Key Policy Letters Signed by the Education Secretary or Deputy Secretary
April 27, 2004

Cosigners of March 24, 2004 letter:

Honorable Robert E. Andrews
Honorable Tim Bishop
Honorable Ed Case
Honorable Danny K. Davis
Honorable Susan A. Davis
Honorable Raul M. Grijalva
Honorable Rubén Hinojosa
Honorable Rush Holt
Honorable Dale E. Kildee
Honorable Ron Kind
Honorable Dennis Kucinich
Honorable Denise L. Majette
Honorable Carolyn McCarthy
Honorable Betty McCollum
Honorable George Miller
Honorable Major R. Owens
Honorable Donald M. Payne
Honorable Timothy J. Ryan
Honorable John F. Tierney
Honorable Chris Van Hollen
Honorable Lynn C. Woolsey
Honorable David Wu
Honorable Jeff Bingaman
Honorable Hillary Rodham Clinton
Honorable Christopher J. Dodd
Honorable John Edwards
Honorable Tom Harkin
Honorable Edward M. Kennedy
Honorable Barbara A. Mikulski
Honorable Patty Murray
Honorable Jack Reed

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Last Modified: 05/03/2004