July 09, 2004 Extra Credit
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July 9, 2004

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Teaching American History Grants Awarded All Across the Country

No Child Left Behind's Teaching American History program provides grants to local education agencies to support student achievement by improving teachers' knowledge, understanding, and appreciation of American history. The following are excerpts from various articles from newspapers around the country highlighting just a few of the No Child Left Behind Teaching American History grants that have been awarded over the last week:

In Alabama: "The U.S. Department of Education announced Wednesday a grant of nearly $1 million to Birmingham City Schools to improve the teaching of American history. … Birmingham City Schools teachers who teach American history in grades 5, 7, 10 and 11 will take part in summer institutes and seminars during the school year. … ‘Any time that we can get a grant or other assistance in helping provide better help for teachers is wonderful,’ [Birmingham schools spokeswoman Michaelle Chapman] said. ‘If teachers learn better methods for teaching, it would be expected that students achieve more.’" – (July 8, 2004)

In Illinois: "A federal grant of nearly $1 million will help Rockford public school history teachers brush up on their skills, district officials said Thursday. … [Superintendent Dennis] Thompson said the program should improve student learning. ‘Anytime we can increase teacher knowledge, we can increase student achievement.’" – (July 2, 2004)

In Missouri: "A nearly $1 million, three-year grant for a history education program for area teachers was announced Monday at Wilson's Creek Battlefield. … Rep. Roy Blunt, R-Strafford, presented the $983,014 grant to Pam Hedgpeth, superintendent at Republic Public Schools, one of four school districts participating in the program. Springfield, Ozark and Nixa are also involved. ‘I think classroom teachers make such a difference in getting kids excited about history and politics and American history concepts,’ said Hedgpeth. ‘Good things will come as a result of this money.’" – (July 6, 2004)

In Pennsylvania: "The U.S. Department of Education has awarded a grant of $349,253 to the Indiana Area School District to improve the teaching of American history. … The Indiana Area School District will collaborate with Indiana University of Pennsylvania, the National Park Service and Soldiers and Sailors Museum of Pittsburgh. … Indiana teachers will participate in summer seminars, make immersion visits to historic sites and receive intensive training in the use of technology to enhance history education in elementary and secondary classrooms." – The Indiana Gazette (July 3, 2004)

In Wisconsin: "The U.S. Department of Education has awarded [the Chippewa Falls-based Cooperative Educational Service Agency #10] … a grant of nearly $1 million to teach educators how to make history hands-on. The money will continue a three-year program, ‘Learning by Doing: Public History in the Classroom,’ that will give about 50 Wisconsin teachers graduate-level training in teaching American history, said program coordinator Joe Maurer." – (July 7, 2004)


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