March 26, 2004, Extra Credit
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March 26, 2004

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March 25
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Alabama Faith-Based Learning Center Receives Funds to Help Students Achieve Academic Success

The No Child Left Behind Act provides faith-based and community organizations with grant opportunities through several programs, including Supplemental Education Services, Safe and Drug Free Schools Mentoring Programs, and 21st Century Community Learning Centers. From after-school programs to weekend computer labs, from early reading to family literacy, there are many opportunities for faith-based and community organizations to help ensure that no child is left behind. The following excerpt from NBC 13 in Birmingham, Ala., highlights one such grant for a faith-based learning center in Birmingham:

"The Beth El Community Learning Center was awarded a $475,000 grant through the Alabama Department of Education. The award was the first for a faith-based organization under the No Child Left Behind Act. State education leaders say the grant was one of 26 federal grants awarded this year.

"About 40 students attend Beth El's after-school program called STEPS, which stands for Striving To Equip and Prepare Students.

"'I have problems in math,' said student Reginald Stinson. 'When I ask questions they give me a lot of help and it brings my math grade up.'

"School officials say the money will help to expand their programs and make upgrades to their computer room. It will also help expand the curriculum, adding Spanish and arts and crafts [classes]."


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NCLB Extra Credit is a regular look at the No Child Left Behind Act, President Bush's landmark education reform initiative passed with bipartisan support in Congress.

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Last Modified: 01/29/2008

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