September 23, 2003, Extra Credit
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September 23, 2003
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 September 22
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Los Angeles Unified School District Sees Free Tutoring As A "Wonderful Opportunity" To Help Close The Achievement Gap

"The Los Angeles Unified School District is on the move in addressing improved student achievement and our number one goal is to close the achievement gap and to provide the support necessary to ensure all students have ample opportunities to improve their academic achievement. With this goal in mind, we are pleased to inform you that your child may be eligible for extra academic assistance under the federal law, The No Child Left Behind Act." So began a recent letter to parents from Los Angeles Unified School District Superintendent of Schools Roy Romer.

Encouraging parents to apply, Romer concluded his letter by stating: "We hope all eligible students and their families will take advantage of this wonderful opportunity."

Reporting on the district's efforts to enroll as many children as possible from "chronically underperforming schools," the Los Angeles Times quotes John Liechty, associate superintendent in charge of extended-day programs for the school district: "We want youngsters who participate in this program to get something that will improve their reading, math or language test scores."

The complete text of the Los Angeles Times article, "L.A. Schools Promote Free Tutoring for Some Students," is available from the Los Angeles Times online archives for a fee.


About Extra Credit
NCLB Extra Credit is a regular look at the No Child Left Behind Act, President Bush's landmark education reform initiative passed with bipartisan support in Congress.

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