July 14, 2004 Extra Credit
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July 14, 2004

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"You Can Choose"

No Child Left Behind provides parents whose children are in schools not meeting state defined academic benchmarks for at least two consecutive years the opportunity to send their child to another public or charter school in the district. After the third consecutive year of a school not meeting state standards, low-income children are given the opportunity to take advantage of free tutoring. The following are excerpts from a recent article in The Indianapolis Star highlighting the Greater Educational Opportunities Foundation's efforts to inform parents of these new opportunities that No Child Left Behind provides for their children:

"A school-choice organization will advertise on billboards, use direct mail and go door-to-door to step up awareness in Indianapolis communities where schools are not meeting new federal standards. The Greater Educational Opportunities Foundation wants to help parents realize they may be able to switch to another traditional public school or a charter school and get free tutoring for their children.

"In a campaign to be announced today, 19 billboards are up, primarily in Indianapolis Public Schools boundaries, but also in areas that include Perry and Lawrence townships schools. They feature local parents and children who have switched schools or taken advantage of free tutoring -- two provisions available under the federal No Child Left Behind Act."

"'Parents should know what their options are,' Teasley said. 'Why keep them in the dark? Most Indiana residents know very little about their rights under No Child Left Behind.' ... Teasley said the 'You Can Choose' campaign is aimed at just making sure parents know their options, whether or not they take advantage of them.

"Tishika Jackson is one parent who did. Her daughter, Jayla, will move to Southport Elementary School this fall from another elementary in Perry Township. ... Jackson changed schools because she wanted her daughter in a good environment where most children succeed. 'If you surround yourself with excellence, you can rise to the occasion.'"


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NCLB Extra Credit is a regular look at the No Child Left Behind Act, President Bush's landmark education reform initiative passed with bipartisan support in Congress.

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