August 21, 2003, Extra Credit
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August 21, 2003
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'All means all: Finding the will to leave no child behind'
Below are excerpts from a recent back-to-school address, All Means All: Finding the Will to Leave No Child Behind, by Joe Hairston, Superintendent of Baltimore County Public Schools:

". . . The passage of the national legislation No Child Left Behind and Maryland's Bridge to Excellence has raised the bar for public education. New, higher expectations for the education of all children have become law.

We see it in the form of high standards with clear accountability for meeting those standards. This law has come into being because public education has been unable to educate every child.

Moreover, throughout the history of public education, there has been a high degree of acceptance for this failure. Children of color, immigrants, the poor, children with disabilities have all been written off in the past as acceptable casualties of an educational system designed to meet the learning needs of a select few.

But public education can no longer meet the needs of some children. Our mandate is the educational success of all children. . ."

The complete text of Hairston's remarks can be found at:

News coverage of Hairston's remarks can be found at:


About Extra Credit
NCLB Extra Credit is a regular look at the No Child Left Behind Act, President Bush's landmark education reform initiative passed with bipartisan support in Congress.

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Last Modified: 04/16/2007

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