Project Criteria

20th Anniversary -- Partners for Fish & Wildlife

Photo: Prothonetary warbler,
Nell P. Baldacchino
Priority emphasis on Federal trust resources: e.g., migratory birds, endangered and threatened and candidate species, inter-jurisdictional fish species, wetlands, floodplains, and riparian areas.
Program emphasizes habitat restoration (i.e., hydrology and vegetation), and to a lesser extent habitat enhancement and establishment within priority geographic focus areas on private lands. Projects that result in self-sustaining systems that are not dependent on artificial structures are preferred to the extent practicable.
The goal is to achieve at least 50 percent of project costs through cost share and/or in-kind services from our partners. This is an overall program goal and exceptions are allowed based on the biological importance of the project to Service goals and the ability of the landowners and other partners to contribute.
Service funding through the Partners for Fish and Wildlife Program cannot be used to purchase land-use rights to secure landowner participation (e.g., cannot purchase easements, pay rent).
Projects with private landowners must secure a minimum 10-year cooperative agreement. This agreement clarifies what each party will provide and is a statement of commitment to maintain the purpose of the project over the term of the agreement. Habitat improvement agreements may be modified or terminated by either party under specified conditions. Other factors being equal, agreements of longer duration than 10 years may rank higher for assistance.
Projects with in-kind services provided by the landowner (e.g., landowner agrees to install structure and maintain it over the period of agreement) receive a higher priority, other factors being equal.
The maximum amount of Service funds that may be expended on each person's project is $25,000. Some exceptions are possible, but require special approval.

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