United States Department of Justice - EOIR Header Bar DOJ - EOIR Seal

Office of the Director

EOIR is headed by a Director who is responsible for the supervision of the Deputy Director, the Chairman of the Board of Immigration Appeals (BIA or Board), the Chief Immigration Judge, the Chief Administrative Hearing Officer, and all agency personnel in the execution of their duties in accordance with 8 CFR Part 3.

He represents the position and policies of EOIR to the Attorney General, Deputy Attorney General, Members of Congress, and other governmental bodies, the news media, the bar, and private groups interested in immigration matters.

On behalf of the Director, the Deputy Director oversees the Board, Office of the Chief Immigration Judge, and Office of the Chief Administrative Hearing Officer, as well as the EOIR Offices of the General Counsel (which includes EOIR's Legal Orientation and Pro Bono Program (formerly the Pro Bono Program), Management Programs, Planning, Analysis and Technology, and the Administration Division.

Biographical Information

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