August 13, 2003, Extra Credit
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August 13, 2003
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 August 12
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Questions For The Principal
In a recent article titled "Questions for the principal," the Arizona Republic provided parents with suggested questions "to ask at your child's school." Following is a list of the proposed questions:


  • What methods are you using to teach my child to read?
  • Are teachers trained in these methods?
  • How can I help my child's progress at home?

  • What national, state and district tests will my child take this year?
  • When will the tests be given?
  • What will the tests measure, and how soon will I receive the results?

  • What subjects are my child's teacher qualified to teach?
  • Is the teacher trained in skills needed to teach the visually impaired, the developmentally disabled, the learning disabled or the gifted?

  • What label was given to the school last fall?
    If it was labeled underperforming, ask for a copy of the state required School Improvement Plan. It will provide statistics about the school's plan to improve.
  • Ask to meet with members of the state solutions team to discover what they learned about your school's strengths and weaknesses. If you don't like what you hear, ask if your child qualifies to attend a better-performing school in the district.

  • Do you offer a free or fee-based after-school program?
  • Does my child qualify for free state tutoring?
This Arizona Republic article originally ran on August 3, 2003, and is no longer available online.


About Extra Credit
NCLB Extra Credit is a regular look at the No Child Left Behind Act, President Bush's landmark education reform initiative passed with bipartisan support in Congress.

If you would like the NCLB Extra Credit emailed to you, please send a request to Geoff Goodman at or call (202) 205-9191.


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Last Modified: 01/08/2004

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