December 06, 2004 Extra Credit
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December 6, 2004

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Maryland Honors Schools For Closing The Achievement Gap

The following are excerpts from a recent article in The Dispatch (Ocean City, MD) on a local elementary school receiving honors from the Maryland Department of Education for raising student achievement:

"Hugs and kisses were flying yesterday morning as Showell Elementary School teachers and staff learned their school had been selected as a Maryland 2004 Blue Ribbon School of Excellence."

"Showell Elementary was chosen as one of six elementary schools from across the state to be honored with the award and joins the impressive list of county schools to receive the honor in recent years. Of the 12 Worcester County schools eligible for the award, six have now been recognized with the distinction including each of the three high schools – Stephen Decatur, Snow Hill, and Pocomoke – as well as Ocean City Elementary, Snow Hill Elementary and now Showell.

"The six schools statewide that were chosen as Blue Ribbon schools this week each met the rigorous standards applied by the federal No Child Left Behind program. They were selected by the Maryland State Board of Education on the basis of state and national requirements for high achievement and dramatic improvement. Four of the schools chosen this week, including Showell Elementary, are in the top 10 percent of state schools at the elementary level as measured by the Maryland School Assessments.

"State Superintendent of Schools Dr. Nancy Grasmick praised the accomplishments of each of the schools chosen. ‘These schools were selected out of 875 Maryland schools,’ she said. ‘They have all made big strides and serve as examples of how we can close the achievement gap between student subgroups. I want to commend the students, teachers, parents, administrators and community members of these schools for their hard work.’

"Worcester Superintendent of Schools Dr. Jon Andes was equally effusive in his praise of Showell Elementary for receiving the honor. ‘Showell is an outstanding school,’ he said. ‘It has a terrific staff, strong community support, and most importantly, wonderful kids. This honor is well deserved.’"


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