March 21, 2005 Extra Credit
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March 21, 2005

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Call for Presenters for Summer 2005 Teacher-to-Teacher Workshops

The U.S. Department of Education’s Teacher-to-Teacher Initiative is accepting applications from educators who would like to make a presentation at our 2005 summer workshops on the use of research-based instructional practices. The Department is looking for elementary and high school educators who work directly with students (or their teachers) who have evidence that they are raising student achievement or are having a positive impact on teaching, and who are dynamic and engaging presenters able to clearly show participants what they are doing and why it is working. The Department wants to highlight educators, including special educators and related services providers, and English as a second language educators, who believe that all children can achieve at high levels and have evidence that shows they know how to make it happen. This is part of the mission of No Child Left Behind (NCLB).

In order to participate, presenters must meet three requirements: (1) If you work directly with students, you must be "highly qualified" as defined by the state in which you teach and be prepared to submit proof of this; (2) your complete proposal, which includes your final presentation and handouts, must be submitted by April 11, 2005; and (3) you must commit to attending a two-day training session and all six workshops (the workshop schedule is posted on the Web site noted below). Presenters may be asked to present their session more than once during the workshops and will be compensated for their work and travel.

If you are interested in presenting at the summer workshops, visit the Teacher-to-Teacher Web site at for detailed information on how to apply.

General registration for the summer workshops will be announced soon. Sign up for the Teacher Updates listserv at to receive the notice for open registration.


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NCLB Extra Credit is a regular look at the No Child Left Behind Act, President Bush's landmark education reform initiative passed with bipartisan support in Congress.

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Last Modified: 06/19/2006

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