June 3, 2004 Extra Credit
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June 3, 2004

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Funding Available to Mentor Children in Your Community

The Safe and Drug-Free Schools-Mentoring Program grant provides assistance to promote mentoring programs that assist children in receiving support and guidance from a mentor; improve the academic performance of children; improve interpersonal relationships between children and their peers, teachers, other adults, and family members; reduce the dropout rate of children; and reduce juvenile delinquency and involvement in gangs by children. Faith-based and community organizations are eligible to apply provided they meet applicable statutory and regulatory requirements.

To be eligible for funding, a project must address the academic and social needs of children with the greatest need through school-based mentoring programs and activities and provide these students with mentors. These programs and activities must serve children with the greatest need in one or more of grades 4 through 8 living in rural areas, high-crime areas, or troubled home environments, or who attend schools with violence problems.

Under a competitive preference priority, five additional points will be added to a consortium of eligible applicants that includes either: a) at least one local education agency (LEA) and at least one faith-based or community organization (FBCO) other than a school that provides services to youth and families in the community; or b) at least one private school that qualifies as a nonprofit FBCO and at least one other FBCO other than a school, that provides services to youth and families in the community.

Application Deadline is July 7, 2004.

The 2004 application package is available at:

A technical assistance webcast is available at:

A sample quality proposal from a previous competition is available at:


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NCLB Extra Credit is a regular look at the No Child Left Behind Act, President Bush's landmark education reform initiative passed with bipartisan support in Congress.

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Last Modified: 05/15/2008

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