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OSHA Strategic Partnerships Program > Region 6 > #238 Partnership Renewal Agreement

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Louisiana Nursing Home Association


Louisiana Works - Department of Labor


A. Purpose:

Because of the high incidents of injuries, particularly musculoskeletal disorders related to patient handling, slips, trips, and falls, in nursing homes, it is the purpose of this partnership for the participants to work cooperatively and collaboratively to reduce the number of such injuries. It is, also, the purpose of this partnership to bring awareness about muscular injuries, bloodborne pathogens, tuberculosis exposure and workplace violence to participants through education and information. Other areas of concern based on previous inspection data would be Bloodborne Pathogens, Tuberculosis Exposure, and Workplace Violence. These are areas that OSHA and LDOL OSHA Consultation can provide training and information to nursing homes in order to make a significant reduction in accidents and serious injuries and illnesses.

LNHA will send a letter and a copy of the partnership agreement to member nursing home operators in the state of Louisiana notifying them of the partnership opportunity.

LNHA member homes that wish to partner will have thirty (30) days from the date of receipt to sign the partnership agreement.

B. Definition:

Nursing home owner / manager (hereafter referred to as "nursing home operators") is any entity that owns and / or manages a nursing home.

C. Goals and Objectives:

By entering into this partnership, the nursing home operators agree to adhere to requirements intended to ensure continuous awareness of the facility’s safety and health program with the intent to minimize injuries and illnesses. OSHA hereby agrees to verify that partnership requirements are met and program goals are being attained by reviewing evidence of regular and effective safety audits and inspections, accident investigations, and injury / illness data. The project goals are:
  1. To further reduce nursing home injuries and illnesses by 3% in the state of Louisiana among participants through the development of an effective partnership.

  2. To provide information and materials to aid the employer in ensuring or improving internal safety and health programs.

  3. To better utilize the Baton Rouge area office and Louisiana Department of Labor (LDOL) OSHA Consultation resources by using partnership tools to achieve a higher level of worker safety and health.

  4. To maximize Federal and State inspection resources by promoting more active employer and employee participation and responsibility for safety and health management.

  5. To promote a cooperative relationship between OSHA, LDOL OSHA Consultation, and LNHA.

  6. To provide participating nursing homes with the most up to date research, information and tools to combat the injury / illness problems affecting the industry.
D. Requirements for the Partnership:

The partnership is a collaboration under which the participating nursing home operator and his/her successors make a commitment that the nursing home will create (with the help of OSHA / LDOL OSHA Consultation) and maintain a written safety / health program and that the safety / health program will contain elements of management leadership, employee involvement, hazard analysis, hazard prevention / control and safety / health training. In addition, participating nursing homes hereby agree to the following:
  1. Employees will be trained in hazard recognition and avoidance specific to the nursing home industry, applicable OSHA safety / health standards, the nursing home’s safety / health policies and on their rights and responsibilities under the OSH Act of 1970. The guidance for this training will be the OSH Act, OSHA regulations, other industry safety and health standards, and the nursing home’s policies and procedures. The goal of this training is that employers and employees will understand safety and health regulations and safe work practices and will work together to reduce or eliminate workplace hazards. Nursing home operators are encouraged to involve employees in identification and correction of safety and health concerns. Nursing home operators will assure that root causes of injuries and illnesses are identified and corrective / preventative action is taken.

  2. Nursing home operator or his / her designee shall conduct semi-annual inspections / audits. These inspections shall be documented to ensure that safety and health requirements are being followed at the site. Each audit will address the hazardous conditions identified and the corrective action taken / planned. Participating nursing homes will begin internal comprehensive audits within 6 months of signing the partnership agreement. The nursing home operator will submit the inspection data to the LNHA and / or its designee for compilation. The LNHA will submit the tabulated data to OSHA annually.

  3. Partner nursing home operators agree to promote effective employee involvement in day-to-day implementation of the facility’s safety and health program. To this end, the nursing home operator agrees to ensure employees participation during safety and health meetings, site inspections, and other meaningful activities, which are not limited to hazard analysis and methods of abatement.

  4. Partner nursing home operators will provide OSHA 300 log annual summary data for 2003 and 2004 along with the employee hours worked for those years. In each subsequent year of the partnership (Year 2005 and 2006), nursing home operators will submit OSHA 300 log annual summary data along with the employee hours worked for those years to be used as a comparison to the baseline data.

  5. Nursing home operators who partner with OSHA may promote the agreement and status of the partnership.

  6. Each partner nursing home will ensure that at least one employee attends OSHA and LDOL OSHA Consultation outreach training program. The outreach training sessions will target industry specific hazards and will provide information for the partners to use to create comprehensive safety and health programs.

  7. Each Partnership nursing home should establish (if not already in place) a written lifting policy / program. The lifting policy / program should consider the elements listed below. A sample lifting policy / program for nursing staff can be viewed in Appendix A of this partnership agreement.

    1. Statement of Purpose for creating / establishing lifting policy
    2. Lift, transfer and repositioning policy
    3. Identification of "high risk" residents for lifting / transfers
    4. Identification of "high risk" tasks and areas of facility
    5. Employee education / training sessions
    6. Employee evaluation programs
    7. Incident / accident review
    8. Annual program review / updates
  8. Any participant with employees represented by a collective bargaining unit will afford the bargaining unit employees and their representative full and equal opportunity to participate in this cooperative agreement. The employee-authorized representative should be included early in the process and be kept appraised of conditions as they occur. A bargaining unit official shall be offered the opportunity to participate in the signing ceremony when and where it occurs.

E. Inspection Scheduling / Targeting Strategy:
  1. For each year of the partnership, the OSHA’s Baton Rouge Area Office will conduct verification inspections on a maximum of 5% of the participating nursing homes. These nursing home operators will be randomly selected. All verification inspections conducted by OSHA will be focused. Focus inspections shall concentrate on an evaluation of the employer’s safety and health program, self-audits and employee training. Except as otherwise expressly or specifically allowed by applicable law and / or regulations, verification inspections and employee interviews conducted in this partnership shall be focused and shall be limited to the following hazards:

    1. Patient handling
    2. Slips / Trips / Falls
    3. Bloodborne Pathogens and TB
    4. Workplace Violence
  2. Partnering LNHA nursing home operators will not be subjected to programmed inspections where a successful on-site verification inspection has been conducted and completed in the prior 12 months. Federal OSHA may preclude those nursing home operators interested in and who qualify for the Pre-SHARP (OSHA Consultation) from Program and Target inspections for a period of eighteen months.

  3. Verification inspections of the new participating nursing home operators will be delayed for a period of 6 months from the date the nursing home operator enters into the partnership.

  4. Unprogrammed inspections conducted in response to referrals, accidents, and fatalities shall be conducted without delay in accordance with established Agency procedures. Complaint inspections shall be conducted without delay in accordance with established Agency procedures.
F. Partnership Incentives:

The OSHA Baton Rouge area office and LDOL OSHA Consultation will carry out various outreach activities to promote comprehensive employer safety and health programs through cooperative partnerships with nursing home operators. These activities may include the following:
  1. The Baton Rouge OSHA Area Office, the LDOL OSHA Consultation and / or other partnership entities will conduct information and training sessions. These sessions will focus on interested nursing home operators. The purpose of these sessions will be to discuss program specifications, obligations of OSHA and partnership entities, partnership as a choice, benefits of an effective workplace safety and health program, and OSHA regulatory requirements. Such information and training sessions shall be held minimally once a year in each of the LNHA seven regions for the duration of the partnership. OSHA and the LDOL shall work with LNHA to ensure continuing education credits are available through the Board of Examiners for Nursing Facility Administrators.

  2. OSHA and LDOL OSHA Consultation shall enlist the support and help of various organizations such as NIOSH, CDC and other safety / health related organizations to conduct and / or develop outreach / training session materials and to promote awareness of and in this partnership.

  3. OSHA and LDOL OSHA Consultation shall compile an inventory of resources for use in the development of safety and health programs for partnership participants. A CD-ROM containing sample programs and related supportive materials will be provided to each facility upon their entrance into the partnership. This shall include but is not limited to the following:

    1. Development of a comprehensive safety / health checklist to be used uniformly by all partners nursing homes.

    2. To make available at no charge to partner members the use of training / educational materials (i.e., safety videos, software programs, OSHA publications, OSHA training kits from the GPO, etc.).

    3. Outreach sessions on OSHA Safety topics in all seven of the LNHA Regions in 2005 and at least annually thereafter.
  4. For this partnership OSHA shall provide safety / health resources (i.e., methods of compliance, hazard control information) and technical assistance not only at the Baton Rouge area office level (i.e., the compliance assistant specialist) but also from OSHA’s Regional and National offices. This will be done to assist employers in the development and maintenance of effective safety and health programs. This shall include a designated person at the Area level to assist partner nursing homes with general safety / health issues and OSHA Recordkeeping questions.

  5. OSHA will seek support from nursing home operators known to have successful policies in safety and health to share with the rest of the participants.

  6. OSHA will promote recognition for safety and health excellence throughout the industry at every opportunity.

  7. Upon request by a LNHA partnership member, the initial inspection by the LDOL OSHA Consultation shall be of a comprehensive nature. LDOL OSHA Consultation shall conduct annual consultation visits for all nursing home operators for the duration of the partnership.

  8. LDOL OSHA Consultation shall provide information to assist the LNHA and partner nursing homes in applying for all training and equipment (i.e., mechanical patient lifts) grants that are offered by state and federal government agencies.

  9. OSHA and LDOL OSHA Consultation shall assign priority service to requests from partnership members for onsite consultation visits and requests for information.
G. Disqualifications:
  1. If a partner nursing home is not operating in good faith and the program is deemed to be ineffective during its operational time period, the partnership may be discontinued. In the event of this determination, nursing home operators who have entered into this partnership with OSHA will be formally notified. This determination is based on the presumption that the goals of the partnership are not being met and the attempts among the parties to improve it and make it effective have failed.
H. Evaluation of the Project:

This partnership will include an annual evaluation to review the status of this partnership and determine whether modifications are needed. The evaluation will address the following:
  1. Number of nursing homes covered by the partnership.

  2. Number attending outreach activities.

  3. Incident / frequency rate of partner nursing homes will be compared to baseline (2001 and 2002) data collected.

  4. Number of hazards identified and corrected on partner sites.
I. Termination:

Either party may terminate the partnership agreement and withdraw upon written notice. The partnership agreements will terminate on January 31, 2007. If this partnership is considered successful it may be renewed for two more years, from January 31, 2007 through January 31, 2009.

J. Recognition

At the conclusion of the partnership, nursing homes that participated in the partnership will receive a certificate from the area office in recognition for their efforts towards safety and health from OSHA and LDOL OSHA Consultation.

K. Information:

In the interest of accurate reporting, the parties of this partnership shall have an opportunity to collaborate on and review statistics and reports produced as a result of this partnership and shall agree on any press releases or public dissemination of information derived from the partnership before said dissemination.

Appendix A

SAMPLE Safe Resident Handling and Movement Policy

1. PURPOSE: This policy describes ways to ensure that employees use safe resident handling and movement techniques are used at __________________________ nursing facility. Particularly for those residents designated as high-risk for safe resident handling and movement.

2. POLICY: ___________________________________ Nursing Facility wants to ensure that its residents are cared for safely, while maintaining a safe work environment for employees. To accomplish this a Back Injury Prevention Program for Nurses and Nurse Aides will be implemented in order to ensure required infrastructure is in place to comply with components of this safe resident handling and movement policy. This infrastructure includes resident handling and movement equipment, employee training, and a "Culture of Safety" approach to safety in the work environment. Direct resident care staff on high-risk resident care areas should assess high-risk resident handling tasks in advance to determine the safest way to accomplish them. Additionally, mechanical lifting equipment and / or other approved resident handling aids should be used where available to prevent manual lifting and handling of residents except when absolutely necessary, such as in a medical emergency.

  1. Compliance: It is the duty of employees to take reasonable care of their own health and safety, as well as that of their co-workers and their residents during resident handling activities by following this policy. Non-compliance will indicate a need for retraining.

  2. Safe Resident Handling and Movement Requirements:
    • Avoid hazardous resident handling and movement tasks whenever possible. If unavoidable, assess them carefully prior to completion.
    • Use mechanical lifting devices and other approved resident handling aids for high-risk resident handling and movement tasks except when absolutely necessary, such as in a medical emergency.
    • Use mechanical lifting devices and other approved resident handling aids in accordance with instructions and training.
  3. Training:
    1. Management will complete and document Safe Resident Handling and Movement training initially (orientation), annually and as required to correct improper use/understanding of safe resident handling and movement. Supervisors should maintain training records for three (3) years.
  4. Mechanical Lifting Devices and Other Equipment/Aids:
    1. Mechanical lifting devices and other equipment / aids will be accessible to staff.
    2. Mechanical lifting devices and other equipment / aids will be maintained regularly and kept in proper working order.
    3. Mechanical lifting devices and other equipment / aids shall be stored conveniently and safely.
  5. Back Injury Prevention Program:

    The Back Injury Prevention Program for Nurses / Nurse Aides will be implemented for all high-risk residents, including the following key program elements:
    1. Workplace lifting safety assessments
    2. Use of lifting equipment and devices
    3. Resident Assessment Criteria and Care Planning for Safe Resident Handling and Movement
    4. Flow charts / diagrams for Safe Resident Handling and Movement
    5. Back Injury Resource Nurses
    6. After Action Review Process
  6. Reporting of Injuries / Incidents:
    1. Nursing staff shall report all incidents/injuries resulting from resident handling and movement to Occupational Health
    2. Supervisors shall maintain Accident Reports and supplemental injury statistics as required by the facility.
  1. High-Risk Resident Handling Tasks: Resident-handling tasks that have a high-risk of musculoskeletal injury for staff performing the tasks. These include but are not limited to transferring tasks, lifting tasks, repositioning tasks, bathing residents in bed, making occupied beds, dressing residents, turning residents in bed, and tasks with long duration.

  2. High-Risk Resident Care Areas: Resident wings with a high proportion of dependent residents, requiring full assistance with resident handling tasks and activities of daily living. Designation is based on the dependency level of residents and the frequency with which residents are encouraged to be out of bed. These areas include Spinal Cord Injury Units, Nursing Home Care Units and other specified areas.

  3. Manual Lifting: Lifting, transferring, repositioning, and moving residents using a caregiver’s body strength without the use of lifting equipment / aids to reduce forces on the caregiver’s musculoskeletal structure.

  4. Mechanical Resident Lifting Equipment: Equipment used to lift, transfer, reposition, and move residents. Examples include full body sling lifts, stand assist lifts, and mechanized lateral transfer aids.

  5. Resident Handling Aids: Equipment used to assist in the lift or transfer process. Examples include gait belts with handles, stand assist aids, sliding boards, and surface friction-reducing devices.

  6. Culture of Safety: Describes the collective attitude of employees taking shared responsibility for safety in a work environment and by doing so, providing a safe environment of care for themselves as well as residents.
  1. Facility Administrator shall:
    1. Support the implementation of this policy.
    2. Support a "Culture of Safety" within this medical center.
    3. Furnish sufficient lifting equipment/aids to allow staff to use them when needed for a safe resident handling and movement.
    4. Furnish acceptable storage locations for lifting equipment / aids.
    5. Provide routine maintenance of equipment.
    6. Provide staffing levels sufficient to comply with this policy.
  2. Supervisors shall:
    1. Ensure high-risk resident handling tasks are assessed prior to completion and are completed safely, using mechanical lifting devices and other approved resident handling aids and appropriate techniques.
    2. Ensure mechanical lifting devices and other equipment/aids are available, maintained regularly, in proper working order, and stored conveniently and safely.
    3. Ensure employees complete initial and annual training, and training as required if employees show non-compliance with safe resident handling and movement or equipment use. Maintain training records for a period of three (3) years.
    4. Refer all staff reporting injuries due to resident handling tasks Director of Nurses
    5. Maintain Accident Reports and supplemental injury statistics as required by the facility.
    6. Support a "Culture of Safety" within the facility.
  3. Employees shall:
    1. Comply with all parameters of this policy.
    2. Use proper techniques, mechanical lifting devices and other approved equipment / aids during performance of high-risk resident handling tasks.
    3. Notify supervisor of any injury sustained while performing resident handling tasks.
    4. Notify supervisor of need for re-training in use of mechanical lifting devices, other equipment / aids and lifting / moving techniques.
    5. Notify supervisor of mechanical lifting devices in need of repair.
    6. Support a "Culture of Safety" within their facility.
  4. Engineering / Maintenance Services shall maintain mechanical lifting devices in proper working order.

  5. Where applicable, Union officials shall support policy intent and monitor program effectiveness in partnership with Administration.
OSHA Louisiana Nursing Home Association Louisiana Works - Department of Labor

 Partnership Charter
Between the
United States Department of Labor
Occupational Safety and Health Administration
Region VI, Baton Rouge Area Office
Louisiana Department of Labor OSHA Consultation
and the
Louisiana Nursing Home Association

The United States Department of Labor Occupational Safety and Health Administration, the Louisiana Department of Labor OSHA Consultation and the Louisiana Nursing Home Association mutually recognize the importance of providing a safe and healthful work environment for Louisiana’s nursing home employees. To advance our mutual goal, we strongly agree on the need to develop a working relationship that fosters mutual trust and respect for each organization’s respective role in this process. We recognize and embrace the responsibilities inherent in those roles. We are committed to work as partners to achieve nursing home workplace safety and health through the following shared strategies and objectives.
  1. Implement continuing and open communication policy between OSHA and the Louisiana Nursing Home Association in a manner that encourages respect and understanding.

  2. Share knowledge of the best industry technology, innovations, and work practices that improve jobsite safety and health performance.

  3. Cooperate in the development and continuous improvement of safety and health training programs for the nursing home industry and OSHA personnel.

  4. Improve safety and health programs by involving employees in every aspect of the site inspection process.

  5. Promote principles of good faith and fairness as the foundation of our relationships.

  6. Recognize that either party to the partnership may withdraw from the agreement at any time after submitting written notification of intent to the other partner.
Agreed this day, _________________________, 2005

Greg Honaker
Area Director
U.S. Dept. of Labor/OSHA
Baton Rouge Area Office

Joseph A. Donchess
Executive Director
Louisiana Nursing Home Association

Karen Reiners Winfrey
Assistant Secretary/Director
Office of Workers’ Compensation
Louisiana Department of Labor

Ray Naquin
Louisiana Nursing Home Association

Willis Callihan
Safety and Health Director
Office of Workers’ Compensation
Louisiana Department of Labor

Clovis Mills
OSHA Consultation Manager
Louisiana Department of Labor
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