Pasternack New Assistant Secretary For Special Education Rehabilitative Services
Archived Information

August 8, 2001
Contact:  Lindsey Kozberg
(202) 401-3026

U.S. Secretary of Education Rod Paige today announced that Robert H. Pasternack has been formally sworn in as assistant secretary for special education and rehabilitative services.

Since 1998 Pasternack has been New Mexico state director of special education. Previously, he was chief executive officer of Casa de Corazon, a children's mental health center in Taos, N.M. He also served as superintendent of New Mexico Boys' School in Springer.

Pasternack received a Ph.D. in special education from the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque and a master's degree in guidance and counseling from New Mexico Highlands University in Las Vegas. He is certified as a special education teacher, an educational diagnostician, and as a school psychologist.

President Bush nominated Pasternack on June 21 and he was confirmed by the Senate on July 19.

"Bob Pasternack could not be more qualified for this leadership position and I'm delighted that he is joining our team," Paige said. "His experience and insight will be invaluable as we begin working with Congress to reauthorize and improve the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act so it can better serve students with special needs."


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