June 1, 2004 Extra Credit
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June 1, 2004

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Teaching American History with Florida Flavor

The Teaching American History grant program, part of the No Child Left Behind Act, supports three-year projects to improve teachers’ knowledge, understanding and appreciation of traditional American history through intensive, ongoing professional development. Under this program, the U.S. Department of Education awards grants to local educational agencies (LEAs) working in partnership with organizations that have extensive knowledge of American history, including libraries, museums, nonprofit history or humanities organizations and higher education institutions. The following is an excerpt from a recent News Chief (Fla.) article highlighting how history teachers in Polk County, Fla., will benefit from the grant:

"Polk history teachers will get a chance to apply their knowledge in a hands-on setting this summer. As part of a three-year, $908,000 federal grant, 29 history teachers will participate in a weeklong immersion program at Florida historical sites and landmarks from June 7 through 12."

" ‘I think one thing that makes the program work so well is we're able to give our teachers some [intensive] content training in the specialized areas of history,’ said Rozy Scott, a coordinator for the program. ‘They get to see where history happens. They get the firsthand knowledge you can't get from a textbook.’ "

"The Polk County Schools District was among six statewide designated as recipients of a ‘Teaching American History’ grant. This is the second year of the grant's implementation."

"The grant is for curriculum development, teacher training and instructional materials to promote the teaching of traditional American history. Polk schools have titled the weeklong summer seminar and immersion program, ‘Teaching American History with Florida Flavor.’ "

"Polk educators will use knowledge gained from the seminar to implement elements of state history into their instruction and link that knowledge to broader events affecting the nation."

The complete text of this article is available online.


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Last Modified: 06/02/2004

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