August 20, 2003, Extra Credit
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August 20, 2003
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Extra Credit Turns 100
In recognition of the centennial publication of the No Child Left Behind Extra Credit, today's edition takes a look back at some of the most memorable quotes from teachers, principals, and education leaders on how No Child Left Behind is making a difference for America's children.

Monumental Reform

"This law is critical to the future success of our nation's children," Rep. Castle said. "No Child Left Behind and the new accountability requirements are milestones in the implementation of real education reform. We celebrate progress, and we reaffirm our faith in the promise of every student." Harrington Journal (April 12, 2003)

The No Child Left Behind program is both challenging and exciting,' Keith Butcher, the state's Title 1 director and assistant director in the Officer of Instructional Services, said privately after his presentation. 'Challenging because we have to redesign our entire educational system, so that a child is proficient in reading and math. Exciting because, if we accept that challenge, then what it will mean for each child will be a better education.'" Bluefield Daily Telegraph's (Aug. 4, 2003)

Accountability Making A Difference

"State schools Superintendent Sandy Garrett said the Oklahoma Legislature a few years ago formulated a plan similar to an accountability system aligned with the federal No Child Left Behind Act. ... 'We're a very big supporter of No Child Left Behind in Oklahoma,' she said. 'We think it's time we are accountable for every single child and their progress.'"—The Associated Press (June 2, 2003)

"No Child Left Behind is forcing us to have higher standards and to be more accountable," [Dr. Georgia Hubbard, superintendent for the Woodward Academy] said. Free Press (June 5, 2003)

"Jefferson principal Brad Pepper said preliminary scores for this year show improvement, which proves the system of accountability under the federal No Child Left Behind Act of 2002 works." Wichita Eagle, June 12, 2003

"Tandra Batchelor-Mapp, principal of Glendale-Kenly Elementary School in Johnston County, said her school stepped up efforts to encourage parent participation while requiring more extra help and tutoring for struggling students. 'No Child Left Behind was a major factor,' Batchelor-Mapp said. 'We want our students and parents to be proud of our school.'" News & Observer (June 19, 2003)

"'As you put in accountability, people pay more attention to what the expectations are,' said Susan Agruso, assistant superintendent for instructional accountability for Charlotte-Mecklenburg. 'You're seeing a lot of things coming together and paying off for kids.'" News & Observer (June 19, 2003)

On Assessing Achievement:"'It's a protection and a guarantee for all children,' [Connie Smith, executive director of accountability for the state Department of Education] said. 'The biggest impact will be on previously neglected kids that were hidden in the mainstream groups.'" The Tennessean (July 24, 2003)

Closing the Achievement Gap so that No Child is Left Behind

In a recent article, U.S. News & World Report quoted Education Trust Director Kati Haycock, who aptly describes the No Child Left Behind reforms when she states: "Historically, we've judged our schools primarily on how their top kids did. But this law says you are no longer successful if you are not successful with every group of kids." (April 24, 2003)

"Contrary to earlier fears, systems of goals, examinations, and incentives not only help students in general, but at-risk students in particular." (May 7, 2003) Education Week, Herbert J. Walberg, the principal investigator at the Mid-Atlantic Laboratory for Student Success, a university scholar and professor emeritus of education and psychology at the University of Illinois at Chicago, and a distinguished visiting fellow at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University, summarized the findings of several recent education studies

"The Washington School, where three-quarters of the students are black or Hispanic and a third of the student body changes every year, would appear a good model to emulate. Since 1998, achievement has risen from a third of its fourth-grade students passing the state's language arts test to better than 80 percent passing last year. Math gains also were significant. But the district's superintendent yesterday did not credit a specific curriculum or strategy for the improvement, instead pointing across the room to Principal Gail Cropper. 'That's the answer right there,' said Superintendent James Lytle. 'Her mantra is that failure is unacceptable, and she devotes the programs to it. ... Time is never wasted.'"—The Newark Star-Ledger (May 9, 2003)

"At Wednesday's announcement, ... MPS Superintendent William Andrekopoulos pointed to the school where he stood - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Elementary School - as an example of how all children can learn, even those living in poverty. 'Demographics would point in the direction that children in this building should not learn,' he said. 'This school is an example of other schools in this district—that children are beating the odds.'" Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (May 22, 2003)

"'This means we need a wider lens; we have to do this for all kids,' said Sue Roehrich, curriculum director for the Winona schools. 'But it's also a very focused lens. Accountability will be much sharper in reading and math. We'll have to do well across the board.'" Star-Tribune (June 3, 2003)

In the St. Paul Pioneer Press, "St. Paul Superintendent Patricia Harvey said she welcomed the new level of accountability called for by No Child Left Behind. 'I'm not concerned. We are focused,' she said. 'It's never a bad idea to focus on individual students and subgroups. New immigrants and those living below the poverty level may have extra challenges, but that doesn't mean they don't have the capacity for high achievement.'" (emphasis added)(July 9, 2003)

New Options for Parents and Increased Funding for States

As reported in yesterday's Moline Dispatch, "[Rock Island, Illinois parent] Shane Davis wants to make sure his child doesn't get left behind. He was notified recently he could send his daughter, Breanna Davis, to a different school. Her home school, Edison Junior High, was on an early warning list because too few students had made enough progress on standardized tests for the past two years." Mr. Davis summed up his views this way: "If my kid's not getting an education at Edison Junior High because they're not meeting standards, then we need to change. The most important years of a child's life are these developmental years. [Washington Junior High] was performing much better, and their students are scoring much higher." (July 30, 2003)

"South Carolina is getting nearly $14 million in federal funds this year through the Reading First program. The money is the first phase of a nearly $90 million grant the state will get as part of President George W. Bush's No Child Left Behind education program. While all South Carolina schools will see some of the money, Governor Mark Sanford says the money will allow 36 schools in South Carolina to start research-based reading programs for students from kindergarten through third grade. Sanford says the money is a big help during the state's budget problems."—WIS TV, Channel 10 in Columbia (April 23, 2003)


About Extra Credit
NCLB Extra Credit is a regular look at the No Child Left Behind Act, President Bush's landmark education reform initiative passed with bipartisan support in Congress.

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