0ffice of Acquisition and PropertyManagement

Department of the Interior

June 13, 2008

Department of the Interior Acquisition Policy Release (DIAPR) 2008-05

SUBJECT: Department of the Interior Integrated Charge Card Manual

1. Purpose:

By this release the DOI Integrated Charge Card Guide dated April 12, 2004, is superseded by the attached DOI Integrated Charge Card Manual.

2. Effective Date:

Upon signature.

3. Expiration Date:

No expiration unless cancelled or supersed.

4. Background and Explanation:

This manual establishes policy and procedures for using the Department ofthe Interior integrated charge card for official travel, purchase, and/or fleet transactions. The Office ofAcquisition and Property Management, in cooperation with the Office ofFinancial Management, is responsible for the Integrated Charge Card Program. Manual revisions that relate to OMB Circular A-123, Appendix B, Improving the Management ofGovernment Charge Card Programs, include credit worthiness determinations and greater emphasis on internal controls.

5. Action Required:

Every Bureau/Office must have a written management plan and written Bureau/Office policy. See Section Bureau/Office Requirements.

6. Additional Information:

Contact your bureau Integrated Charge Card Agency/ Organizational Program Coordinator or Cynthia Martin in the Office ofAcquisition and Property Management on (202) 606-3144 or via email atCynthia_Martin@ios.doi.gov.

/ signed Debra E. Sonderman, Director
Office of Acquisition and Property Management
