Paige Announces Support to MD, VA and DC for Schools Affected by Sniper Attacks
Archived Information

October 23, 2002
Contact: Dan Langan,
Carlin Hertz
(202) 401-1576

U.S. Secretary of Education Rod Paige today released $600,000 in federal funds to help schools in Maryland, Virginia and the District of Columbia that have been affected by the sniper attacks in the metropolitan Washington, D.C., area.

Maryland will receive $250,000; Virginia will receive $250,000; and the District of Columbia will receive $100,000 under Project SERV -- the School Emergency Response to Violence program.

"These recent attacks have forced our schools to take extraordinary steps to protect our children and their teachers," Secretary Paige said. "After conversations with the education chiefs in Maryland, Virginia and the district, I believed it was essential to provide them with extra assistance from Project SERV, to help them provide education-related services to their schools during this time of crisis. We stand ready to provide additional assistance in any way we can."

The Project SERV funds can be used for activities and costs that are reasonable, necessary and essential, and are intended to restore a sense of safety and security. The funds also are intended to assist victims/students to understand the dynamics of victimization and stabilize their lives. A final goal of the program is to help local school districts manage the practical problems created by the traumatic event that has produced an undue hardship on them.

For example, the funds can be used for mental health assessments, referrals and services related to the traumatic event; overtime for teachers, counselors, law enforcement and security personnel; substitute teachers and other staff, as necessary; emergency transportation; technical assistance on developing appropriate responses to the crisis; transportation and other costs to operate school at an alternative site; temporary security measures such as non-permanent metal detectors and additional security guards and security cameras.

The funds are awarded to the state education agencies, which in turn allocate the resources to eligible local education agencies (LEAs).

All the funds must be awarded to LEAs, and none can be retained for administrative or any other purposes. Local education agencies receiving the funds will have to demonstrate that the learning environment has been disrupted as a result of the sniper attacks, and any costs must be in addition to those LEAs would have incurred in the absence of the attacks. In addition, LEAs receiving funds must provide for equitable participation by private school students and teachers.

Funds must be distributed to eligible LEAs within 45 days of receipt from the U.S. Department of Education.



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