Paige Kicks Off New School Year in Florida, Says No Child Left Behind Is More Than a Law, It's a 'Revolution'
Event with Lt. Gov. Brogan is 19th stop on Paige's Tour Across America
Archived Information

August 7, 2002
Contact: Dan Langan
(202) 401-1576

TAMPA, Fla. -- U.S. Secretary of Education Rod Paige today joined Florida Lt. Gov. Frank Brogan to kick off the new school year in Florida and discuss with Floridians how No Child Left Behind will transform education in America.

Paige met with students, parents, teachers and other local leaders at the Lomax Elementary School here.

"When he took office, President Bush promised to fundamentally change the structure of our education system, so every child in our public schools learns and no child is left behind," Secretary Paige said. "Thanks to the bipartisan work of Congress and our President, our schools have a new tool to ensure that all our children get the world-class education their parents sent them to school for. And that tool is the historic education reforms of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001."

"No Child Left Behind is more than just a law; it's a revolution," Paige added. "And years from now, people are going to look back on the compassionate vision of this President and they are going to say: 'That was the tipping point for education,'"

Under the law, which President Bush signed in January, states and school districts will develop strong systems of accountability based upon student performance. The new law also gives states and school districts increased local control and flexibility, removing federal red tape and bureaucracy and putting decision-making in the hands of those at the local and state levels.

Beginning this fall, parents of children from disadvantaged backgrounds will have options under the new law to participate in public school choice programs or obtain supplemental services such as tutoring. And teachers around the country will be encouraged to use teaching methods based upon scientific research that show they have been proven to work.

Paige also called on the students to do their part to become successful and achieve their dreams.

"The President kept his promise to give schools the tools to do their job and make sure that every American child to have a world-class education. Now, you must do your part," Paige said. "Listen to your teachers. Do your homework. Read books, lots and lots of books. The more you read, the more you learn what you need to know to achieve your dreams."

"Dream big. Aim high. Work hard, and keep working," he added. "Hard work is the key to achieving your dreams."

Paige kicked off his No Child Left Behind Tour Across America in Albuquerque, N.M., in April 2002, to educate parents, educators, community and business leaders and other stakeholders about the most sweeping change in education policy in three decades -- and to ask for their help in strengthening schools and leaving no child behind. Other stops on the tour will be announced later.

For more information about the new law and Secretary Paige's tour, visit



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