IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA ELOUISE PEPION COBELL, et al., ) ) Plaintiffs, ) ) v. ) Case No. 1:96CV01285 ) (Judge Robertson) DIRK KEMPTHORNE, Secretary of the Interior, ) et al., ) ) Defendants. ) __________________________________________) NOTICE OF FILING OF THE TWENTY-NINTH QUARTERLY REPORT FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY The Department of the Treasury has prepared its Twenty-Ninth Quarterly Report on Actions Taken By the Department of the Treasury to Retain IIM-Related Documents Necessary For an Accounting and submits it to the Court in accordance with this Court’s Order of December 21, 1999. A copy of the report is attached hereto. Dated: March 1, 2007 Respectfully submitted, PETER D. KEISLER Assistant Attorney General STUART E. SCHIFFER Deputy Assistant Attorney General J. CHRISTOPHER KOHN Director /s/ John J. Siemietkowski ROBERT E. KIRSCHMAN, Jr. (D.C. Bar No. 406635) Deputy Director JOHN J. SIEMIETKOWSKI Trial Attorney Commercial Litigation Branch Civil Division P.O. Box 875 Ben Franklin Station 2 Washington, D.C. 20044-0875 Phone (202) 514-3368 Fax (202) 514-9163 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that, on March 1, 2007 the foregoing Notice of Filing of the Twenty-Ninth Quarterly Report for the Department of the Treasury was served by Electronic Case Filing, and on the following who is not registered for Electronic Case Filing, by facsimile: Earl Old Person (Pro se) Blackfeet Tribe P.O. Box 850 Browning, MT 59417 Fax (406) 338-7530 /s/ Kevin P. Kingston Kevin P. Kingston DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY BUREAU QF THE PUBLlC DEBT WASHINGTON. DC 20239-0001 March 1,2007 MEMORANDUM FOR: PETER D. KEISLER ASSISTANT ATTORNEY GENERAL CIVIL DIVISfON U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE FROM: SUBJECT: PAUL G. WQLFTEIC BUREAU OF THE PUBLIC DEBT DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY TWENTY-NINTH QUARTERLY REPORT COBELL v. KEMPTHORNE hcluded with this cover memorandum is the "Twenty-Ninth Quarterly Report on Actions Taken by the Department of the Treasury to Retain IIM-Related Documents Necessary for an Accounting" (the Report). The Report has been prepared by the Department of the Treasury pursuant to the Court Order and Opinion in Cobell v. Buhbitt (D.D.C. CV No. 96- 128 51, filed December 2 1, 1 999. The Report includes information concerning the Financial Management Service ("FMS"), thc Bureau of the Public Debt ("BPD"), and certain Departmentid Offices ("DO"). The Report was prepared based on information provided by a number of program offices from the above-described organizations. The prqaration of the Report included circulation of drafts of the Report to program ofices that are responsible for the actions described in the Report. Comments were received from those offices and incorporated in the Report. Senior officials of FMS, BPD and DO reviewed the Report before it was submitted to the Department of Justice. The Department of the Treasury stands ready to respond to any questions or concerns the Court may have aRer reviewing the Report. TWENTY-NINTH QUARTERLY REPORT ON ACTIONS TAKEN BY THE DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY TO RETAIN IIM-RELATED DOCUMENTS NECESSARY FOR AN ACCOUNTING Cobell v. Kempthorne March 1, 2007 This is the Twenty-Ninth Quarterly Report filed by the Department of the Treasury ("Treasury") pursuant to the Court's December 2 1, 1999 Order ("Order") in the above-captioned case. It covers activities occurring over a three-month period from December 1,2006 through February 28,2007. The Order requires Treasury to report on the steps it has taken since the last quarterly report to preserve IIM-related documents. During the past quarter, Treasury again issued reminders to ensure the retention of required records. The reminders Treasury issued include letters reminding Secret Service see Attachment A), the National Archives and Records Administration (- (NARA) (see Attachments B and C), banks (see Attachments D and E), and employees of the Financial Management Service (FMS) and Bureau of the Public Debt (BPD) (see Attachments F and (3) to continue preserving records related to this litigation. Retention instructions to pertinent Departmental Office (DO) employees continue to be posted on DO'S intranet site (see Attachment H). Effective February 2007, FMS implemented an enhancement to the CA$HLINK I1 system, to strengthen the effectiveness of the retention reminders that FMS issues via CA$HLINK 11, in the form of "Business Alert Messages," to all active CA$HLINK I1 users (i.e., to all banks that currently act as Treasury's financial agents). The enhancement prevents users from deleting any unopened messages. As reported in Treasury's Twenty-Seventh Quarterly Report filed September 1, 2006, several boxes of FMS and BPD records were affected by a water sprinkler incident at the Washington National Records Center (WNRC) in July 2006, and NARA sent the boxes to a contractor to be freeze-dried. As of the date of this report, most of the records have been dried and returned to the WNRC (approximately 20 boxes remain to be dried). As also reported in Treasury's Twenty-Seventh Quarterly Report, a portion of FMS' working copy set of microfilm copies of negotiated Treasury checks was exposed to water when the basement of FMS' Hyattsville, Maryland office flooded on June 25, 2006. The water exposure is believed to have affected the quality of the check images on at least portions of some of the water-exposed microfilm cartridges. FMS sent samples of the water-exposed cartridges to a contractor for assessment. The contractor advised FMS that washing the microfilm would remediate any adhesions (film layers sticking together), thereby preventing further damage to the images on the microfilm and restoring the functioning of the microfilm (i.e., by enabling it to be fed through a microfilm reader). Based on the contractor's advice and the fact that only approximately 2,000 (roughly one-sixth) of the water-exposed cartridges contain copies of checks for which original checks may not be available, FMS decided to procure washing services for those 2,000 water-exposed cartridges only. During the next reporting period, FMS will begin preparing the water-exposed cartridges that will not be washed, for shipment to the WNRC. During this reporting period, all of the non-water-exposed cartridges were packed into approximately 1,200 boxes, and half of those boxes were shipped to the WNRC. The remaining boxes of non-water-exposed cartridges will be shipped to the WNRC upon completion of necessary paperwork. Finally, we note that Donald V. Hammond resigned as Treasury's Fiscal Assistant Secretary in January 2007, and accepted a position with the Board of Governors for the Federal Reserve System. Kenneth Carfine now serves as Acting Fiscal Assistant Secretary. INDEX TO ATTACHMENTS The Department of the Treasury's Twenty-Ninth Quarterly Report March 1, 2007 Attachment A February 6,2007 letter issued by FMS, reminding the U.S. Secret Service to continue preserving, until further notice, all Treasury checks that FMS forwards for investigation and related information and records. Attachment B February 7,2007 letter from FMS to NARA, reminding NARA to continue the "freeze" on FMS records at Federal Records Centers. Attachment C February 15,2007 letter from BPD to NARA, reminding NARA to continue the "freeze" on BPD records at Federal Records Centers. Attachment D Examples of February 2007 Business Alert Message issued by FMS to all banks that act as Treasury's financial agents and February 28,2007 letter issued by FMS to all banks that formerly acted as Treasury's financial agents, reminding them to continue to retain, indefinitely, records associated with Interior's deposits to the Treasury General Account. Attachment E February 28,2007 letters issued by FMS to Mellon Bank and Bank of America, reminding them to continue preserving all records pertinent to two lockbox accounts used to process IIM deposits (the account at Mellon Bank is open; the account at Bank of America is closed). Attachment F Global e-mail issued February 16,2007 to all FMS employees, and posted on FMS' intranet site, reminding employees to continue retaining records related to this litigation indefinitely and to continue utilizing the "Cobell Archive" mailbox to retain all IIMrelated e-mail. Attachment G Global e-mail issued February 23,2007 to all BPD employees, and posted on BPD's intranet site, reminding employees to continue preserving IIM-related records indefinitely and sending all IIMrelated e-mail to BPD's dedicated mailbox. Attachment H Retention instructions to DO employees, posted on DO'S intranet site, including steps for sending e-mail documents to DO'S dedicated "Cobell" mailbox. DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT SERVICE HYATTSVILLE, MD 20782 Attachment A February 06,2007 Brian K. Nagel Assistant Director, Office of Investigations U.S. Secret Service 950 H Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20223 Re: Document Retention Order in Cobell, et al. v. Norton, et al. Civ. No. 1-96CV01285 (D.D.C.) Dear Mr. Nagel: This is a reminder that Treasury remains subject to a continuing court order in the abovereferenced lawsuit, requiring Treasury to retain, indefinitely, "all documents and data relating to Individual Indian Money trust funds and Individual Indian trust assets." Copies of the document retention order entered in the case on August 12, 1999 and Treasury's Stipulation filed with the court on July 6, 1999 were provided with some of our previous reminder letters to Secret Service, including our reminder letter dated August 26,2003. Please let me know if you need copies of those documents. As stated in our previous letters to Secret Service (dated January 14,2000, October 13,2000, February 28,2001, August 29,2001, August 28,2002, February 12,2003, August 26,2003, January 16,2004, August 2,2004, February 2,2005, August 10,2005, February 6,2006, and August 1 1,2006), among the types of records that Treasury must preserve to comply with the court order and Stipulation are all Treasuw checks and check-related records. Accordingly, please continue to preserve, until hrther notice, all Treasury checks that FMS forwards to your bureau for investigation and all information and records your bureau maintains relating to those checks. Please continue to take all steps necessary to determine and document that all such records in the possession of Secret Service are being preserved indefinitely. If you have any questions concerning the Cobell document retention order and Stipulation, please contact Beth Kramer in the FMS Chief Counsel's office, at (202) 874-7036, or me, at (202) 874- 7913. Thank you for your continued cooperation and assistance. Sincerely, Ty-- Sharon M. King, Director w Administrative Programs Division DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY BUREAU OF THE PUBLIC DEBT PARKERSBURG, W V 26 106-1 328 Attachment C February 15,2007 National Archives and Records Administration Life Cycle Management Division Anention: Stephen Cooper 8601 Adelphi Road College Park, MD 20740-660 1 Re: Suspending Destruction Dear Mr. Cooper: As you are aware, the Bureau of the Public Debt (BPD), Department of the Treasury, has been under court order since August 1999 to preserve all docum~ntsre lating to the pending litigation, Cobell v, Kempthorne, et al., which challenges the government's management1 of the Individual Indian Monies (IIM). The purpose of this letter is to remind you't hat BPD remains under court orde~t;o preserve records indefinitely for purposes of the Cobell litigation. Therefore, we request that the Federal Records Centers continue to implement the freeze on records fiom BPD Record Groups 53 and 82 and preserve all such records until further notice. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Sincerely, Vicki Thorpe, Manager, Graphics, Printing, and Records Branch Records Officer Attachment D (1 of 2) [Business Alert Message (BAM) for Current TGAs] This is a reminder to continue preserving records in accordance with FMS' prior instructions to your financial institution. As stated in our initial letter dated July 9, 1999 and each successive reminder letter, including the most recent Business Alert Message issued August 2006, due to ongoing litigation [Cobell, et al. v. Norton, et al., Civ. No. 1-96CV01285 (D.D.C.)], your financial institution must retain, until further notice: Standard Form 2 15, Standard Form 55 15 and any supporting documentation, lN ALL FORMS AND MEDIA, associated with transactions relating to deposits received from the Department of the Interior for credit to the Treasury's General Account (TGA). This includes paper, electronic, microfilm, microfiche, or any other media. If you have not already done so, please designate a point of contact at your financial institution to disseminate these record retention instructions to appropriate personnel at your organization (including records management personnel). Please ensure that an appropriate dissemination and compliance process is in place to ensure these instructions are being followed at your financial institution. If these retention instructions create a problem for your operations, please send your concerns in writing to the Over-the-counter Revenue Collection Division at 401 14'~S treet, S.W., Room 307C, Washington, D.C. 20227. If you have any questions, contact the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis at 1-866-77 1 - 1842 or Ava Singleton on (202) 874-9986. DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT SERVICE WAStiINGTON, D.C. 20227 Attachment D (2 of 2) February 28,2007 Dear Sir or Madarn: This is a reminder to continue preserving records in accordance wit11 FMS' prior instructions to your financial institution. As stated in our initial letter dated July 9, 1999 and each successive reminder letter, including our most recent reminder letter dated August I 1,2006, due to ongoing litigation [Cobeft et al. v. Norton, et al., Civ. No. 1-96CV01285 (I).l).C.)], your financial institution must retain, until further notice : Standard Form 21 5, Standard Forn155 15 i~nda ny supporting docunlentation, IN ALL FORMS AND MEDIA, associated with trarsactions relating to deposits rcceived from the Department of the Interior for credit to the Treasury's General Account (TGA). This includes any such rccords fornlerly maintained by the financial institutions shown on the attached list, now in your possession, custody or control. This includes paper, electronic, microfilm, microfrcl~ee,r r any other tnedia. If you have not already done so, plcasc designate a point of contact at your financial institution to disseminate thcse record retention instructions to appropriate personnel at your organization, including records managenlent personnel. Please ensure that at1 appropriate dissemination and compliance process is in place to ensure these instx-uctions are being followed at your financial institution. If these retention instnlctions create a probietn for your operations, please send your concerns in writitlg to the Over-the-Counter Revenue Collection Division (OTCD) at 401 14th Street, S.W., Room 307C, Washington, DC 20227, as soon as possible. Thank you for your continuing cooperation in this matter. If you have any questions, the first point of contact is the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis at I -866-77 1-1 842. Should you have further questions, fccl free to contact Ava Singleton on (202) 874-9986. Sincerely, cokelli A. McDaniel; Director Over-the-Counter Revenue Collection Ilivision (OTCD) NC Federal Finance DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT SERVICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20227 Attachment E (1 of 2) February 28,2007 Ms. Elaine Friedman, Vice President Mellon Bank Mellon Client Service Center Suite 1260 Pittsburgh, PA 15259-0001 Re: Minerals Management Service Lockbox Account Agency Location Code 141 70001, Lockbox Number 9 1 1-4258 Dear Ms. Friedman: As you know, FMS remains under a continuing court order in Cobell, et al. v. Norton, et al. to preserve, indefinitely, all records relating to Individual Indian Money - (IIM) trust funds and trust assets. Accordingly, please continue to retain all documentation pertaining to the above-referenced lockbox account until Eurther notice. You have confirmed that the records for this account include: Standard Form 2 15 Standard Form 5 5 1 5 ACH Receiving RemittancePayrnent Report Demand Deposit Account Activity Statements any forms used to facilitate internal processing, such as the CA$H-LINK I1 Deposit Report Form You must retain the records for this account IN ALL FORMS AND MEDIA generated for the account. This includes paper, electronic, microfilm, microfiche, or any other media. If you create the same record in multiple media, you must retain the record in all media. Please distribute this letter to appropriate bank personnel, including records management personnel. If you have any questions regarding these retention instructions, please contact John Flesch at (202) 874-6577. Thank you for your continued cooperation. Michael C. sa1apka Acting Director General Revenue Collection Division DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT SERVICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20227 Attachment E (2 of 2) February 28,2007 Mr. Stephen C. Herndon, Senior Vice President Bank of America Federal Government Banking Division 600 Peachtree Street, NE Atlanta, GA 30308-22 14 Re: Bureau of Indian Affairs - Palm Springs Lockbox Account (closed 11/1/05) Agency Location Code 00004844, Lockbox Number 72758 Dear Mr. Herndon: As you know, FMS remains under a continuing court order in Cobell, et al. v. Norton, et al. to preserve, indefinitely, all records relating to Individual Indian Money (IIM) trust funds and trust assets. Notwithstanding the fact that the above-referenced lockbox account was closed effective November 1,2005, please continue to retain all documentation pertaining to the account until further notice. You have confirmed that the account records include: Standard Form 2 1 5 Standard Form 55 1 5 Check copies Monthly Account Activity Reports (MAAR) Monthly Account Analysis Statements (MAAS) Standard Listing Any forms used to facilitate internal processing, such as the Daily Balance Sheet Your bank must continue to retain the records for this account IN ALL FORMS AND MEDIA that were generated. Accordingly, notwithstanding that your bank began generating photocopies of the checks associated with this account on October 1,200 1, you must continue retaining any duplicate copies on microfilm, unless and until FMS obtains court approval for your bank to retain only pre-October 2001 microfilm copies and post-September 2001 photocopies. Page 2 - Mr. Herndon Please distribute this letter to appropriate bank personnel, including records management personnel. If you have any questions regarding these retention instructions, please contact John Flesch at (202) 874-6577. Thank you for your continued cooperation. P Sincerely, Michael C. salapI& Acting Director General Revenue Collection Division cc: Linda S. Corbett, Senior Vice President, Bank of America Attachment F Official FMS Business To: Office of the Commissioner Debt Management Services Federal Finance Financial Operations Governmentwide Accounting Information Resources AC Management Regional Operations HQ Austir Birmingham Kansas City Philadelphia San Francisco Date: 0211 612007 .. . From: William Higgins Subject: Cobell and Tribal Trust Litigation - FMS Retention Requirements Date: February 16,2007 To : All FMS Employees From: Kenneth R. Papaj Commissioner Subject: Cobell and Tribal Trust Litigation - FMS Retention Requirements All FMS employees are again reminded that FMS remains subject to continuing court orders and Treasury directives, requiring us to retain and safeguard all documents, data and tangible things that relate to Individual Indian Money (IIM) and Tribal trust funds and assets, indefinitely. To ensure that we remain in compliance with the court orders and directives, please continue to adhere to the following FMS requirements: Do not destroy any documents, data or tangible things unless you have received written approval from the Chief Counsel. This rule applies to g& documents, data and tangible things, whether litigation-related or not. Prepare a disposition request, following the instructions contained in the Chief Counsel's March 7, 2000 memorandum entitled '-Process for Obtaining Disposition Approval" (posted on the FMS intranet on the "Cobell/Tribal Litigation" page). The only exception to this rule is for "obvious non-record materials," as described in the attached "Quick Reference Guide." Continue copying or forwarding all Cobell-related and Tribal-related e-mail and other electronic documents to their respective dedicated mailboxes ("Cobell Archive@,fms" for Cobell-related e-mail/electronic documents and "Tribal Mailbox@- ,fms" for Tribal-related e-mail/electronic documents). To insert a mailbox address on an e-mail, simply type "Cobell" or "Tribal" and press the "Enter" key. You may delete your copy of any e-mail or other electronic document sent to these mailboxes. Promptly forward any voicemail messages that relate to the Jicarilla Apache Nation or The Pueblo of Laguna Tribe to FMS' dedicated "Tribal" voicemail repository. Step-by-step instructions for forwarding voicemail messages to the repository are provided in a March 26,2004 memorandum (posted on the FMS intranet on the "Cobell/Tribal Litigation" page). Do not archive (move) data from any FMS electronic production systems that contain litigation-related data, except pursuant to a written archive plan that has been approved by the Commissioner's Office. Please refer to the Deputy Commissioner's March 24,2000 memorandum entitled "Maintenance of Data on FMS Systems" (posted on the FMS intranet on the "CobellITribal Litigation" page) for more information about this requirement. Do not attempt to give guidance on record retention matters to Federal Reserve Bank personnel. Please refer all such questions to Terri Dawson at (202) 874-6877 or to Beth Kramer at (202) 874-7036. I appreciate your continued compliance with these instructions and encourage you to review the pertinent memoranda posted on the FMS intranet. To locate the memoranda, double click on the icon for Internet Explorer. This moves you to FMS' intranet. Under "News" or "Hot Topics," click on "Cobell/Tribal Litigation." If you have questions or need assistance regarding any of these retention requirements, please do not hesitate to contact Terri Dawson at (202) 874-6877 or Beth Kramer at (202) 874-7036. Thank you. Attachment "A Quick Reference Guide" 1 REMEMBER: PRESERVE ALL INTERIORIINDIAN-TRUST-RELATEDM ATERIAL!! I OBVIOUS NONRECORD MATERIALS 1 These may be destroyed without the approval of the Chief Counsel 1. Non- TreasuryIFMS Material 2. TreasurylFMS Distribution1 Reference Material Office supply catalogs vendor marketing materials non-FMS publicationslmanuals, such as phone books, Federal Register, dictionaries, "Lotus Notes for Dummies," etc. attendee's copy of handouts received at meetings, training, etc. employee's copy of work-related organization charts, phone lists, Treasury Correspondence Manual, etc. employee's copy of FMS publications, such as "Fiscal Scene" excess stocks of FMS marketing materials, such as Direct Deposit brochures notices received re: IT security, scheduling of meetings & van rides, training, "acting" managers, voting leave, etc. 3. Personal Papers notices received re: retirements, deaths, TSP, CFC, PTI, Flex Account, etc. employee's copy of T&A, payroll, personnel, etc. records (except travel recordslreceipts) printouts of non-Federal Web pages that were not used for FMS business non-FMS-related calendarslreminders recipes, poems, cartoons, etc. 4. Other printer banner pages and printer failure reports interim drafts created but never circulated to anyone duplicates of any of the examples in these four categories. Attachment G Nancy FleetwoodlBPD 02/23/2007 03:09 PM To All - BPD (Business use only!) CC Subject IMPORTANT REMINDER TO ALL EMPLOYEES I'd like to remind all employees that BPD remains subject to a court order that governs the retention of records relating to the Individual Indian Money (IIM) trust fund and IIM trust assets. To ensure compliance with this court order, you should not destroy any documents or data pertaining to the following subjects without written approval from the Chief Counsel or his designee: IIM deposit fund investment records IIM accounts and accounts held in trust by the Department of the Interior Savings bonds held in trust form of registration by the Department of the Interior Correspondence (internal and external) relating to Individual Indian Money Electronic communications, such as e-mails and Internet messages, relating to the subjects above, unless those communications have been forwarded to the Cobell mailbox. You should continue to copy or forward all e-mails relating to the IIM trust fund, IIM trust assets, and the Cobell litigation to the dedicated IIM Mailbox. To insert the mailbox address on an e-mail, simply type "IIM Mailbox" and press the "Enter" key. The Federal Reserve Banks have also been instructed not to destroy any fiscal agency records unless they have received specific permission in writing from Treasury authorizing the destruction. Please refer any inquiries from FRB personnel regarding record retention to Jimmy Phillips at (202) 504-3683, fax number (202) 504-3630. Don't attempt to give guidance on record retention matters to any FRB employee. I appreciate your continued compliance with these instructions and encourage you to occasionally review the pertinent memoranda and e-mails, which are posted on PD Web under the Office of the Chief Counsel's (OCC) website. ~ u sctl ick on the office link "OCC" and then click on " Cobell v. Kempthorne," which appears in the "Litigation" section. Thanks again for the great support you have shown in helping Public Debt comply with a very challenging court order. - DONET I Litigation obligations and ~irectives Page 1 of 2 I Image DONeVPortal Image Banner Attachment H L i Litigation Obiigations and Directives Office of the General Counsel Directive From General Counsel To All Departmental Offices Employees Concerning Cobell Litigation -- . By order of the Court in Cobell v. Norton, Departmental Offices employees must preserve all documents and records, whether in paper, electronic, or other form, that are relevant to any aspect of the government's responsibilities with respect to the individual Indian money trust. Such responsibilities include, but are not limited to, management, administration, collection, disbursement, investment, and accounting of trust funds. To comply with the various court orders to which we are subject in Cobell v. Norton, to make it easier to I manage and retrieve electronic mail as needed, and to r help ensure that our electronic mail will continue to operate, I am requesting that you do the following Step One: Search for Previous E-Mails You Have Sent or Received Search your e-mail, including "Inbox," "Drafts," "Message Log," and all "Folders" and "Archives," for anything that relates in any way to the Cobell litigation, Individual Indian Monies, or Department of Interior investments on behalf of individual Indians. Forward any e-mails that you find on this subject (including attachments and retaining forwarding history) to "Cobell" or C~belI@~do.treas.govIn. an effort to manage electronic mail, we have created this dedicated mailbox for Cobell-related and/or discussions relating to Individual Indian Money account. About Us Contacts Page Owner Home Step Two: E-Mails That You Send in the Future Beginning immediately, send a "cc" (not a "bcc") of all e-mails (including attachments) that you initiate, that behalf of individual Indians, to "Cobell." - - -- -- relate in any way;~ the Cobell litigation, Individual - - - - -- Indian Monies or Department of Interior investments on Step Three: E-Mails That You Receive in the Future Also beginning immediately, forward all e-mails that %' file://C:\Documents and Settings\bkramer\Local Settings\Temp\p.notes\DONET Litigatio ... 2/23/2007 DONET I Litigation Obligations and Directives Page 2 of 2 you receive (including attachments and retaining forwarding history) that relate in any way to the Cobell litigation, Individual Indian Monies or Department of Interior investments on behalf of individual Indians, to "Cobell," unless you can tell from the message that the e-mail has already been sent to the "Cobell." If you have questions on this process or the retention of documents, call Thomas McGivern, Counselor to the General Counsel, at 622-23 17. If you need help in formulating e-mail searches or forwarding messages, or have questions on the "Cobell" mailbox, contact the HelpDesk at 622-1 1 1 1. 1 pJ Logo: Departme1 I nff~rec In+ --- - file://C:\Documents and Settings\bkramer\Local Settings\Temp\p.notes\DONET Litigation ... 2/23/2007