September 9, 2003, Extra Credit
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September 9, 2003
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President Bush Lauds Nashville Schools For Promoting Extra Services Offered By No Child Left Behind

President Bush spoke yesterday at Kirkpatrick Elementary School in Nashville. Following are excerpts from news coverage of his visit:

"[President] Bush dropped by Kirkpatrick Elementary School, which has failed to make adequate progress toward state goals for several years and is required to offer special assistance to pupils. Bush praised school officials for owning up to the problem and making improvements, and he urged others to do the same. 'The statistics are loud and clear,' Bush said. 'Too many of our fourth-graders cannot read at grade level. The federal government decided to do its part by not only providing the resources but by insisting upon results.'" — The Associated Press

"Another reason Bush chose to visit Kirkpatrick is because the 380 students there qualify for free tutoring sessions.... [Principal Kim] Fowler got national attention last year when she and her staff went door-to-door to boost participation in tutoring from an initial 25 students to 148. Yesterday, Bush toured the school library in which 10 students were working with tutors. Lisa Greenwood, whose fourth-grade son Akili was in the session, said tutoring has turned around her son's academic performance." — The Tennessean

"At Kirkpatrick, which historically has been one of the worst-performing schools in the city, students are now given the choice of 12 state-approved providers of supplemental education services. Bush lauded the school and the district for providing parents with so many options. [Student Lakeisha Begley] shyly told reporters her work with Education Solutions has 'helped my grades go up' and that her favorite book is Dr. Seuss' Green Eggs and Ham. Her grandmother, Barbara Stegall, proudly notes Lakeisha made the honor roll last year and that her self-confidence has improved." — The Associated Press


About Extra Credit
NCLB Extra Credit is a regular look at the No Child Left Behind Act, President Bush's landmark education reform initiative passed with bipartisan support in Congress.

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Last Modified: 09/09/2003

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