11/7/2002 Zippin Plan Preparation of Supplemental Materials for the January 6, 2003 Historical Accounting Plan D000-000-HTA-WDC-000054-0024-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000054-0024-0010 Development of Plan 11/5/2002 Herman - KPMG Email Current/Additional KPMG Tasks D000-000-HTA-WDC-000054-0025-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000054-0025-0001 Development of Plan 11/4/2002 Zippin List Potential Historical Accounting Plan Participants and Reviewers D000-000-HTA-WDC-000054-0026-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000054-0026-0001 Development of Plan 10/29/2002 Draft Background on Issues for Discussion D000-000-HTA-WDC-000054-0027-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000054-0027-0007 Development of Plan 10/25/2002 Trust Fund System Level & Interest Issues Affecting Historical Accounting D000-000-HTA-WDC-000054-0028-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000054-0028-0002 Development of Plan 10/16/2002 Brainstorming - Potential Issues for January 6th D000-000-HTA-WDC-000054-0029-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000054-0029-0004 Development of Plan 10/16/2002 Meeting Docs Issues from Brainstorming Session 10/16/2002 for the January 6th Report to the Judge D000-000-HTA-WDC-000054-0030-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000054-0030-0005 Development of Plan 10/16/2002 Draft Plan Historical Accounting Plan v2 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000054-0031-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000054-0031-0007 Development of Plan 10/16/2002 Draft Plan Historical Accounting Plan v3B D000-000-HTA-WDC-000054-0032-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000054-0032-0030 Development of Plan 10/15/2002 Zippin Email Policy on Interest Exceptions D000-000-HTA-WDC-000054-0033-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000054-0033-0001 Development of Plan 10/3/2002 Zippin Email Sketch of January 6, 2003 IIM Accounting Plan D000-000-HTA-WDC-000054-0034-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000054-0034-0003 Development of Plan 10/3/2002 Zippin Email Plan D000-000-HTA-WDC-000054-0035-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000054-0035-0001 Development of Plan 10/2/2002 Swimmer - OST Email Plan D000-000-HTA-WDC-000054-0036-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000054-0036-0001 Development of Plan 10/2/2002 Swimmer - OST Email OHTA Plan D000-000-HTA-WDC-000054-0037-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000054-0037-0001 Development of Plan 10/2/2002 Zippin Email OHTA Plan D000-000-HTA-WDC-000054-0038-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000054-0038-0001 Development of Plan 9/2/2002 Edwards Memo w/enclosures Historical Accounting Program Management Plan D000-000-HTA-WDC-000054-0039-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000054-0039-0051 Development of Plan 8/30/2002 Brundick-UMI Email Issues Log From Denver Meeting D000-000-HTA-WDC-000054-0040-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000054-0040-0010 Development of Plan 8/28/2002 Brief Site Visit Protocol D000-000-HTA-WDC-000054-0041-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000054-0041-0010 Development of Plan 8/28/2002 Brundick-UMI Email Draft Minutes from Denver D000-000-HTA-WDC-000055-0002-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000055-0002-0020 Development of Plan 8/16/2002 OTF Memo Response to Notes Provided as a Result of Meeting in Albuquerque July 31, 2002 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000055-0003-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000055-0003-0003 Development of Plan 7/25/2002 Hinkins - NORC Email OITT Survey D000-000-HTA-WDC-000055-0004-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000055-0004-0005 Development of Plan 7/30/2002 Zippin Email Status of Report D000-000-HTA-WDC-000055-0005-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000055-0005-0001 Development of Plan 7/1/2002 Herman - KPMG Email Comments on the Accounting Plan D000-000-HTA-WDC-000055-0006-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000055-0006-0002 Development of Plan 6/7/2002 Options for the Plan for the Historical Accounting D000-000-HTA-WDC-000055-0007-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000055-0007-0002 Development of Plan 6/6/2002 Alcorn/Corley Memo Review of Listening Meetings Transcripts D000-000-HTA-WDC-000055-0008-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000055-0008-0003 Development of Plan 5/22/2002 Slonaker Memo Characteristics of an Accounting D000-000-HTA-WDC-000055-0009-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000055-0009-0009 Development of Plan 5/15/2002 Siecker - BAH Email OHTA Meeting Minutes with Ross Swimmer 020501 V3.doc D000-000-HTA-WDC-000055-0010-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000055-0010-0003 Development of Plan 5/10/2002 Edwards Memo Historical Accounting for 8,006 Judgment Accounts D000-000-HTA-WDC-000055-0011-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000055-0011-0003 Development of Plan 5/1/2002 Brundick-UMI Email Latest WBS D000-000-HTA-WDC-000055-0012-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000055-0012-0005 Development of Plan 4/25/2002 Presentation Historical Accounting Options D000-000-HTA-WDC-000055-0013-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000055-0013-0002 Development of Plan 2/6/2002 Zippin Presentation IIM Trust Records Conference - Denver CO, Feb 4-6, 2002 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000055-0014-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000055-0014-0013 Development of Plan 2/6/2002 Slonaker Fax w/attached Testimony House Resources Committee Hearing of Feb 6, 2002; Statement of Thomas N Slonaker, The Special Trustee for American Indians D000-000-HTA-WDC-000055-0015-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000055-0015-0005 Development of Plan 1/11/2002 HRA Report A Concise History of Allotment and Resource Development on the Blackfeet Reservation D000-000-HTA-WDC-000055-0016-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000055-0016-0022 Development of Plan 12/20/2001 Brief Briefing for Accountants Roundtable: Preparing the Historical Accounting of Individual Indian Money Accounts D000-000-HTA-WDC-000055-0017-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000055-0017-0123 Development of Plan 12/7/2001 Zippin SOW Final Statement of Work for Accounting Expertise` D000-000-HTA-WDC-000055-0018-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000055-0018-0008 Development of Plan 10/15/2001 HRA Catalog Catalog of Sources - Cobell v. Norton D000-000-HTA-WDC-000055-0019-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000055-0019-0044 RI Interior Defendants’ Notice of Filing Certification of the Administrative Record ATTACHMENT A For the January 6, 2003, Historical Accounting Plan for Individual Indian Money Accounts and the May 31, 2007, Plan for Completing the Historical Accounting Date Author Doc Type Document Title Purple/Green Plan Start Bates Number Ending Bates Number Development of Plan 10/3/2001 Scheuren - NORC Report Draft Pre-Design Report - Sampling and Other Statistical and Economic Applications D000-000-HTA-WDC-000055-0020-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000055-0020-0034 Development of Plan 8/22/2001 Edwards Email Justice and Treasury Request for IIM Trust Fund Transaction Analysis D000-000-HTA-WDC-000055-0021-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000055-0021-0002 Development of Plan 8/16/2001 Deputy Commissioner of Indian Affairs Memo Cobell et al v. Babbitt et al D000-000-HTA-WDC-000055-0022-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000055-0022-0001 Development of Plan 8/13/2001 DOJ/ENRD Memo Request for Assistance on Cobell v Norton D000-000-HTA-WDC-000055-0023-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000055-0023-0002 Development of Plan 7/20/2001 NORC Summary Executive Summary - Highlights of Statistical Support Services for Historical Accounting of IIM Accounts, Response to RFP 1435-01-01-RP-18159 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000055-0024-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000055-0024-0016 Development of Plan 4/24/2001 OST Plan Statistical Sampling Project Draft Strategic Plan D000-000-HTA-WDC-000055-0025-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000055-0025-0009 Development of Plan 8/27/1999 GAO Letter Cobell et al v Babbitt et al D000-000-HTA-WDC-000055-0026-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000055-0026-0003 Development of Plan 7/9/1971 BIA Sacramento Letter w/attached Memo IIM Account Ledger Mailings D000-000-HTA-WDC-000055-0027-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000055-0027-0047 Development of Plan Draft Schedule for Preparation of the January 6, 2003, Plan for the Historical Accounting D000-000-HTA-WDC-000055-0028-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000055-0028-0001 Development of Plan Options to Conduct the Historical Accounting D000-000-HTA-WDC-000055-0029-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000055-0029-0007 Development of Plan Approaches to Historical Accounting D000-000-HTA-WDC-000055-0030-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000055-0030-0002 Development of Plan Schedule/Calendar OHTA - Project Plan for Delivering January 6th Filing D000-000-HTA-WDC-000055-0031-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000055-0031-0006 Development of Plan Draft Annotated Outline, Version A; Historical Accounting Plan D000-000-HTA-WDC-000055-0032-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000055-0032-0007 Development of Plan Draft Annotated Outline, Version B; Historical Accounting Plan D000-000-HTA-WDC-000055-0033-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000055-0033-0007 Development of Plan January 6, 2003 Historical Accounting Report Outline Options D000-000-HTA-WDC-000055-0034-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000055-0034-0002 Development of Plan Factsheet for the Historical Accounting Plan D000-000-HTA-WDC-000055-0035-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000055-0035-0009 Development of Plan Plan Appendix E - Work Break Down Structure for Full Accounting D000-000-HTA-WDC-000055-0036-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000055-0036-0001 Development of Plan Draft Draft Outline for the Comprehensive Plan for the Historical Accounting D000-000-HTA-WDC-000055-0037-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000055-0037-0011 Development of Plan Summary Office of Historical Trust Accounting Summary of Activities D000-000-HTA-WDC-000055-0038-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000055-0038-0011 Development of Plan Presentation Comprehensive Plan for the Historical Accounting D000-000-HTA-WDC-000055-0039-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000055-0039-0002 Development of Plan Outline Issue Decision Process D000-000-HTA-WDC-000055-0040-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000055-0040-0004 Development of Plan - Procedures 12/20/2002 Baier - NORC Memo (no title) Considerations on the Impact of a Potential "Cash Settlement" D000-000-HTA-WDC-000057-0002-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000057-0002-0004 Development of Plan - Procedures 12/20/2002 Hinkins - NORC Email w/attachment Sampling Plan D000-000-HTA-WDC-000057-0003-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000057-0003-0014 Development of Plan - Procedures 12/12/2002 Zippin Email Nomenclature - Name that plan D000-000-HTA-WDC-000057-0004-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000057-0004-0001 Development of Plan - Procedures 11/27/2002 Hinkins - NORC Email w/attachment Jan 6 - Outreach Section D000-000-HTA-WDC-000057-0005-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000057-0005-0004 Development of Plan - Procedures 11/27/2002 Zippin Email w/attachment One Page on Sampling D000-000-HTA-WDC-000057-0006-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000057-0006-0003 Development of Plan - Procedures 11/26/2002 Baier - NORC Email w/attachment Sampling Costs and Options D000-000-HTA-WDC-000057-0007-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000057-0007-0003 Development of Plan - Procedures 11/26/2002 Hinkins - NORC Email w/attachment One Page on Sampling D000-000-HTA-WDC-000057-0008-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000057-0008-0003 Development of Plan - Procedures 11/25/2002 Scheuren - NORC Email w/attachment Continuing Efforts on Design Thinking D000-000-HTA-WDC-000057-0009-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000057-0009-0001 Development of Plan - Procedures 11/24/2002 Scheuren - NORC Email w/attachment Sunday Design Documentation D000-000-HTA-WDC-000057-0010-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000057-0010-0009 Development of Plan - Procedures 11/23/2002 Hinkins - NORC Email w/attachment Sampling write-up from Nov 15 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000057-0011-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000057-0011-0007 Development of Plan - Procedures 11/22/2002 Scheuren - NORC Email (no title) "Noodling" on the Sampling Issues D000-000-HTA-WDC-000057-0012-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000057-0012-0002 Development of Plan - Procedures 11/19/2002 Hinkins - NORC Email Secretary's Request D000-000-HTA-WDC-000057-0013-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000057-0013-0002 Development of Plan - Procedures 11/15/2002 Baier - NORC Issue Paper Sampling and Quality Control for IIM Account Statement Mailings D000-000-HTA-WDC-000057-0014-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000057-0014-0029 Development of Plan - Procedures 11/8/2002 Hinkins - NORC Email w/attachment Deliverables-1; Sampling - By Accounts, Transactions, Supports…. D000-000-HTA-WDC-000057-0015-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000057-0015-0005 Development of Plan - Procedures 11/8/2002 Hinkins - NORC Email w/attachment Rewrite of the Strategy Piece; A Sampling Approach by Accounts D000-000-HTA-WDC-000057-0016-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000057-0016-0003 Development of Plan - Procedures 11/8/2002 Hinkins - NORC Email w/attachment #3; Using Accounts as the Sampling Unit D000-000-HTA-WDC-000057-0017-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000057-0017-0002 Development of Plan - Procedures 10/28/2002 Buhler Issue Paper B. Cadastral Survey, Report for the period July 1 to September 30, 2002 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000057-0018-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000057-0018-0005 Development of Plan - Procedures 7/14/2002 Scheuren - NORC Email Alaska Meeting D000-000-HTA-WDC-000057-0019-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000057-0019-0002 Development of Plan - Procedures 7/10/2002 Scheuren - NORC Email Wrap-Up D000-000-HTA-WDC-000057-0020-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000057-0020-0003 Development of Plan - Procedures 6/6/2002 Alcorn & Corley Memo Review of Listening Meetings Transcripts D000-000-HTA-WDC-000057-0021-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000057-0021-0003 Development of Plan - Procedures 6/6/2002 Edwards Memo Preliminary Draft of Accounting Plan for the Historical Accounting and Comments of the Special Trustee on Judgment Historical Accountings D000-000-HTA-WDC-000057-0022-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000057-0022-0002 Development of Plan - Procedures 6/4/2002 Issue Paper Options for the Plan for the Historical Accounting D000-000-HTA-WDC-000057-0023-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000057-0023-0002 Development of Plan - Procedures 5/10/2002 Presentation Communications Strategy (Draft) D000-000-HTA-WDC-000057-0024-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000057-0024-0009 Development of Plan - Procedures 2/22/2002 Edwards Memo Interest Allocation for IIM Accounts D000-000-HTA-WDC-000057-0025-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000057-0025-0002 Development of Plan - Procedures 10/22/2001 Draft Report Pre-Design Report, Sampling and Economic Applications D000-000-HTA-WDC-000057-0026-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000057-0026-0036 Development of Plan - Procedures 8/2/1999 Seltzer - Fordham U Issue Paper Excluding Indians Not Taxed: Federal Censuses and Native-Americans in the 19th Century D000-000-HTA-WDC-000057-0027-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000057-0027-0044 Development of Plan - Procedures NORC Memo (no title) NORC Action Items D000-000-HTA-WDC-000057-0028-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000057-0028-0002 Development of Plan - Procedures Issue Paper Adaptive Testing Approach for Phase 1 Straw Man Design D000-000-HTA-WDC-000057-0029-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000057-0029-0007 Development of Plan - Procedures Issue Paper Managing Historical Accounting Records D000-000-HTA-WDC-000057-0030-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000057-0030-0013 Development of Plan - Procedures Issue Paper Breakout Group 2, Using the Land Records D000-000-HTA-WDC-000057-0031-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000057-0031-0002 Development of Plan - Procedures Issue Paper Straw Man Pretest D000-000-HTA-WDC-000057-0032-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000057-0032-0002 Development of Plan - Cost Estimates 3/25/2007 Edwards Memo w/attachments Materials Requested by Special Trustee Ross O. Swimmer Green D000-000-HTA-WDC-000056-0002-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000056-0002-0001 Development of Plan - Cost Estimates 11/29/2006 BAH Presentation Government Spending FY 2006 Year End Review - OHTA Green D000-000-HTA-WDC-000056-0003-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000056-0003-0005 Development of Plan - Cost Estimates 6/30/2006 Herman - FTI Binder IIM Trust Fund Revenue Estimate Green D000-000-HTA-WDC-000056-0004-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000056-0004-0011 Development of Plan - Cost Estimates 6/28/2006 Herman - FTI Email Revenue Estimate Green D000-000-HTA-WDC-000056-0005-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000056-0005-0004 Development of Plan - Cost Estimates 6/20/2006 Herman - FTI Email w/attachment $13 Billion Revenue Estimate Green D000-000-HTA-WDC-000056-0006-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000056-0006-0010 Development of Plan - Cost Estimates 5/18/2006 Herman - FTI Email w/attachment Update to the $13B Schedules Green D000-000-HTA-WDC-000056-0007-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000056-0007-0123 Development of Plan - Cost Estimates 1/3/2003 Johnson-UMI Letter Analysis of Sample Sizes D000-000-HTA-WDC-000056-0008-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000056-0008-0004 Development of Plan - Cost Estimates 1/3/2003 Johnson-UMI Memo Cost Estimate Methodology Observations D000-000-HTA-WDC-000056-0009-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000056-0009-0004 Development of Plan - Cost Estimates 12/13/2002 Johnson-UMI Email Cost Estimating Effort to Date D000-000-HTA-WDC-000056-0010-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000056-0010-0004 Development of Plan - Cost Estimates 12/13/2002 Zippin Email Cost Estimating Effort to Date D000-000-HTA-WDC-000056-0011-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000056-0011-0005 Development of Plan - Cost Estimates 12/11/2002 Haspel Email New Draft IIM Budget D000-000-HTA-WDC-000056-0012-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000056-0012-0002 Development of Plan - Cost Estimates 12/9/2002 Hinkins - NORC Note The Cost of Transaction Sampling D000-000-HTA-WDC-000056-0013-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000056-0013-0002 Development of Plan - Cost Estimates 12/9/2002 Alcorn Note CD&L Budget Estimates for Judgment and Per Capita Accounts D000-000-HTA-WDC-000056-0014-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000056-0014-0001 Development of Plan - Cost Estimates 12/9/2002 Hansen-House of Rep Letter Report to Congress on the Historical Accounting; areas that are troubling in relation to future funding D000-000-HTA-WDC-000056-0015-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000056-0015-0002 RI Interior Defendants’ Notice of Filing Certification of the Administrative Record ATTACHMENT A For the January 6, 2003, Historical Accounting Plan for Individual Indian Money Accounts and the May 31, 2007, Plan for Completing the Historical Accounting Date Author Doc Type Document Title Purple/Green Plan Start Bates Number Ending Bates Number Development of Plan - Cost Estimates 12/9/2002 Hinkins - NORC Email Cost Estimates D000-000-HTA-WDC-000056-0016-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000056-0016-0003 Development of Plan - Cost Estimates 11/26/2002 Baier-NORC Email Sampling Costs and Options D000-000-HTA-WDC-000056-0017-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000056-0017-0003 Development of Plan - Cost Estimates 11/26/2002 Chart Budget and Work Plan for Historical Accounting FY 2003 & FY 2004 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000056-0018-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000056-0018-0005 Development of Plan - Cost Estimates 11/25/2002 UMI Draft Cost Estimate Outline in Support of the Historical Accounting Plan Report for the Court D000-000-HTA-WDC-000056-0019-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000056-0019-0003 Development of Plan - Cost Estimates 11/23/2002 Scheuren - NORC Email w/attachment Imaging/Coding and other Collection Costs for high dollar PO D000-000-HTA-WDC-000056-0020-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000056-0020-0002 Development of Plan - Cost Estimates 11/21/2002 Edwards Email Meeting with Office of Hearings and Appeals D000-000-HTA-WDC-000056-0021-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000056-0021-0003 Development of Plan - Cost Estimates 9/3/2002 Dunne-CD&L Memo OHTA Costing Meeting D000-000-HTA-WDC-000056-0022-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000056-0022-0021 Development of Plan - Cost Estimates 8/23/2002 Edwards Memo Follow up to Telephone Call on Memorandum of August 13,2002 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000056-0023-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000056-0023-0006 Development of Plan - Cost Estimates 8/5/2002 UMI Report IIM Historical Accounting Cost Estimating Workbook for the 10-Year Full Verification Accounting D000-000-HTA-WDC-000056-0024-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000056-0024-0257 Development of Plan - Cost Estimates 7/29/2002 Scheuren - NORC Email More on Surveys D000-000-HTA-WDC-000056-0025-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000056-0025-0001 Development of Plan - Cost Estimates 7/11/2002 Edwards Email Several Questions re: Costs D000-000-HTA-WDC-000056-0026-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000056-0026-0001 Development of Plan - Cost Estimates 7/11/2002 Bilbrey-E&Y Email Several Questions re: Costs D000-000-HTA-WDC-000056-0027-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000056-0027-0002 Development of Plan - Cost Estimates 7/8/2002 Scheuren - NORC Letter Rationale for document production estimates relevant to IIM D000-000-HTA-WDC-000056-0028-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000056-0028-0005 Development of Plan - Cost Estimates 7/3/2002 Meeting Docs Meeting with Office of Management and Budget on the Report to Congress on the Historical Accounting of IIM Accounts D000-000-HTA-WDC-000056-0029-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000056-0029-0009 Development of Plan - Cost Estimates 7/3/2002 Schiff Email Excel Charts Revised, for OMB Meeting D000-000-HTA-WDC-000056-0030-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000056-0030-0002 Development of Plan - Cost Estimates 7/3/2002 Zippin Email Last One, Cost Table D000-000-HTA-WDC-000056-0031-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000056-0031-0003 Development of Plan - Cost Estimates 7/2/2002 Moore-UMI Email Costing D000-000-HTA-WDC-000056-0032-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000056-0032-0002 Development of Plan - Cost Estimates 7/1/2002 Brundick-UMI Email Costing D000-000-HTA-WDC-000056-0033-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000056-0033-0001 Development of Plan - Cost Estimates 6/27/2002 Zippin Email Re: Cost of Per Capita Accounts D000-000-HTA-WDC-000056-0034-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000056-0034-0002 Development of Plan - Cost Estimates 6/23/2002 Mauri Email Budget Narrative for Accounting Plan D000-000-HTA-WDC-000056-0035-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000056-0035-0002 Development of Plan - Cost Estimates 6/21/2002 Alcorn Email The Table, Judgment Accounts D000-000-HTA-WDC-000056-0036-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000056-0036-0002 Development of Plan - Cost Estimates 6/21/2002 Zippin Email Section IV - Costing D000-000-HTA-WDC-000056-0037-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000056-0037-0015 Development of Plan - Cost Estimates 6/14/2002 Issue Paper Costing Options for June 14, 2002 Meeting D000-000-HTA-WDC-000056-0038-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000056-0038-0002 Development of Plan - Cost Estimates 6/1/2002 Brundick-UMI Email Accounting Meeting 6/11/02 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000056-0039-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000056-0039-0022 Development of Plan - Cost Estimates 5/15/2002 Edwards Memo Bank of America Contract Arrangement D000-000-HTA-WDC-000056-0040-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000056-0040-0002 Development of Plan - Cost Estimates 4/26/2002 Meeting Docs Meeting to Discuss Cost Estimating for the Comprehensive Plan D000-000-HTA-WDC-000056-0041-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000056-0041-0002 Development of Plan - Cost Estimates 4/19/2002 Zippin Email Cost Estimating Meeting D000-000-HTA-WDC-000056-0042-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000056-0042-0002 Development of Plan - Cost Estimates 4/10/2002 Lords-OTFM Memo Special Deposit Account Cleanup Work Plan Procedures D000-000-HTA-WDC-000056-0043-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000056-0043-0001 Development of Plan - Cost Estimates Plan Preliminary Draft - Cost Estimating Rationale for the IIM Historical Accounting D000-000-HTA-WDC-000056-0044-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000056-0044-0010 Development of Plan - Cost Estimates Sampling Costs and Options D000-000-HTA-WDC-000056-0045-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000056-0045-0002 Definition of Historical Accounting 12/31/2002 Edwards Email Response to Section II Questions on Plan to Court D000-000-HTA-WDC-000010-0002-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000010-0002-0002 Definition of Historical Accounting 12/27/2002 Edwards Memo Request for Information and Assistance - Historical Accounting Plan D000-000-HTA-WDC-000010-0003-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000010-0003-0001 Definition of Historical Accounting 12/5/2002 Option Paper Methodologies for Conducting Historical Accounting D000-000-HTA-WDC-000010-0004-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000010-0004-0007 Definition of Historical Accounting 11/17/2002 Corley Memo Research on Term "…Complete and Accurate…" D000-000-HTA-WDC-000010-0005-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000010-0005-0039 Definition of Historical Accounting 11/4/2002 Issue Paper Background on Issues for Discussion D000-000-HTA-WDC-000010-0006-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000010-0006-0002 Definition of Historical Accounting 11/4/2002 Issue Paper Background on Issues for Discussion D000-000-HTA-WDC-000010-0007-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000010-0007-0002 Definition of Historical Accounting 9/13/2002 Chavarria - CD&L Issue Paper Issues Regarding Interest Yields D000-000-HTA-WDC-000010-0008-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000010-0008-0003 Definition of Historical Accounting 8/23/2002 Attachment A: Historical Accounting Planning Session D000-000-HTA-WDC-000010-0009-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000010-0009-0014 Definition of Historical Accounting 8/13/2002 Edwards Memo Request for SDA Meeting/Information Sharing D000-000-HTA-WDC-000010-0010-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000010-0010-0004 Definition of Historical Accounting 7/26/2002 Slonaker-OST Memo Historical Accounting for 7,903 IIM Judgment Accounts D000-000-HTA-WDC-000010-0011-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000010-0011-0002 Definition of Historical Accounting 6/21/2002 Fax Phases D000-000-HTA-WDC-000010-0012-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000010-0012-0001 Definition of Historical Accounting 6/19/2002 Edwards Email Your Briefing on Monday D000-000-HTA-WDC-000010-0013-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000010-0013-0001 Definition of Historical Accounting 6/6/2002 Issue Paper Secretarial Issues Document, Version 8.1; Revision History (Draft) D000-000-HTA-WDC-000010-0014-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000010-0014-0023 Definition of Historical Accounting 6/5/2002 Slonaker-OST Memo Historical Accounting for 7,903 IIM Judgment Accounts D000-000-HTA-WDC-000010-0015-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000010-0015-0014 Definition of Historical Accounting 5/29/2002 Chavarria - CD&L Report Preliminary Draft of the IIM Historical Accounting Review of HRA's Selected Case Studies D000-000-HTA-WDC-000010-0016-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000010-0016-0011 Definition of Historical Accounting 5/22/2002 Slonaker-OST Memo Characteristics of an Accounting D000-000-HTA-WDC-000010-0017-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000010-0017-0004 Definition of Historical Accounting 10/26/2001 Edwards Presentation Preparing the Historical Accounting of IIM Accounts - Briefing for 11th Annual Membership Conference D000-000-HTA-WDC-000010-0018-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000010-0018-0015 Definition of Historical Accounting 9/30/2001 HRA Report A Historical Review of Business Activity on Allotted Lands of Selected Indian Reservations: the Administration of Mineral Leases, Agricultural Leases, Timber Sales and Revenues Deposited in IIM Accounts D000-000-HTA-WDC-000010-0019-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000010-0019-0027 Definition of Historical Accounting 7/20/2001 DOJ Report IRMS Database Analysis, Procedures and Findings Report D000-000-HTA-WDC-000010-0020-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000010-0020-0018 Definition of Historical Accounting Outline Investments/Interest Discussion Points D000-000-HTA-WDC-000010-0021-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000010-0021-0002 Definition of Population 12/20/2002 Hinkins-NORC Email Sampling Plan D000-000-HTA-WDC-000008-0002-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000008-0002-0014 Definition of Population 12/13/2002 Dunne-CD&L FAX Report Individual Indian Money Accounts by Region and Agency as of December 31, 2000 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000008-0003-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000008-0003-0038 Definition of Population 12/11/2002 Angel-Morgan Angel Email Transactions in the IIM Trust Fund D000-000-HTA-WDC-000008-0004-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000008-0004-0002 Definition of Population 12/10/2002 Chart Who will Receive a Historical Accounting for Land-Based Accounts D000-000-HTA-WDC-000008-0005-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000008-0005-0001 Definition of Population 12/9/2002 Outline Summary Outline of Draft Historical Accounting Process D000-000-HTA-WDC-000008-0006-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000008-0006-0001 Definition of Population 12/5/2002 Dunne-CD&L Email 5 X 6 Matrix of Balances and Transactions D000-000-HTA-WDC-000008-0007-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000008-0007-0009 Definition of Population 12/4/2002 Dunne-CD&L Email Histograms of Balances of Restricted and Unrestricted D000-000-HTA-WDC-000008-0008-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000008-0008-0005 Definition of Population 12/4/2002 Edwards Email Histograms of Balances of Restricted an Unrestricted D000-000-HTA-WDC-000008-0009-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000008-0009-0006 Definition of Population 12/4/2002 Herman-KPMG Email Information for the January Plan D000-000-HTA-WDC-000008-0010-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000008-0010-0002 Definition of Population 12/3/2002 Dunne-CD&L Email Histogram of Balances of Restricted and Unrestricted D000-000-HTA-WDC-000008-0011-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000008-0011-0004 Definition of Population 11/27/2002 White Paper White Paper: Defining the Scope of Historical Accounting D000-000-HTA-WDC-000008-0012-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000008-0012-0004 Definition of Population 11/26/2002 Herman-KPMG Email Accounts Open as of the 1994 Act D000-000-HTA-WDC-000008-0013-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000008-0013-0003 Definition of Population 11/21/2002 Dunne-CD&L Email Primary Receipt Source Data Report D000-000-HTA-WDC-000008-0014-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000008-0014-0004 Definition of Population 11/20/2002 Alcorn FAX Chart Trust Fund History D000-000-HTA-WDC-000008-0015-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000008-0015-0003 Definition of Population 11/12/2002 Dunne-CD&L Tables Individual Indian Money Accounts by Region as of December 31, 2000 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000008-0016-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000008-0016-0037 Definition of Population 11/5/2002 Dunne-CD&L Email Receipt/Disbursement Stratification D000-000-HTA-WDC-000008-0017-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000008-0017-0005 RI Interior Defendants’ Notice of Filing Certification of the Administrative Record ATTACHMENT A For the January 6, 2003, Historical Accounting Plan for Individual Indian Money Accounts and the May 31, 2007, Plan for Completing the Historical Accounting Date Author Doc Type Document Title Purple/Green Plan Start Bates Number Ending Bates Number Definition of Population 10/24/2002 Walker-NORC Email High Dollar Accounts D000-000-HTA-WDC-000008-0018-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000008-0018-0001 Definition of Population 7/8/2002 Zippin Email New Assignment: Diagnosing the 788 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000008-0019-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000008-0019-0001 Definition of Population 6/14/2002 CD&L Report First Update to the April 8, 2002 Report on the Review of IIM Historical Accounting Pilot Project D000-000-HTA-WDC-000008-0020-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000008-0020-0031 Definition of Population 2/12/2002 Scheuren-NORC Email Information on Reservations with Allotments D000-000-HTA-WDC-000008-0021-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000008-0021-0045 Definition of Population 1/12/2002 Chavarria-CD&L Letter Individual Indian Monies Total Receipt Dollars by Region Fiscal Years 1986-2001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000008-0022-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000008-0022-0014 Definition of Population Table Table Y-Schedule for Reconciliation of IIM and Administrative Accounts D000-000-HTA-WDC-000008-0023-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000008-0023-0001 Definition of Population Options Paper Options to Conduct the Historical Accounting D000-000-HTA-WDC-000008-0024-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000008-0024-0007 Definition of Population Options Paper Accounting for "All Funds" and For Whom - Part A D000-000-HTA-WDC-000008-0025-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000008-0025-0005 Definition of Population Chart Individual Indian Monies, Unique Receipts by Transaction Amount D000-000-HTA-WDC-000008-0026-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000008-0026-0004 Definition of Population Charts Attachment C-Summary Table for 788 Accounts by Region and Agency D000-000-HTA-WDC-000009-0002-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000009-0002-0018 Sample Size 12/5/2002 Notes Notes from White Board OHTA Meeting D000-000-HTA-WDC-000011-0002-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000011-0002-0001 Sample Size 12/5/2002 Description of Sampling Approaches D000-000-HTA-WDC-000011-0003-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000011-0003-0005 Sample Size 12/3/2002 Zippin Email More on Sampling D000-000-HTA-WDC-000011-0004-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000011-0004-0003 Sample Size 11/24/2002 Statistical Sampling Strategy D000-000-HTA-WDC-000011-0005-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000011-0005-0006 Sample Size 11/24/2002 Account Sample Sizes for 99% Confidence in Relation to Error Rate and Number of Accounts by Agency D000-000-HTA-WDC-000011-0006-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000011-0006-0002 Sample Size 11/24/2002 Scheuren-NORC Email Sunday Design Documentation D000-000-HTA-WDC-000011-0007-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000011-0007-0008 Sample Size 11/22/2002 Scheuren-NORC Email Sampling Options D000-000-HTA-WDC-000011-0008-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000011-0008-0003 Sample Size 11/8/2002 NORC Sampling - By Accounts, Transactions, Supports….. D000-000-HTA-WDC-000011-0009-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000011-0009-0004 Sample Size 11/8/2002 Hinkins - NORC Email w/attachment Last Rewrite; Underlying Error Rates, Sample Sizes and Confidence or Assurance Levels D000-000-HTA-WDC-000011-0010-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000011-0010-0004 Sample Size 11/7/2002 Hinkins - NORC Email More on Sampling D000-000-HTA-WDC-000011-0011-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000011-0011-0002 Sample Size 11/7/2002 Hinkins - NORC Email w/attachments And another piece - Sampling; Why Sample? D000-000-HTA-WDC-000011-0012-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000011-0012-0002 Sample Size 10/17/2002 Sampling Options, Rough Outline D000-000-HTA-WDC-000011-0013-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000011-0013-0006 Sample Size 6/27/2002 Brundick-UMI Email Tool to Estimate the Number of Open IIM Accounts in Any Year D000-000-HTA-WDC-000037-0001-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000037-0001-0014 Sample Size Recommended Sampling Approach D000-000-HTA-WDC-000011-0014-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000011-0014-0001 Sample Size Why Sample? D000-000-HTA-WDC-000011-0015-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000011-0015-0001 Sample Size Data D000-000-HTA-WDC-000011-0016-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000011-0016-0013 Sample Size NORC NORC Sample Design Planning Report, High Level Topic Outline D000-000-HTA-WDC-000011-0017-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000011-0017-0002 Sample Size Draft Discussion Paper on Statistical Sampling D000-000-HTA-WDC-000011-0018-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000011-0018-0042 Pilot Projects 10/22/2002 Walker - NORC Email Search, Collection Plan D000-000-HTA-WDC-000015-0002-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000015-0002-0001 Pilot Projects 9/9/2002 Herman - KPMG Email w/attachment IRMS Summary for Pilots & IRMS Electronic Data Summaries D000-000-HTA-WDC-000015-0003-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000015-0003-0020 Pilot Projects 8/28/2002 Beck Email w/attachment Draft Minutes from Denver D000-000-HTA-WDC-000015-0004-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000015-0004-0020 Pilot Projects 8/20/2002 Bilbrey - EY Email w/attachment Proposed Pilot Agencies D000-000-HTA-WDC-000015-0005-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000015-0005-0002 Pilot Projects 8/16/2002 Edwards/Zippin Memo Preliminary Agenda for Historical Accounting Planning Conference D000-000-HTA-WDC-000015-0006-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000015-0006-0003 Pilot Projects 6/20/2002 Edwards Email w/attachment Proposed Pilot Imaging Project D000-000-HTA-WDC-000015-0007-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000015-0007-0009 Pilot Projects 1/4/2002 Edwards Email Tasks Under Recent Contract D000-000-HTA-WDC-000015-0008-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000015-0008-0003 Pilot Projects 10/31/2001 Issue Paper Office of Trust Risk Management, Individual Indian Moneys, Historical Accounting Pilot Project D000-000-HTA-WDC-000015-0009-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000015-0009-0011 Pilot Projects 11/7/2001 Issue Paper Report Identifying Preliminary Work (Due November 7, 2001) D000-000-HTA-WDC-000015-0010-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000015-0010-0004 Pilot Projects Issue Paper 1. Land Record Pilot D000-000-HTA-WDC-000015-0011-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000015-0011-0008 Pilot Projects - Alaska & Eastern Regions Pilot 10/29/2002 Hinkins Email w/attachment Records Search and Collection D000-000-HTA-WDC-000016-0002-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000016-0002-0007 Pilot Projects - Alaska & Eastern Regions Pilot 10/11/2002 Walker - NORC Email Records for Alaska D000-000-HTA-WDC-000016-0003-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000016-0003-0001 Pilot Projects - Alaska & Eastern Regions Pilot 10/4/2002 Beck Email w/attachment Updated Alaska Materials D000-000-HTA-WDC-000016-0004-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000016-0004-0032 Pilot Projects - Alaska & Eastern Regions Pilot 10/3/2002 Zippin Email Alaska Phase 1 Accounting Tool D000-000-HTA-WDC-000016-0005-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000016-0005-0002 Pilot Projects - Alaska & Eastern Regions Pilot 10/1/2002 Chanawatr - KPMG Email Alaska Phase 1 Accounting Tool D000-000-HTA-WDC-000016-0006-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000016-0006-0001 Pilot Projects - Alaska & Eastern Regions Pilot 10/1/2002 Anderson Email Alaska Pilot Project Schedule (with new WBS) D000-000-HTA-WDC-000016-0007-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000016-0007-0002 Pilot Projects - Alaska & Eastern Regions Pilot 9/17/2002 Herman - KPMG Email w/attachment Imaging & Coding Presentation and Write-Up / Alaska Tool Specifications D000-000-HTA-WDC-000016-0008-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000016-0008-0009 Pilot Projects - Alaska & Eastern Regions Pilot 9/9/2002 Hinkins Email w/attachment Inventory of Alaska records D000-000-HTA-WDC-000016-0009-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000016-0009-0004 Pilot Projects - Alaska & Eastern Regions Pilot 9/6/2002 Outline First IIM Historical Accounting Project - Alaska Region, Meeting with Drue Pearce, September 6, 2002 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000016-0010-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000016-0010-0010 Pilot Projects - Alaska & Eastern Regions Pilot 9/3/2002 Zippin Email Alaska IIM Accounting D000-000-HTA-WDC-000016-0011-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000016-0011-0003 Pilot Projects - Alaska & Eastern Regions Pilot 7/21/2002 Hinkins Email Alaska Meeting D000-000-HTA-WDC-000016-0012-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000016-0012-0002 Pilot Projects - Alaska & Eastern Regions Pilot 6/14/2002 Miller - BIA Issue Paper Meeting and Research Notes Compiled June 14-20, 2002, Juneau, Anchorage, and Fairbanks, Alaska D000-000-HTA-WDC-000016-0013-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000016-0013-0017 Pilot Projects - Alaska & Eastern Regions Pilot 5/12/2002 Scheuren - NORC Email Promised Followups on Washington Trip D000-000-HTA-WDC-000016-0014-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000016-0014-0002 Pilot Projects - Alaska & Eastern Regions Pilot 4/1/2002 Trip Report Albuquerque Trip. April 2002 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000016-0015-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000016-0015-0003 Pilot Projects - Alaska & Eastern Regions Pilot Issue Paper Records Collection Plan - Alaska D000-000-HTA-WDC-000016-0016-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000016-0016-0006 Pilot Projects - LTRO Pilot 8/6/2002 Hinkins Email Cadastral Survey Project D000-000-HTA-WDC-000014-0002-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000014-0002-0004 Pilot Projects - LTRO Pilot 3/28/2002 Corley Memo Meeting with Representatives of the Bureau of Indian Affairs, Rocky Mountain Regional Office, Billings, Montana D000-000-HTA-WDC-000014-0003-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000014-0003-0011 Pilot Projects - LTRO Pilot 2/11/2002 Corley Memo Meeting with Representatives of the Bureau of Indian Affairs, Great Plains Regional Office, Aberdeen, North Dakota D000-000-HTA-WDC-000014-0004-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000014-0004-0025 System Tests - Interest Test 1/3/2003 Zippin Email Consultant to Perform "System Tests" on Land Records D000-000-HTA-WDC-000017-0002-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000017-0002-0001 System Tests - System Conversions 1/3/2003 Zippin Email Consultant to Perform "System Tests" on Land Records D000-000-HTA-WDC-000018-0002-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000018-0002-0001 JUDGMENT AND PER CAPITA RI Interior Defendants’ Notice of Filing Certification of the Administrative Record ATTACHMENT A For the January 6, 2003, Historical Accounting Plan for Individual Indian Money Accounts and the May 31, 2007, Plan for Completing the Historical Accounting Date Author Doc Type Document Title Purple/Green Plan Start Bates Number Ending Bates Number Progress Reports 9/1/2003 Dunne - CD&L Email w/attachment Preparation of Transmittal Letters for IIM Judgment and Per Capita Accounts D000-000-HTA-WDC-000019-0002-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000019-0002-0005 Progress Reports 1/30/2003 Dunne - CD&L Memo Judgment and Per Capita Project Timeline D000-000-HTA-WDC-000019-0003-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000019-0003-0002 Progress Reports 10/18/2002 Beck Email w/attachment Judgment and Per Capita Reconciled Tables D000-000-HTA-WDC-000019-0004-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000019-0004-0003 Progress Reports 10/2/2002 Chavarria - CD&L Memo w/enclosure Contract Number 0102CT85063; IIM Historical Accounting Project Status/Results as of October 2, 2002 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000019-0005-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000019-0005-0016 Progress Reports 8/30/2002 Dunne - CD&L Memo w/enclosure Contract Number 0102CT85063; IIM Historical Accounting Project Status/Results as of August 30, 2002 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000019-0006-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000019-0006-0014 Progress Reports 7/16/2002 Chavarria - CD&L Memo Contract Number 0102CT85063; Response to Issues Raised by the Special Trustee D000-000-HTA-WDC-000019-0007-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000019-0007-0004 Progress Reports 7/15/2002 Edwards Memo Historical Accounting for 7,903 IIM Judgment Accounts D000-000-HTA-WDC-000019-0008-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000019-0008-0011 Progress Reports 6/29/2002 Dunne - CD&L Email w/attachment Report D000-000-HTA-WDC-000019-0009-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000019-0009-0002 Progress Reports 6/28/2002 Dunne - CD&L Email w/attachment Closed J and P Accounts D000-000-HTA-WDC-000019-0010-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000019-0010-0002 Mailings 11/17/2002 Edwards Email Batch 1 Letters D000-000-HTA-WDC-000020-0002-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000020-0002-0002 Mailings 11/1/2002 Edwards Memo Mailing of Historical Accountings to Judgment IIM Account Holders D000-000-HTA-WDC-000020-0003-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000020-0003-0001 Mailings 10/30/2002 Beck Email Memoranda on Mailings #2 and #3 for White Mountain D000-000-HTA-WDC-000020-0004-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000020-0004-0001 Mailings 10/25/2002 Edwards Memo Procedure for Periodic Mailings of Completed Historical Accounting Packages to IIM Account Holders D000-000-HTA-WDC-000020-0005-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000020-0005-0003 Mailings 10/24/2002 Hinkins - NORC Memo Addresses for Mailing Judgments D000-000-HTA-WDC-000020-0006-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000020-0006-0004 Mailings 10/10/2002 Zippin Email Mailing of White Mountain Apache Statements D000-000-HTA-WDC-000020-0007-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000020-0007-0003 Mailings 10/4/2002 Edwards Memo Revised Mailing to White Mountain Apache Tribe IIM Judgment Accounts - 560 Historical Accountings D000-000-HTA-WDC-000020-0008-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000020-0008-0016 Mailings 10/4/2002 Edwards Email The Envelope Saga D000-000-HTA-WDC-000020-0009-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000020-0009-0002 Mailings 10/4/2002 Alcorn Email The Envelope Saga D000-000-HTA-WDC-000020-0010-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000020-0010-0001 Mailings 10/1/2002 Bennett Email IMPORTANT - White Mountain Apache Tribe Initial Mailings D000-000-HTA-WDC-000020-0011-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000020-0011-0001 Mailings 10/1/2002 Hinkins - NORC Email Judgment addresses D000-000-HTA-WDC-000020-0012-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000020-0012-0002 Mailings 9/11/2002 Beck Email Judgment Initial Mailing Work Plan D000-000-HTA-WDC-000020-0013-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000020-0013-0004 Mailings 9/10/2002 Hinkins - NORC Email Judgment Mailings - address cleaning D000-000-HTA-WDC-000020-0014-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000020-0014-0014 Mailings 8/30/2002 Erwin - OST Memo Accounting Statements and Related Issues D000-000-HTA-WDC-000020-0015-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000020-0015-0004 Mailings 8/19/2002 Zippin Email Coordination Issues D000-000-HTA-WDC-000020-0016-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000020-0016-0004 Mailings 6/6/2002 Zippin Email Insert to Transmittal D000-000-HTA-WDC-000020-0017-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000020-0017-0001 Mailings 5/10/2002 Edwards Memo Historical Accounting for 8,006 Judgment Accounts D000-000-HTA-WDC-000020-0018-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000020-0018-0003 Mailings 4/2/2002 Chavarria - CD&L OHTA Task 4 and 5 SOWs and Estimated Fees and Expenses D000-000-HTA-WDC-000020-0019-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000020-0019-0054 Mailings Plan Plan for Distributing the Historical Accounting Results - 7,903 Judgment Accounts D000-000-HTA-WDC-000020-0020-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000020-0020-0001 Mailings Plan Immediate Mailing of Initial Historical Accounting Results for Judgment Accounts D000-000-HTA-WDC-000020-0021-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000020-0021-0001 SPECIAL DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS Results 1/10/2003 Edwards Email Request for OK to FAX this to Terry Virden on Proposed Albuquerque SDA Plan Meeting on 2/5 or 2/6 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000021-0002-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000021-0002-0002 Results 12/11/2002 Zippin Email SDA Meeting D000-000-HTA-WDC-000021-0003-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000021-0003-0002 Results 11/25/2002 Work plan Special Deposit Accounts Project Workplan D000-000-HTA-WDC-000021-0004-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000021-0004-0127 Results Flow Chart Figure XX-X SDA and Other Administrative Account Review and Allocation Process D000-000-HTA-WDC-000021-0005-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000021-0005-0001 ANALYSES AND REPORTS Analyses and Reports 6/12/2007 FTI Report Data Completeness Validation Interim Status Report Green D000-000-HTA-WDC-000034-0001-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000034-0001-0029-0001 Analyses and Reports 12/1/2006 Report Independent Auditors' Report on the Tribal and Other Trust Funds and IIM Trust Funds Financial Statements for FY 2006 and 2005 Managed by the OST for American Indians Green D000-000-HTA-WDC-000060-0002-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000060-0002-0041 Analyses and Reports 10/3/2006 Edwards Memo w/enclosures Report of Reznik Group, P.C., of its Review of a Sample of "Settlement Packages" Certified by Department of the Treasury During the 1890s-1921 Green D000-000-HTA-WDC-000060-0003-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000060-0003-0049 Analyses and Reports 6/15/2006 Alcorn Memo w/enclosures Gustavson Report-Design Plan for GIS System Using Natural Resources Industry Production Databases Green D000-000-HTA-WDC-000060-0004-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000060-0004-0091 Analyses and Reports 6/8/2006 Edwards Memo Review by Reznick Group of Settlement Packages Green D000-000-HTA-WDC-000060-0005-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000060-0005-0042 Analyses and Reports 11/1/2005 Report Independent Auditors' Report on the Tribal and Other Trust Funds and IIM Trust Funds Financial Statements for FY 2005 and 2004 Managed by the OST for American Indians Green D000-000-HTA-WDC-000060-0006-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000060-0006-0048 Analyses and Reports 9/19/2005 Memo Results of Reviews of the Department of the Treasury and General Accounting Office Settlements of Special Disbursing Agents at BIA Agencies Green D000-000-HTA-WDC-000060-0008-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000060-0008-0091 Analyses and Reports 11/12/2004 Grant Thornton Report Quality Control Check of IIM Historical Account Project Mailing of a Supplemental Letter to Judgment Subgroup 1a Account Holders-1,208 accounts for the White Apache Tribe Green D000-000-HTA-WDC-000060-0007-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000060-0007-0006 Analyses and Reports 11/1/2004 Report Independent Auditors' Report on the Tribal and Other Trust Funds and IIM Trust Funds Financial Statements for FY 2004 and 2003 Managed by the OST for American Indians Green D000-000-HTA-WDC-000060-0009-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000060-0009-0063 Analyses and Reports 10/27/2004 Presentation OHTA Litigation Support Accounting - After Action Review and FY 2005 Planning Offsite Green D000-000-HTA-WDC-000060-0010-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000060-0010-0081 Analyses and Reports 12/9/2003 Report Independent Auditors' Report on the Tribal and Other Trust Funds and IIM Trust Funds Financial Statements for FY 2003 and 2002 Managed by the OST for American Indians Green D000-000-HTA-WDC-000060-0011-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000060-0011-0053 Analyses and Reports 9/22/2003 Deloitte & Touche Report Accountants Report on the Reconciliation of the Eastern Region Land-Based Non-Interest IIM Transactions Green D000-000-HTA-WDC-000060-0012-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000060-0012-0010 Analyses and Reports 8/22/2003 Grant Thornton Report Report on the Quality Control Check of Historical Ernst & Young LLP of IIM Accounts for Four Plaintiffs and their Agreed-Upon Predecessors Green D000-000-HTA-WDC-000060-0013-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000060-0013-0013 RI Interior Defendants’ Notice of Filing Certification of the Administrative Record ATTACHMENT A For the January 6, 2003, Historical Accounting Plan for Individual Indian Money Accounts and the May 31, 2007, Plan for Completing the Historical Accounting Date Author Doc Type Document Title Purple/Green Plan Start Bates Number Ending Bates Number Analyses and Reports 2/19/2003 Report Independent Auditors' Report on the Tribal and Other Trust Funds and IIM Trust Funds Financial Statements for FY 2002 and 2001 Managed by the Office of Trust Funds Management, OST Green D000-000-HTA-WDC-000060-0014-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000060-0014-0065 Analyses and Reports 1/1/2003 Baier-NORC Report Procedures for Imaging and Coding Documents D000-000-HTA-WDC-000060-0015-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000060-0015-0030 Analyses and Reports 12/19/2002 Zhang & Scheuren-NORC Report NORC Sample Design Planning Series Part II, Anadarko Agency IIM Transactions Described D000-000-HTA-WDC-000060-0016-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000060-0016-0053 Analyses and Reports 11/15/2002 Baier-NORC Report Sampling and Quality Control for IIM Account Statement Mailings D000-000-HTA-WDC-000060-0017-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000060-0017-0029 Analyses and Reports 11/14/2002 Dunne-CD&L Fax Report summarizing the sampling plan and results for the disbursement test work D000-000-HTA-WDC-000060-0018-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000060-0018-0003 Analyses and Reports 11/8/2002 Grant Thornton Report Report on Quality Control Check of IIM Historical Accounting Project Mailing of Judgment Subgroup 1A - First 648 Accounts for the White Mountain Apache Tribe D000-000-HTA-WDC-000060-0019-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000060-0019-0007 Analyses and Reports 11/1/2002 Chavarria-CD&L Email IIM Trust Funds System Level Issues D000-000-HTA-WDC-000060-0020-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000060-0020-0005 Analyses and Reports 10/30/2002 Catton- Report The USDA Forest Service and Timber Sales on Allotted Indian Lands D000-000-HTA-WDC-000060-0021-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000060-0021-0024 Analyses and Reports 10/25/2002 Chavarria-CD&L Email OHTA System Level Issues Affecting Historical Accounting D000-000-HTA-WDC-000060-0022-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000060-0022-0003 Analyses and Reports 10/21/2002 Grant Thornton Report Report on Quality Control Check of IIM Historical Accounting Project Mailing of Judgment Subgroup 1A - First 560 Accounts for the White Mountain Apache Tribe D000-000-HTA-WDC-000060-0023-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000060-0023-0012 Analyses and Reports 10/1/2002 GAO Report Assessing the Reliability of Computer-Processed Data D000-000-HTA-WDC-000060-0024-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000060-0024-0040 Analyses and Reports 9/26/2002 Anderson-BLM Memo First Report of the Office of Historical Trust Accounting Cadastral Survey Pilot D000-000-HTA-WDC-000060-0025-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000060-0025-0011 Analyses and Reports 9/13/2002 Chavarria-CD&L Fax OHTA Issues Regarding Interest Yields D000-000-HTA-WDC-000060-0026-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000060-0026-0003 Analyses and Reports 7/30/2002 Scheuren-NORC Report A Statistical Estimate of Receipts Credited to IIM Trust Funds D000-000-HTA-WDC-000060-0027-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000060-0027-0008 Analyses and Reports 4/1/2002 Report Independent Auditors' Report on the OST for American Indians Tribal and Other Trust Funds and IIM Trust Funds Financial Statements for FY 2001 and 2000 Managed by the Office of Trust Funds Management D000-000-HTA-WDC-000060-0028-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000060-0028-0053 Analyses and Reports 4/1/2002 NORC Report An Analysis of the Application of HRA Case Studies to the Historical Accounting of Individual Indian Trust Moneys D000-000-HTA-WDC-000060-0029-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000060-0029-0038 Analyses and Reports 3/13/2002 Angel-Morgan Angel Email A Brief History of Individual Indian Moneys and Efforts to Audit IIM D000-000-HTA-WDC-000060-0030-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000060-0030-0013 Analyses and Reports 11/25/2001 Scheuren-NORC Report Design Report on Sampling and Economic Applications D000-000-HTA-WDC-000060-0031-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000060-0031-0029 Analyses and Reports 10/22/2001 Scheuren-NORC Report Pre-Design Report on Sampling and Economic Applications D000-000-HTA-WDC-000060-0032-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000060-0032-0036 Analyses and Reports 6/1/2001 Report Independent Auditors Report on the Financial Statements for FY 2000 and 1999 for the OST for American Indians Tribal and Other Special Trust Funds and IIM Trust Funds Managed by the Office of Trust Funds Management D000-000-HTA-WDC-000060-0033-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000060-0033-0040 Analyses and Reports 1/1/2001 Report Independent Auditors Report on the Financial Statements for FY 1999 and 1998 for the OST for American Indians Tribal and Other Special Trust Funds and IIM Trust Funds Managed by the Office of Trust Funds Management D000-000-HTA-WDC-000060-0034-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000060-0034-0076 Analyses and Reports 5/1/2000 Report Independent Auditors Report on the Financial Statements for FY 1998 and 1997 for the OST for American Indians Tribal and Other Special Trust Funds and IIM Trust Funds Managed by the Office of Trust Funds Management D000-000-HTA-WDC-000060-0035-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000060-0035-0044 Analyses and Reports 3/1/1999 Report Audit Report, Financial Statements for FY 1997 for the OST for American Indians Tribal and Other Special Trust Funds and IIM Trust Funds Managed by the Office of Trust Funds Management D000-000-HTA-WDC-000060-0036-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000060-0036-0085 Analyses and Reports 1/1/1998 Report Audit Report, Financial Statements for FY 1996 for the OST for American Indians Tribal, IIM and Other Special Trust Funds Managed by the Office of Trust Funds Management D000-000-HTA-WDC-000060-0037-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000060-0037-0074 Analyses and Reports 12/1/1996 Report Audit Report, Statement of Assets and Trust Fund Balances at September 30, 1995, of the Trust Funds Managed by the Office of Trust Funds Management, Bureau of Indian Affairs D000-000-HTA-WDC-000060-0038-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000060-0038-0030 Analyses and Reports 5/1/1984 ACTEC Report National Fiduciary Accounting Standards D000-000-HTA-WDC-000060-0039-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000060-0039-0038 NORC REPORTS Compendium II 12/1/2004 Report Compendium II of NORC Reports, FY2001 through FY2004 Green D000-000-HTA-WDC-000045-0001-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000045-0001-0028 Compendium II 9/28/2004 Memo CP&R Subsample Report - Revised Green D000-000-HTA-WDC-000045-0002-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000045-0002-0005 Alaska Design 8/14/2003 Report Adaptive Sampling Green D000-000-HTA-WDC-000046-0001-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000046-0001-0021 Alaska Design 9/30/2003 Report Alaska Credit Sample Green D000-000-HTA-WDC-000046-0002-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000046-0002-0036 Alaska Design 12/10/2003 Report Alaska Debit Sample Green D000-000-HTA-WDC-000046-0003-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000046-0003-0042 Alaska Design 9/1/2003 Report Alaska Replicate Assignment Green D000-000-HTA-WDC-000046-0004-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000046-0004-0014 Alaska Prototypes Sampling 9/1/2003 Report Alaska Check Prototype Green D000-000-HTA-WDC-000047-0001-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000047-0001-0022 Alaska Prototypes Sampling 9/30/2003 Report Alaska EFT Prototype Green D000-000-HTA-WDC-000047-0002-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000047-0002-0010 Alaska Prototypes Sampling 10/1/2003 Report Alaska Receipts Prototype Green D000-000-HTA-WDC-000047-0003-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000047-0003-0023 Alaska Prototypes Sampling 9/1/2003 Report Alaska Related Payments Green D000-000-HTA-WDC-000047-0004-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000047-0004-0014 Alaska Prototypes Sampling 4/1/2004 Report Alaska SDA Prototype Green D000-000-HTA-WDC-000047-0005-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000047-0005-0016 Alaska Prototypes Sampling 10/1/2003 Report Central Office 1 Green D000-000-HTA-WDC-000047-0006-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000047-0006-0022 Alaska Prototypes Sampling 10/1/2003 Report Central Office 2 Green D000-000-HTA-WDC-000047-0007-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000047-0007-0163 Cadastral Resurvey Project 6/1/2003 Report Cadastral Pilot Summary Green D000-000-HTA-WDC-000048-0001-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000048-0001-0013 Cadastral Resurvey Project 6/9/2003 Report Cadastral Report Part I Green D000-000-HTA-WDC-000048-0002-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000048-0002-0068 Cadastral Resurvey Project 6/16/2003 Report Cadastral Report Part II Green D000-000-HTA-WDC-000048-0003-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000048-0003-0047 Early Sampling Studies 7/1/2003 Report Alaska Region IIM Report Green D000-000-HTA-WDC-000049-0001-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000049-0001-0094 Early Sampling Studies 12/19/2002 Report Anadarko Agency Report D000-000-HTA-WDC-000049-0002-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000049-0002-0053 Early Sampling Studies 11/25/2001 Report Design Report D000-000-HTA-WDC-000049-0003-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000049-0003-0029 Early Sampling Studies 4/1/2002 Report HRA Case Studies D000-000-HTA-WDC-000049-0004-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000049-0004-0038 Early Sampling Studies 6/1/2002 Report ITAD D000-000-HTA-WDC-000049-0005-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000049-0005-0007 Early Sampling Studies 2/24/2003 Report NORC Sample Design Green D000-000-HTA-WDC-000049-0006-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000049-0006-0028 RI Interior Defendants’ Notice of Filing Certification of the Administrative Record ATTACHMENT A For the January 6, 2003, Historical Accounting Plan for Individual Indian Money Accounts and the May 31, 2007, Plan for Completing the Historical Accounting Date Author Doc Type Document Title Purple/Green Plan Start Bates Number Ending Bates Number Early Sampling Studies 10/22/2001 Report Pre Design Report D000-000-HTA-WDC-000049-0007-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000049-0007-0035 Land Title Pilot 3/1/2003 Report Individual LTRO Reports Green D000-000-HTA-WDC-000050-0001-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000050-0001-0056 Land Title Pilot 2/28/2003 Report LTRO Probate Report Green D000-000-HTA-WDC-000050-0002-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000050-0002-0029 Land Title Pilot 3/28/2003 Report LTRO Procedural Documentation Green D000-000-HTA-WDC-000050-0003-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000050-0003-0038 Land Title Pilot 3/1/2003 Report LTRO Summary Green D000-000-HTA-WDC-000050-0004-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000050-0004-0015 Litigation Support Project 2/23/2004 Report Account Sample Green D000-000-HTA-WDC-000051-0001-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000051-0001-0033 Litigation Support Project 6/1/2004 Report Alaska Analysis Green D000-000-HTA-WDC-000051-0002-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000051-0002-0011 Litigation Support Project 2/1/2004 Report Alaska Design Green D000-000-HTA-WDC-000051-0003-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000051-0003-0030 Litigation Support Project 3/1/2004 Report Eastern Analysis Green D000-000-HTA-WDC-000051-0004-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000051-0004-0026 Litigation Support Project 9/29/2003 Report Eastern Design Green D000-000-HTA-WDC-000051-0005-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000051-0005-0017 Litigation Support Project 2/1/2004 Report Eastern Oklahoma Design Green D000-000-HTA-WDC-000051-0006-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000051-0006-0029 Litigation Support Project 2/1/2004 Report Great Plains Design Green D000-000-HTA-WDC-000051-0007-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000051-0007-0020 Litigation Support Project 5/1/2004 Report Interim Debits Green D000-000-HTA-WDC-000051-0008-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000051-0008-0008 Litigation Support Project 12/28/2004 Report LSA Interim Report-Reconcilition of High Dollar and National Sample Transactions from Land-based IIM Accounts Green D000-000-HTA-WDC-000051-0009-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000051-0009-0029 Litigation Support Project 2/1/2004 Report Midwest Design Green D000-000-HTA-WDC-000051-0010-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000051-0010-0033 Litigation Support Project 3/1/2004 Report Navajo Design Green D000-000-HTA-WDC-000051-0011-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000051-0011-0039 Litigation Support Project 3/1/2004 Report Northwest Design Green D000-000-HTA-WDC-000051-0012-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000051-0012-0045 Litigation Support Project 2/1/2004 Report Pacific Design Green D000-000-HTA-WDC-000051-0013-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000051-0013-0021 Litigation Support Project 2/1/2004 Report Rocky Mountains Design Green D000-000-HTA-WDC-000051-0014-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000051-0014-0021 Litigation Support Project 2/1/2004 Report Southern Plains Design Green D000-000-HTA-WDC-000051-0015-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000051-0015-0036 Litigation Support Project 2/1/2004 Report Southwestern Design Green D000-000-HTA-WDC-000051-0016-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000051-0016-0040 Litigation Support Project 2/1/2004 Report Western Design Green D000-000-HTA-WDC-000051-0017-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000051-0017-0022 Miscellaneous Reports 5/29/2007 Memo The Role of Statistics and Statistical Sampling in the IIM Historical Accounting Green D000-000-HTA-WDC-000052-0001-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000052-0001-0006 Miscellaneous Reports 5/25/2007 Memo Initial Hypothesis Testing Approach for the Paper Ledger Era Green D000-000-HTA-WDC-000052-0002-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000052-0002-0004 Miscellaneous Reports 3/15/2007 Memo Sample Design Planning Report 2007 Green D000-000-HTA-WDC-000052-0003-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000052-0003-0007 Miscellaneous Reports 1/1/2003 Report Imaging and Coding D000-000-HTA-WDC-000052-0004-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000052-0004-0030 Miscellaneous Reports 10/1/2003 Report Median Balancing Green D000-000-HTA-WDC-000052-0005-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000052-0005-0038 Miscellaneous Reports 7/30/2002 Report Total Receipts D000-000-HTA-WDC-000052-0006-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000052-0006-0008 Quality Control 9/1/2004 Report Confidence Green D000-000-HTA-WDC-000053-0001-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000053-0001-0012 Quality Control 7/1/2004 Report Mersenne Green D000-000-HTA-WDC-000053-0002-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000053-0002-0030 Quality Control 7/1/2004 Report QC Support Green D000-000-HTA-WDC-000053-0003-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000053-0003-0021 Quality Control 11/15/2002 Report QC White Mountain Apache D000-000-HTA-WDC-000053-0004-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000053-0004-0029 Completeness Test 3/31/2007 Memo Land to Dollar Completeness, Test Memo, At Horton Agency (Potawatomi Tribe) Green D000-000-HTA-WDC-000038-0001-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000038-0001-0005 GAO Treasury Account Settlement Report 3/31/2007 Report GAO Treasury Report Green D000-000-HTA-WDC-000039-0001-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000039-0001-0039 LSA Reports 12/31/2006 Memo Reconciliation of the High Dollar and National Sample Transactions from Land-based IIM Accounts Green D000-000-HTA-WDC-000040-0001-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000040-0001-0003 LSA Reports 9/30/2005 Report Litigation Support Accounting Project For the Electronic Era (1985-2000) Green D000-000-HTA-WDC-000040-0002-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000040-0002-0034 Meta Analysis Report 6/23/2006 Report Meta Analysis Bibliography, Volume II Green D000-000-HTA-WDC-000041-0001-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000041-0001-0044 Meta Analysis Report 6/23/2006 Report Qualitative Meta Analysis, Of Audit and Reconciliation Studies on Indian Trust Accounts, Volume I Green D000-000-HTA-WDC-000041-0002-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000041-0002-0030 Assurance Level Options 1/29/2007 Memo Assurance Level Options Green D000-000-HTA-WDC-000042-0001-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000042-0001-0003 The Litigation Support Accounting 1/26/2007 Memo (LSA) Project Results and the Sampling Plan submitted to The U.S. District Court (High Dollar Follow up) Green D000-000-HTA-WDC-000042-0002-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000042-0002-0003 Sampling IIM Transactions In the Paper Era 11/6/2006 Memo Sampling IIM Transactions In the Paper Era Green D000-000-HTA-WDC-000042-0003-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000042-0003-0003 RECORDS AVAILABILITY Availability 9/1/2006 Morgan Angel Memo Missing Treasury Certificates of Settlement Green D000-000-HTA-WDC-000022-0002-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000022-0002-0005 Availability 1/3/2003 Edwards Email OHTA Sub Task A-Review of Draft Plan for the US Court D000-000-HTA-WDC-000022-0003-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000022-0003-0003 Availability 11/13/2002 Edwards Memo Indian Trust Accounting Division of General Services Administration D000-000-HTA-WDC-000022-0004-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000022-0004-0002 Availability 11/11/2002 Edwards Memo Retention of Lease Records Meeting with Minerals Management Service Representatives D000-000-HTA-WDC-000022-0005-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000022-0005-0021 Availability 11/6/2002 Haspel Memo Document Collection and Security Clearance D000-000-HTA-WDC-000022-0006-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000022-0006-0010 Availability 10/17/2002 Edwards Memo Retention of Lease Records by Oil and Gas Lessees of Indian Allotted Lands D000-000-HTA-WDC-000022-0007-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000022-0007-0018 Availability 8/28/2002 Angel - Morgan Angel Memo Recent trip to the FRC at the Central Plains Region of the NARA, located in Lee's Summit, MO D000-000-HTA-WDC-000022-0008-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000022-0008-0008 Availability 8/19/2002 Scheuren Email DOI Lost Records Search D000-000-HTA-WDC-000022-0009-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000022-0009-0002 Availability 8/13/2002 Zippin Memo Coordination on Records Between Office of Trust Records and OHTA D000-000-HTA-WDC-000022-0010-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000022-0010-0025 Availability 7/11/2002 Denett - MMS Memo Collection of Missing Information Project and FOGRMA D000-000-HTA-WDC-000022-0011-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000022-0011-0014 Availability 6/21/2002 Grover/Walker Memo Survey of Boxes, OST Renaissance Building, May 22-23 and June 3-7, 2002 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000022-0012-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000022-0012-0039 Availability 6/21/2002 Edwards Memo Collection of Missing Information Project and FOGRMA D000-000-HTA-WDC-000022-0013-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000022-0013-0012 RI Interior Defendants’ Notice of Filing Certification of the Administrative Record ATTACHMENT A For the January 6, 2003, Historical Accounting Plan for Individual Indian Money Accounts and the May 31, 2007, Plan for Completing the Historical Accounting Date Author Doc Type Document Title Purple/Green Plan Start Bates Number Ending Bates Number Availability 6/5/2002 Alcorn Memo Meeting with Representatives of BIA Eastern Oklahoma Region Office Staff D000-000-HTA-WDC-000022-0014-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000022-0014-0003 Availability 4/18/2002 Swanson Email TRO D000-000-HTA-WDC-000022-0015-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000022-0015-0001 Availability 4/18/2002 Memo GSA Indian Trust Accounting Division - Work Plan to Identify IIM Records Contained in Tribal Records at ITAD D000-000-HTA-WDC-000022-0016-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000022-0016-0029 Availability 3/13/2002 BLM Memo Missing Survey Records D000-000-HTA-WDC-000022-0017-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000022-0017-0008 Availability 1/22/2002 Edwards Memo GSA Indian Trust Accounting Division (ITAD) Records Project Work Plan D000-000-HTA-WDC-000022-0018-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000022-0018-0020 -000 Third Party Records 1/10/2003 Alcorn Email w/attachment draft FR Notice D000-000-HTA-WDC-000023-0002-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000023-0002-0007 Third Party Records 1/3/2003 Alcorn Email w/attachment Fiduciary Report D000-000-HTA-WDC-000023-0003-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000023-0003-0007 Third Party Records 12/30/2002 McClanahan Fax w/attachment Arthur Andersen - Email - Zantaz D000-000-HTA-WDC-000023-0004-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000023-0004-0033 Third Party Records 12/2/2002 Alcorn Email w/attachment Breach One Policy D000-000-HTA-WDC-000023-0005-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000023-0005-0016 Third Party Records 11/25/2002 Alcorn Fax w/attachment Federal Register Notice D000-000-HTA-WDC-000023-0006-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000023-0006-0008 Third Party Records 11/18/2002 Alcorn Email w/attachment Draft Policy D000-000-HTA-WDC-000023-0007-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000023-0007-0010 Third Party Records 11/1/2002 Edwards Email Incorporation of "Breach 1" Concepts into the Accounting Standards Manual D000-000-HTA-WDC-000023-0008-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000023-0008-0001 Third Party Records 10/4/2002 Alcorn Email w/attachment Breach One D000-000-HTA-WDC-000023-0009-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000023-0009-0004 Third Party Records 8/28/2002 Edwards Memo Status of Breach One Efforts D000-000-HTA-WDC-000023-0010-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000023-0010-0003 Third Party Records 8/14/2002 Alcorn Email w/attachment PowerPoint presentation [Attached: Presentation to DOI and DOJ of Recommended Procedures for Collection of Third-party Information] D000-000-HTA-WDC-000023-0011-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000023-0011-0035 Third Party Records 7/23/2002 Alcorn Email Gary Williams Energy Records D000-000-HTA-WDC-000023-0012-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000023-0012-0002 Third Party Records 6/20/2002 Zippin Letter Arthur Andersen's Working Papers and Files related to Cobell v Norton and Other Indian Trust Matters - Letter of Authorization and Understanding D000-000-HTA-WDC-000023-0013-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000023-0013-0004 Third Party Records 6/19/2002 Zippin Email Gustavson SOW D000-000-HTA-WDC-000023-0014-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000023-0014-0006 Third Party Records 6/7/2002 Gustavson Associates Report Recommended Policies and Procedures for Collection of Missing Information D000-000-HTA-WDC-000023-0015-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000023-0015-0118 Third Party Records 1/3/2002 Swanson Fax w/attachment MMS Request; Breach One Sample of Oil and Gas Payers D000-000-HTA-WDC-000023-0016-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000023-0016-0021 MEETING MINUTES/SUMMARIES/ISSUE PAPERS Documents 11/8/2006 Edwards Briefing Summary OHTA Summary of Review of GAO and Treasury "Settlement Packages" Green D000-000-HTA-WDC-000061-0002-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000061-0002-0024 12/27/2002 Bilbrey - EY Email Draft Agenda D000-000-HTA-WDC-000061-0003-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000061-0003-0002 12/11/2002 Zippin Email Meeting Thursday D000-000-HTA-WDC-000061-0004-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000061-0004-0001 11/8/2002 Srebrow - BAH Briefing Summary DOI/Cason Briefing of November 8, 2002 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000061-0005-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000061-0005-0002 11/4/2002 Agenda Historical Accounting Planning Meeting with Secretary Norton 11/4/02, 3:00 pm D000-000-HTA-WDC-000061-0006-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000061-0006-0001 11/4/2002 Issue Paper Draft Issue Paper for Secretary Norton D000-000-HTA-WDC-000061-0007-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000061-0007-0002 11/4/2002 Issue Paper Background on Issues for Discussion - Breach One - Collection of Missing Information D000-000-HTA-WDC-000061-0008-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000061-0008-0001 11/4/2002 Issue Paper Background on Issues for Discussion - Appeal Process D000-000-HTA-WDC-000061-0009-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000061-0009-0001 10/29/2002 Issue Paper Background on Issues for Discussion - Legal Issues D000-000-HTA-WDC-000061-0010-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000061-0010-0001 10/28/2002 Agenda Historical Accounting Planning Meeting with Secretary Norton 10/28/02, 3:00 - 5:00 pm D000-000-HTA-WDC-000061-0011-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000061-0011-0013 10/22/2002 Agenda Historical Accounting Planning Meeting with Secretary Norton 10/22/02 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000061-0012-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000061-0012-0003 10/22/2002 Issue Paper Draft Issue Paper for Secretary Norton D000-000-HTA-WDC-000061-0013-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000061-0013-0002 10/21/2002 Agenda Historical Accounting Planning Meeting with Secretary Norton 10/21/02 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000061-0014-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000061-0014-0007 10/21/2002 Issue Paper Issue Paper for Secretary Norton D000-000-HTA-WDC-000061-0015-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000061-0015-0003 10/21/2002 Agenda Historical Accounting Planning Meeting with Secretary Norton 10/21/02 - Draft D000-000-HTA-WDC-000061-0016-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000061-0016-0023 10/21/2002 Agenda Draft - Agenda for Meeting with Secretary 10/21/02 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000061-0017-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000061-0017-0005 10/18/2002 Zippin Email w/attachments Items for Secretary's Reading D000-000-HTA-WDC-000061-0018-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000061-0018-0011 10/18/2002 Zippin List Potential Historical Accounting Plan Reviewers D000-000-HTA-WDC-000061-0019-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000061-0019-0001 10/17/2002 Mauri Issue Paper Planning for the Production of OHTA's Accounting Plan for the Court D000-000-HTA-WDC-000061-0020-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000061-0020-0002 10/17/2002 Beck - GT Email w/attachments Updated Drafts - Agenda and Issues D000-000-HTA-WDC-000061-0021-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000061-0021-0010 10/16/2002 Chart Issues from Brainstorming Session 10/16/02 for the January 6th Report to the Judge D000-000-HTA-WDC-000061-0022-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000061-0022-0004 10/8/2002 Anderson Email Potential Decisions D000-000-HTA-WDC-000061-0023-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000061-0023-0001 10/7/2002 Agenda Proposed Agenda for Meeting with Secretary Gale Norton, Monday, October 7, 2002 -5:00 - 6:00 PM D000-000-HTA-WDC-000061-0024-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000061-0024-0001 10/7/2002 Anderson Email w/attachments Briefing Paper for Secretary Norton D000-000-HTA-WDC-000061-0025-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000061-0025-0002 10/7/2002 Briefing Paper Briefing Paper for Secretary Norton D000-000-HTA-WDC-000061-0026-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000061-0026-0002 10/7/2002 Presentation Meeting with Secretary Norton, October 7, 2002 - January 6th Plan for IIM Historical Accounting D000-000-HTA-WDC-000061-0027-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000061-0027-0020 10/2/2002 Zippin Email OHTA Plan D000-000-HTA-WDC-000061-0028-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000061-0028-0001 10/1/2002 Hiller Email w/attachments URGENT: Updated Agenda/Contact List/Presentation D000-000-HTA-WDC-000061-0029-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000061-0029-0033 10/1/2002 Zippin Email Historical Accounting with Congressman Norman Dicks D000-000-HTA-WDC-000061-0030-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000061-0030-0002 10/1/2002 Austin Email w/attachments Anchorage Schedule D000-000-HTA-WDC-000061-0031-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000061-0031-0002 8/19/2002 Zippin Meeting Summary Meeting on Settlement - August 16, 2002 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000061-0032-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000061-0032-0002 6/25/2002 Edwards Email w/attachments Caren Dunne Briefing for DOJ Attorneys on 20-year Tribal Reconciliation D000-000-HTA-WDC-000061-0033-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000061-0033-0005 6/14/2002 Zippin Email Meeting on Accounting Plan D000-000-HTA-WDC-000061-0034-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000061-0034-0001 6/7/2002 Meeting Materials Meeting with Jim Cason, Meeting Topics June 7, 2002 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000061-0035-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000061-0035-0046 5/30/2002 Briefing Materials Briefing for the Secretary, Status of the Comprehensive Plan for the Historical Accounting of IIM Accounts D000-000-HTA-WDC-000061-0036-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000061-0036-0024 4/3/2002 Swimmer Memo Comprehensive Plan and Budget D000-000-HTA-WDC-000061-0037-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000061-0037-0003 3/6/2002 Edwards Memo OHTA Strategic Plan Through July 1, 2002 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000061-0038-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000061-0038-0024 1/10/2002 Edwards Briefing Materials Preparing the Historical Accounting of Individual Indian Money Accounts, Briefing for BAH D000-000-HTA-WDC-000061-0039-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000061-0039-0016 Meeting Summary Griles Meeting Follow-Ups D000-000-HTA-WDC-000061-0040-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000061-0040-0002 Presentation Brainstorming Session; January 6th Plan for Historical Accounting D000-000-HTA-WDC-000061-0041-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000061-0041-0008 RI Interior Defendants’ Notice of Filing Certification of the Administrative Record ATTACHMENT A For the January 6, 2003, Historical Accounting Plan for Individual Indian Money Accounts and the May 31, 2007, Plan for Completing the Historical Accounting Date Author Doc Type Document Title Purple/Green Plan Start Bates Number Ending Bates Number COURT MATERIALS Court Materials Re: Historical Accounting Plan 12/10/2004 US Court of Appeals, DC Circuit Court Document Briefs and Other Related Documents (Vol 1) Green D000-000-HTA-WDC-000013-0002-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000013-0002-0013 Court Materials Re: Historical Accounting Plan 9/15/2004 US District Court, DC Court Document Brief for the Appellants (Vol 1) Green D000-000-HTA-WDC-000013-0003-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000013-0003-0128 Court Materials Re: Historical Accounting Plan 6/28/2004 US District Court, DC Court Document Reply Brief for the Appellants (Vol 1) Green D000-000-HTA-WDC-000013-0004-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000013-0004-0051 Court Materials Re: Historical Accounting Plan 11/10/2003 US District Court, DC Court Document Appellants' Motion for Stay Pending Appeal (Vol 1) Green D000-000-HTA-WDC-000013-0005-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000013-0005-0025 Court Materials Re: Historical Accounting Plan 9/25/2003 US District Court, DC Court Document Cobell v. Gale Norton, Secretary of DOI (Vol 1) Green D000-000-HTA-WDC-000013-0006-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000013-0006-0113 Court Materials Re: Historical Accounting Plan 4/1/2003 Motion Motion for Leave to Substitute Original Expert Rebuttal Report of David B. Lasater (Vol 3) Green D000-000-HTA-WDC-000012-0002-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000012-0002-0009 Court Materials Re: Historical Accounting Plan 3/28/2003 Rosenbaum Report Expert Report of Joseph R. Rosenbaum (Vol 3) Green D000-000-HTA-WDC-000012-0003-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000012-0003-0017 Court Materials Re: Historical Accounting Plan 2/28/2003 Edward Angel Report Expert Report of Edward Angel (Vol 3) Green D000-000-HTA-WDC-000012-0004-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000012-0004-0061 Court Materials Re: Historical Accounting Plan 2/28/2003 David Lasater Report Notice of Filing of Expert Report of David B. Lasater (Vol 3) Green D000-000-HTA-WDC-000012-0005-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000012-0005-0007 Court Materials Re: Historical Accounting Plan 2/28/2003 Alan Newell Report Notice of Filing of Expert Report of Alan S. Newell (Vol 3) Green D000-000-HTA-WDC-000012-0006-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000012-0006-0023 Court Materials Re: Historical Accounting Plan 9/17/2002 US District Court, DC Court Document Motions, Pleadings, and Filings (Vol 1) D000-000-HTA-WDC-000012-0007-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000012-0007-0013 Court Materials Re: Historical Accounting Plan Testimony Phase 1.5 Trial Testimony - Judgment Per Capita Accounts - Day 1 PM (Vol 4) D000-000-HTA-WDC-000012-0008-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000012-0008-0014 Court Materials Re: Historical Accounting Plan Testimony Phase 1.5 Trial Testimony - Special Deposit Accounts Testimony - Day 1 PM (Vol 4) D000-000-HTA-WDC-000012-0009-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000012-0009-0027 COMMENTS/EDITS ON DRAFT PLAN Historical Accounting Project 5/31/2007 Mushtaq - NORC Email Review of the 2007 Plan Green D000-000-HTA-WDC-000035-0001-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000035-0001-0001 Historical Accounting Project 5/31/2007 Edwards Plan Historical Accounting Project Green D000-000-HTA-WDC-000035-0002-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000035-0002-0037 Historical Accounting Project 5/31/2007 Haspel Plan Historical Accounting Project Green D000-000-HTA-WDC-000035-0004-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000035-0004-0027 Historical Accounting Project 5/30/2007 Zippin & Haspel Plan Part 1, Executive Summary and Introduction Green D000-000-HTA-WDC-000035-0006-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000035-0006-0008 OTHER DOCUMENTS Quarterly Reports to the Court 5/1/2007 Report Status Report to the Court - Number Twenty-Nine - 1/1/2007-3/31/2007 Green D000-000-HTA-WDC-000024-0002-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000024-0002-0006 Quarterly Reports to the Court 2/1/2007 Report Status Report to the Court - Number Twenty-Eight - 10/1/2006-12/31/2006 Green D000-000-HTA-WDC-000024-0003-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000024-0003-0006 Quarterly Reports to the Court 11/1/2006 Report Status Report to the Court - Number Twenty-Seven - 7/1/2006-9/30/2006 Green D000-000-HTA-WDC-000024-0004-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000024-0004-0006 Quarterly Reports to the Court 7/27/2006 Report Status Report to the Court - Number Twenty-Six - 4/1/2006-6/30/2006 Green D000-000-HTA-WDC-000024-0005-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000024-0005-0005 Quarterly Reports to the Court 5/1/2006 Report Status Report to the Court - Number Twenty-Five - 1/1/2006-3/31/2006 Green D000-000-HTA-WDC-000024-0006-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000024-0006-0004 Quarterly Reports to the Court 2/1/2006 Report Status Report to the Court - Number Twenty-Four - 10/1/2005-12/31/2005 Green D000-000-HTA-WDC-000024-0007-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000024-0007-0003 Quarterly Reports to the Court 11/1/2005 Report Status Report to the Court - Number Twenty-Three - 7/1/2005-9/30/2005 Green D000-000-HTA-WDC-000024-0008-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000024-0008-0004 Quarterly Reports to the Court 8/1/2005 Report Status Report to the Court - Number Twenty-Two - 4/1/2005-6/30/2005 Green D000-000-HTA-WDC-000024-0009-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000024-0009-0011 Quarterly Reports to the Court 5/2/2005 Report Status Report to the Court - Number Twenty-One 1/1/2005-3/31/2005 Green D000-000-HTA-WDC-000024-0010-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000024-0010-0010 Quarterly Reports to the Court 2/1/2004 Report Status Report to the Court - Number Twenty - 10/1/2004-12/31/2004 Green D000-000-HTA-WDC-000024-0012-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000024-0012-0012 Quarterly Reports to the Court 11/1/2004 Report Status Report to the Court - Number Nineteen - 7/1/2004-9/30/2004 Green D000-000-HTA-WDC-000024-0011-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000024-0011-0010 Quarterly Reports to the Court 8/2/2004 Report Status Report to the Court - Number Eighteen - 4/1/2004-6/30/2004 Green D000-000-HTA-WDC-000024-0013-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000024-0013-0011 Quarterly Reports to the Court 5/3/2004 Report Status Report to the Court - Number Seventeen - 1/1/2004-3/31/2004 Green D000-000-HTA-WDC-000024-0014-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000024-0014-0010 Quarterly Reports to the Court 2/2/2004 Report Status Report to the Court - Number Sixteen - 10/1/2003-12/31/2003 Green D000-000-HTA-WDC-000024-0015-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000024-0015-0007 Quarterly Reports to the Court 11/3/2003 Report Status Report to the Court - Number Fifteen - 7/1/2003-9/30/2003 Green D000-000-HTA-WDC-000024-0016-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000024-0016-0008 Quarterly Reports to the Court 8/1/2003 Report Status Report to the Court - Number Fourteen - 4/1/2003-6/30/2003 Green D000-000-HTA-WDC-000024-0017-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000024-0017-0007 Quarterly Reports to the Court 5/1/2003 Report Status Report to the Court - Number Thirteen - 1/1/2003-3/31/2003 Green D000-000-HTA-WDC-000024-0018-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000024-0018-0007 Quarterly Reports to the Court 2/3/2003 Report Status Report to the Court - Number Twelve - 10/1/2002 through 12/31/2002 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000024-0019-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000024-0019-0009 Quarterly Reports to the Court 11/1/2002 Report Status Report to the Court - Number Eleven - 7/1/2002 through 9/30/2002 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000024-0020-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000024-0020-0013 Quarterly Reports to the Court 8/1/2002 Report Status Report to the Court - Number Ten - 4/1/2002 through 6/30/2002 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000024-0021-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000024-0021-0011 Quarterly Reports to the Court 5/1/2002 Report Status Report to the Court - Number Nine - 1/1/2002 through 3/31/2002 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000024-0022-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000024-0022-0012 Quarterly Reports to the Court 1/16/2002 Report Status Report to the Court - Number Eight - 8/1/2001 through 12/31/2001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000024-0023-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000024-0023-0019 Five Named Plaintiffs Report 1/13/2003 Zippin Email Comments on Plaintiff's Historical Accounting Plan D000-000-HTA-WDC-000029-0002-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000029-0002-0004 Five Named Plaintiffs Report 1/8/2003 Zippin Email Plaintiffs Plan for Historical Accounting D000-000-HTA-WDC-000029-0004-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000029-0004-0057 Five Named Plaintiffs Report 1/8/2003 Mauri Email Comments on Plaintiffs' Plan D000-000-HTA-WDC-000029-0005-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000029-0005-0003 Five Named Plaintiffs Report 1/8/2003 Edwards Email Comments on Plaintiffs' Plan D000-000-HTA-WDC-000029-0006-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000029-0006-0010 Five Named Plaintiffs Report 1/13/2003 Edwards Email Re: Comments on Plaintiff's Historical Accounting Plan D000-000-HTA-WDC-000029-0003-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000029-0003-0004 Report to Congress, July 2, 2002 (Blue Plan) 7/3/2002 Corley Email OHTA's Report and letter to Congress D000-000-HTA-WDC-000025-0003-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000025-0003-0012 Report to Congress, July 2, 2002 (Blue Plan) 7/2/2002 Report Report to Congress on the Historical Accounting of Individual Indian Money Accounts D000-000-HTA-WDC-000025-0002-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000025-0002-0111 Blueprint for Developing the Comprehensive Historical Accounting Plan, Sept 10, 2001 9/20/2001 Report Blueprint for Developing the Comprehensive Historical Accounting Plan for Individual Indian Money Accounts D000-000-HTA-WDC-000026-0002-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000026-0002-0041 Historical Accounting for Individual Indian Monies - A Progress Report 9/1/2005 Report Historical Accounting for Individual Indian Monies - A Progress Report Green D000-000-HTA-WDC-000027-0002-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000027-0002-0028 Historical Accounting Project 5/31/2007 Report Overview Green D000-000-HTA-WDC-000033-0001-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000033-0001-0003 Historical Accounting Project 5/31/2007 Report Part 1 - Plan for Completing the Historical Accounting of IIM Accounts Green D000-000-HTA-WDC-000033-0002-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000033-0002-0032 Historical Accounting Project 5/31/2007 Report Part 2 - The Basis and Rationale for Changes to the January 6, 2003 Historical Accounting Plan for IIM Accounts Green D000-000-HTA-WDC-000033-0003-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000033-0003-0032 White Papers to Senior Management 11/27/2002 Issue Paper White Paper on Sampling Concepts D000-000-HTA-WDC-000030-0002-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000030-0002-0003 White Papers to Senior Management 11/26/2002 Zippin Email Options for Conducting Accounting D000-000-HTA-WDC-000030-0003-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000030-0003-0008 RI Interior Defendants’ Notice of Filing Certification of the Administrative Record ATTACHMENT A For the January 6, 2003, Historical Accounting Plan for Individual Indian Money Accounts and the May 31, 2007, Plan for Completing the Historical Accounting Date Author Doc Type Document Title Purple/Green Plan Start Bates Number Ending Bates Number White Papers to Senior Management 11/25/2002 Issue paper White Papers Related to Defining the January 6 Historical Accounting Plan D000-000-HTA-WDC-000030-0004-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000030-0004-0006 White Papers to Senior Management 11/25/2002 Zippin Email White Papers - Group 1 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000030-0005-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000030-0005-0011 White Papers to Senior Management 11/22/2002 Zippin Email List of Possible White Papers D000-000-HTA-WDC-000030-0006-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000030-0006-0004 White Papers to Senior Management 11/1/2002 Chavarria - CD&L Email w/attachment System Issues D000-000-HTA-WDC-000030-0007-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000030-0007-0005 White Papers to Senior Management 1/17/2002 Issue Paper White Paper - Secretarial Issue Document and the Administrative Record D000-000-HTA-WDC-000030-0008-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000030-0008-0002 White Papers to Senior Management Issue Paper Draft White Paper; OHTA Outreach Program Support D000-000-HTA-WDC-000030-0009-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000030-0009-0013 Bank of America Contract 3/13/2002 Edwards Memo Evaluation of and Recommendation for Acceptance - Bank of America Proposal D000-000-HTA-WDC-000031-0002-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000031-0002-0002 Bank of America Contract 12/18/2002 Robbins Email Re: UPDATED Price Estimate for OHTA Task Request #1 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000031-0003-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000031-0003-0003 Bank of America Contract 11/7/2002 Draft Contract Bank of America Contract, Task Request # One D000-000-HTA-WDC-000031-0004-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000031-0004-0002 Bank of America Contract undated Draft Contract Bank of America Contract, Task Request # One D000-000-HTA-WDC-000031-0005-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000031-0005-0004 Bank of America Contract undated Draft Contract Bank of America Contract, Task Request # One D000-000-HTA-WDC-000031-0006-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000031-0006-0005 Letters from Congress 12/10/2002 Norman Dicks Letter Chairman and Ranking Minority member of the Subcommittee on Interior and Relation Agencies approves Lynn Scarlett's reprogramming request (to establish a new trust reform organizational structure within BIA and the Office of the Special Trustee for American Indians D000-000-HTA-WDC-000028-0002-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000028-0002-0003 Letters from Congress 12/9/2002 James Hansen Letter Chairman, Committee on Resources, Cites areas that are troubling in relation to future funding request for the historical accounting costs D000-000-HTA-WDC-000028-0003-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000028-0003-0034 Background Information 6/15/2001 Norton Memo/Orders Action Regarding Trust Reform and Historical Accounting D000-000-HTA-WDC-000032-0002-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000032-0002-0007 2/27/2001 Norton Memo Memo on Statistical Sampling from Gale Norton D000-000-HTA-WDC-000032-0003-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000032-0003-0001 12/29/2000 Babbitt Memo Memo on Statistical Sampling from Bruce Babbitt D000-000-HTA-WDC-000032-0004-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000032-0004-0001 12/21/2000 Slonaker Memo IIM Historical Sampling Project D000-000-HTA-WDC-000032-0005-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000032-0005-0002 12/21/2000 Kevin Grover Memo Results of Federal Register Process to Gather Information on Evaluating Individual Indian Money (IIM) Accounts D000-000-HTA-WDC-000032-0006-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000032-0006-0005 12/21/2000 Federal Register FR Notice Federal Register Notice on Statistical Sampling D000-000-HTA-WDC-000032-0007-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000032-0007-0016 12/1/1999 District Court Court Document US District Court Memorandum Opinion: Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law D000-000-HTA-WDC-000032-0008-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000032-0008-0136 12/1/1999 District Court Court Document US District Court Order re: Accurate Accounting of IIM Trust D000-000-HTA-WDC-000032-0009-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000032-0009-0006 2/23/2001 Court of Appeals Court Document Court of Appeals Decision re: Accurate Accounting of IIM Trust D000-000-HTA-WDC-000032-0010-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000032-0010-0046 9/30/2001 Budget Document FY 2001 Conference Report Language D000-000-HTA-WDC-000032-0011-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000032-0011-0002 4/11/2001 Zippin Budget Document FY 2001 Budget Office of the Special Trustee (OST) Budget Allocation D000-000-HTA-WDC-000032-0012-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000032-0012-0004 6/29/2001 Byrd - US Senate Budget Document DOI and Related Agencies Appropriations Bill, 2002 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000032-0013-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000032-0013-0005 Zippin Budget Document FY 2003 Budget Request, Office of the Special Trustee for American Indians D000-000-HTA-WDC-000032-0014-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000032-0014-0001 5/1/2003 Zippin Budget Document OST - Statistical Sampling Project, FY 2003 Budget Estimate Green D000-000-HTA-WDC-000032-0015-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000032-0015-0002 6/25/1993 Cummings - NARA Report An Analysis of the Reference Problems Associated with the Records of the Indian Trust Accounts (with appendices) D000-000-HTA-WDC-000032-0016-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000032-0016-0093 Morgan Angel Report Audits of Individual Indian Moneys: 1940-1990 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000032-0017-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000032-0017-0100 Box Index Search System (BISS) 7/26/2006 Lena Mills Email Response to OMB Green D000-000-HTA-WDC-000036-0002-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000036-0002-0002 Box Index Search System (BISS) 6/19/2006 Ethel Abeita Fax Re: BISS Green D000-000-HTA-WDC-000036-0003-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000036-0003-0003 POLICY DOCUMENTS Option Papers 6/12/2007 Zippin Option Papers Changes to the Historical Accounting Plan Option Papers Green D000-000-HTA-WDC-000063-0002-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000063-0002-0023 Secretary's Statements 12/21/2002 Decision Document Secretarial Decision Document - Historical Accounting for Individual Indian Money Accounts D000-000-HTA-WDC-000063-0003-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000063-0003-0022 Testimony 10/22/2002 Lyder-OCLA Letter w/Encl James Cason Testimony before Committee on Indian Affairs on 7-25-02 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000063-0004-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000063-0004-0032 Testimony 7/25/2002 GAO Testimony Individual Indian Accounts, Statement of McCoy Williams before Committee on Indian Affairs D000-000-HTA-WDC-000063-0005-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000063-0005-0007 Testimony 7/24/2002 Fink Email w/attachment Final Statement for Tomorrow-James Cason Testimony D000-000-HTA-WDC-000063-0006-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000063-0006-0008 Testimony 4/10/2002 Swanson-SOL Draft Questions/Answers from Congress D000-000-HTA-WDC-000063-0007-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000063-0007-0005 Testimony 3/22/2002 Edwards Memo Suggested Response to Questions from march 14, 2002 Hearing - House Appropriations Interior Subcommittee D000-000-HTA-WDC-000063-0008-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000063-0008-0016 Testimony 2/7/2002 Norton Testimony Gale A. Norton Testimony before Committee on Resources, Native American Trust Issues and Ongoing Challenges D000-000-HTA-WDC-000063-0009-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000063-0009-0016 Notes 4/12/02-12/14/02 Zippin Notes Transcriptions of Personal Notes - Jeffrey P. Zippin Purple D000-000-HTA-WDC-000063-0010-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000063-0010-0014 Notes 7/14/2006-5/-30/2007 Zippin Notes Jeffrey Zippin Contemporaneous Notes Green D000-000-HTA-WDC-000063-0013-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000063-0013-0007 Notes 9/25/03-9/29/05 Zippin Notes Transcriptions of Personal Notes - Jeffrey P. Zippin Green D000-000-HTA-WDC-000063-0011-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000063-0011-0016 Notes 1/7/2005 Meeting Notes Draft OHTA Work Plan for FY2005 Green D000-000-HTA-WDC-000063-0012-0001 D000-000-HTA-WDC-000063-0012-0004 RI Interior Defendants’ Notice of Filing Certification of the Administrative Record ATTACHMENT A INDEX OF DOCUMENTS ADMINISTRATIVE RECORD For the January 6, 2003, Historical Accounting Plan for Individual Indian Money Accounts and the May 31, 2007, Plan for Completing the Historical Accounting Date Author Doc Type Document Title Purple/Green Plan Bates Number Filename on CD LEGAL ADVICE Legal Advice 4/2/2003 Bentzen Memo Advice Re: Scope of a Trustee's Duties Re: Real Property Assets in Accounting Green Legal Advice 3/13/2003 Bentzen Memo Issue of Fiduciary Liability for Trust Funds Income Deposited with Failed Banks Green Legal Advice 2/28/2003 Bentzen Memo Advice Re: The Common Law of Trusts Green Legal Advice 2/28/2003 Bentzen Memo Advice Re: Common Trust Funds Green Legal Advice 2/27/2003 Bentzen Memo Proof to Establish that Disbursments Were Made Green Legal Advice 2/27/2003 Bentzen Memo Research on the Terms "Deposit" and "Invest" in 25 U.S.C. §§ 161a and 162a Green Legal Advice 1/4/2003 Bentzen Memo Requirement to Render an Historical Accounting Green RI Interior Defendants’ Notice of Filing Certification of the Administrative Record ATTACHMENT A INDEX OF SUPPLEMENTAL DOCUMENTS IN THE ADMINISTRATIVE RECORD for the January 6, 2003, Historical Accounting Plan for Individual Indian Money Accounts and the May 31, 2007, Plan for Completing the Historical Accounting APPENDIX 2 in the Plantiff's Report Pg Date Author Doc Type Document Title Original Bates Number Start New Document Bates Number Ending Bates Number 3 4/2/1999 OST-OTFM Notebook OST - Accounting Discrepancies Information Binder WDC-000061-0036-0001 WDC-000065-0001-0001 WDC-000065-0001-0225 9 unk Costing Options Costing Options for June 14, 2002 Meeting WDC-000054-0035-0001 WDC-000065-0002-0001 WDC-000065-0002-0006 11 unk Spreadsheet MS Excel Spreadsheet showing cost data WDC-000056-0010-0001 WDC-000065-0003-0001 WDC-000065-0003-0002 18 unk Flowchart Flowchart on Probate Process WDC-000030-0004-0001 WDC-000065-0004-0001 WDC-000065-0004-0003 20 7/16/2002 Bert Edwards Letter Letter to OST-Slonaker re: Historical Accounting for 7,903 IIM Judgment Checks WDC-000010-0011-0001 WDC-000065-0005-0001 WDC-000065-0005-0052 21 unk Chart Color Chart of IIM Trust Fund-Adjusted Collections and Disbursements by FY WDC-000056-0002-0001 WDC-000065-0006-0001 WDC-000065-0006-0003 22 7/28/2003 Treasury Letter Treasury Letter to Bert Edwards re: Proving Disbursement of a Treasury Check WDC-000045-0002-0001 WDC-000065-0007-0001 WDC-000065-0007-0004 22 9/7/2005 Reznick Letter Letter to Bert Edwards, Review of Treasury Settlement Packages at National Archives II, College Park, MD WDC-000060-0003-0001 WDC-000065-0008-0001 WDC-000065-0008-0025 23 8/10/2007 Issue Paper Options Papers-Changes to the Historical Accounting Plan WDC-000063-0002-0001 WDC-000065-0009-0001 WDC-000065-0009-0004 24 7/2/2003 Bert Edwards Memo Memo to John McClanahan, Suggested Questions for Wrap-Up of Ross Swimmer Testimony WDC-000003-0002-0001 WDC-000065-0010-0001 WDC-000065-0010-0003 APPENDIX 3 in the Plantiff's Report Pg Date Author Doc Type Document Title Original Bates Number Start New Document Bates Number Ending Bates Number 1 7/10/2003 Treasury Memo w/attachments Memo to Robert Mauri, Subj: Judgment Checks WDC-000003-0002-0099 WDC-000066-0001-0001 WDC-000066-0001-0275 1 12/1/2004 NORC Compendium Compendium of NORC Reports FY2001 through FY2004 (first 2 pages) WDC-000045-0001-0001 WDC-000066-0002-0001 WDC-000066-0002-0003 1 8/20/2002 Issues Chart Accounting Issues List - IIM WDC-000054-0040-0001 WDC-000066-0003-0001 WDC-000066-0003-0003 2 7/20/2001 NORC Summary Executive Summary-Highlights of Statistical Support Services for Historical Accounting of Individual Indian Money Accounts (IIM), Response to RFP 1435-01-01-RP-18159 WDC-000055-0024-0001 WDC-000066-0004-0001 WDC-000066-0004-0019 2 12/1/1996 OIG Report Audit Report, Statement of Assets and Trust Fund Balances at Sept. 30, 1995, of the Trust Funds Managed by The Office of Trust Funds Management, Bureau of Indian Affairs, Report No. 97-I-196 WDC-000060-0038-0001 WDC-000066-0005-0001 WDC-000066-0005-0058 2 unk NORC Straw Man Pretest WDC-000057-0032-0001 WDC-000066-0006-0001 WDC-000066-0006-0004 3 5/1/2000 OIG Report Audit Report, Independent Auditors Report on the Financial Statements for FY 1998 and 1997 for the Office of the Special Trustee for American Indians, Tribal and Other Special Trust Funds and Individual Indian Monies Trust Funds Managed by the Office of Trust Funds Management, Report No. 00-I-434 WDC-000060-0035-0001 WDC-000066-0007-0001 WDC-000066-0007-0089 3 5/1/2001 OIG Report Audit Report, Independent Auditors Report on the Financial Statements for FY 2000 and 1999 for the Office of the Special Trustee for American Indians, Tribal and Other Special Trust Funds and Individual Indian Monies Trust Funds Managed by the Office of Trust Funds Management, Report No. 01-I-411 WDC-000060-00033-0001 WDC-000066-0008-0001 WDC-000066-0008-0079 3 12/4/2002 OHTA Draft Plan Draft Historical Accounting Plan WDC-000054-0014-0001 WDC-000066-0009-0001 WDC-000066-0009-0058 RI Interior Defendants’ Notice of Filing Certification of the Administrative Record