Cooper, Leland Issue Statements on Title IX, Secretary's Commission on Opportunity in Athletics
Archived Information

July 29, 2002
Dan Langan
(202) 401-1576

Cynthia Cooper and Ted Leland, co-chairs of the Secretary's Commission on Opportunity in Athletics, today issued statements following an organizational meeting of the group.

Cynthia Cooper issued the following statement:

We all agree that Title IX has been enormously beneficial in our society. It has had very positive effects in our high schools and in our colleges and universities. After 30 years, it's appropriate for us to revisit this law, and that's what we will do. We will hear Americans' perspectives and will share them and our views with Secretary Paige and his team.

Ted Leland issued the following statement:

Our commission members have extensive experience in the academic and athletic communities. Our role on the commission is to listen, observe, absorb and to have open minds. We'll embark upon a fair, open and honest process to better understand Title IX, its effects, its strengths and its weaknesses.

U.S. Secretary of Education Rod Paige appointed the commission last month to examine ways of strengthening enforcement and expanding opportunities to ensure fairness for all college and interscholastic athletes. The commission will gather information and prepare recommendations that will be submitted to the Secretary by Jan. 31, 2003. The commission's schedule of upcoming meetings will be announced in the coming days.



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