March 10, 2004, Extra Credit
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March 10, 2004
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Guidance Available For Paraprofessionals

Properly trained paraprofessionals can play important roles in improving student achievement in schools where they can reinforce and augment a teacher’s effort in the classroom. Therefore, the No Child Left Behind Act requires that Title I paraprofessionals meet higher standards of qualification, and ensures that students who need the most help receive instructional support only from qualified paraprofessionals.

The U.S. Department of Education has recently updated guidance for administrators to help them with the implementation of the paraprofessional requirements. The following are some of the questions that the guidance addresses:

  • What is a paraprofessional?

  • What are the qualification requirements for Title I paraprofessionals?

  • To whom do the requirements apply?

  • What is the requirement for two years of study at an institution of higher education?

  • One option for meeting the new educational requirements for paraprofessionals is to test their knowledge and ability through a formal state or local academic assessment. What is the purpose of this assessment?

  • May Title I funds be used to pay for the paraprofessional assessment?

  • What are the requirements for the supervision of paraprofessionals?

  • What funds are available for helping paraprofessionals in Title I schools meet the new requirements?

The guidance is available online at:


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NCLB Extra Credit is a regular look at the No Child Left Behind Act, President Bush's landmark education reform initiative passed with bipartisan support in Congress.

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Last Modified: 03/12/2004

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