TV Show Tuesday to Offer Tips for Parents on College Access, Affordability

January 13, 2006
Contacts: Jim Bradshaw
(202) 401-2310

With a college education virtually essential to job security in today's global economy, the U.S. Department of Education's monthly TV show, "Education News Parents Can Use," will devote its hour-long program to providing tips for parents to guide them on academic preparation for their children, as well as resources on how to make college affordable and attainable.

The program is available live from 8 to 9 p.m. EST Tuesday on the Dish Network, some PBS stations and numerous cable outlets. Others will broadcast the show on a tape-delayed basis. A complete listing of viewing options is available at In addition, the program will be webcast live and archived at

Tuesday's program, entitled, "Improving Access to College: Preparing for Education Beyond High School," will feature a taped interview with U.S. Secretary of Education Margaret Spellings on the work of the Secretary's Commission on the Future of Higher Education. She'll discuss what's being done to better prepare today's graduates for the globally competitive workforce of the 21st century and to make college more affordable and accessible for all students, especially those from disadvantaged backgrounds.

Arthur Rothkopf, a commission member and senior vice president at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, will appear live on the show to discuss the panel's work.

In addition, the program will feature:

  • Profiles of two innovative, award-winning schools that are breaking down the postsecondary education barriers of affordability and accessibility to dramatic effect—one, an urban, public middle-high school on the campus of Clark University in Worcester, Mass., and the other, a dual enrollment "early college" high school in St. Petersburg, Fla.

  • A special discussion with John Barrett, president of Clark University; Michael Cohen, president of Achieve, Inc.; and Barbara Smith, Eastern Division director of AVID, on how to equip America's youth to succeed in college. And,

  • A conversation with Jennifer Douglas, general manager for student aid awareness and applicant services in the Federal Student Aid Office. In addition, she'll be joined by Jim Boyle, executive director of College Parents of America, and Sue Rexford, Career Center specialist from West Springfield High School in Springfield, Va., with information on financial preparedness for higher education, including user-friendly tips and resources for parents on how to save and pay for college.

The "Education News Parents Can Use" TV series airs monthly during the school year.



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Last Modified: 01/13/2006