January 7, 2004, Extra Credit
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January 7, 2004
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New Poll Shows Strong Support For No Child Left Behind

en Español

A new poll conducted by the Winston Group on behalf of Americans for Better Education shows, "the American public continues to strongly support the key pillars of President Bush’s bipartisan No Child Left Behind education reform initiative two years after it was signed into law." Among the poll’s findings:

  • Americans Believe Accountability Is More Important Than Increased Funding: Voters like the philosophy of standards and accountability. 60% believe that raising standards and accountability is more important than increasing funding (30%).

  • Americans Believe the Accountability Systems Developed By States Are Fair: People believe that the reason schools are being rated as underperforming is because they truly need help rather than the standards are unreasonable (67-21).

  • Americans From Diverse Backgrounds Continue To Support the No Child Left Behind Reforms: Voters tend to approve of President Bush’s education reforms by a 52-33 margin.

    • Hispanics approve by a 51-32 margin.

    • Those parents with children in public schools approve by a 56-29 margin.

    • Rural voters approve by a 69-24 margin.

  • Support Increases When Americans Learn about the Key Aspects of the Law: After they are given a brief description of his education reforms, approval goes up by 16 points (68-25).

    • African-Americans approve by a 68-25 margin.

    • Hispanics approve by a 69-25 margin.

    • Rural voters approve by a 76-19 margin.

    • Married women with children approve 76-18.

    • Parents with children in public schools approve 72-25.

More information about the poll, including additional questions and responses, is available at: (poll link is at the bottom of the page).

Those looking for more information about No Child Left Behind can contact the U.S. Department of Education's No Child Left Behind Communications and Outreach Office at (202) 205-9191 or Additional information is also available online at


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NCLB Extra Credit is a regular look at the No Child Left Behind Act, President Bush's landmark education reform initiative passed with bipartisan support in Congress.

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Last Modified: 01/12/2004

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