March 24, 2004, Extra Credit
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March 24, 2004
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 March 23
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The Promise of No Child Left Behind

The following letter to the editor by Rep. Jim Gibbons (NV) was published in yesterday’s Las Vegas Sun:

Contrary to your March 17 editorial headlined "Education by edict," the No Child Left Behind Act is not an edict—it is a promise. It is the promise of a quality education for all children, regardless of circumstance or disadvantage.

That is why I, along with a bipartisan majority in Congress, including every member of Nevada's congressional delegation, passed these historic reforms. Now, through accountability and flexibility, we will create an education system that truly meets the needs of all children in Nevada and in the nation.

I applaud the efforts of Secretary Rod Paige and the Education Department in helping states and school districts implement this law. Contrary to this newspaper's claims, the department has been cooperative and responsive to the needs of states and school districts. My commitment to expressing the unique needs of states like ours led to a meeting where department officials traveled to Nevada to meet one-on-one with our school superintendents. The administration listened and responded with new flexibility, as requested by myself and our schools.

Finally, we have provided an unprecedented level of funding. Independent education analysts have concluded that No Child Left Behind is more than adequately funded. In 2003 alone, the state of Nevada received more than $102 million just to implement No Child Left Behind—a $19 million increase over 2002. We are on the right track to fulfill the promise of No Child Left Behind, ensuring that every child receives the quality education they deserve.

This letter is available online.


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NCLB Extra Credit is a regular look at the No Child Left Behind Act, President Bush's landmark education reform initiative passed with bipartisan support in Congress.

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