Paige Issues Statement on Report from President's Commission on Excellence in Special Education
Archived Information

July 9, 2002
Dan Langan
(202) 401-1576

U.S. Secretary of Education Rod Paige today released a statement on the final report from the President's Commission on Excellence in Special Education, which was forwarded to President Bush last week.

Paige's statement follows:

"I applaud Gov. Branstad and the other members of the commission for their hard work and extra effort, which culminated in this report. I appreciate their ideas."

"This report, combined with the extensive feedback we have received from parents, teachers, and state and local policy makers, will provide us with a rich source of information to consider as we move forward with the re-authorization of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)."
"When we say no child left behind, we mean it literally: no child, regardless of race, ability, disability or zip code, should be left behind. We should hold kids with disabilities to the same standards as other kids. We should expect them—and help them—to reach the same goals. This is our charge."

President Bush ordered the creation of the 24-member President's Commission on Excellence in Special Education on Oct. 2, 2001 (Executive Order 13227). The commission held 13 public hearings and meetings throughout the nation and listened to the concerns and comments of hundreds of experts, parents, disabled students, teachers, principals, policy makers and the public. The commission submitted the report to the president on July 1, as required by the Executive Order.

A copy of the report is online at



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