U.S. Census Bureau

UA/UC Census 2000 Boundary Files

We are making the detailed UA/UC boundary file available to the public at the national level in ArcView Shapefile (.shp) format. The boundaries in this file are an exact match of the boundary details found in the UA Census 2000 TIGER/Line files. That is, it does not contain the changes to the urban areas as published in the Federal Register on August 23, 2002. The boundaries in this file match the information contained in the Census 2000 Summary Files. To obtain the boundaries that reflect the changes noted above one must extract them from the 108th CD Census 2000 TIGER/Line files.

The boundary file was extracted from the Census Bureau's TIGER geographic database for use in various internal Census Bureau projects and is being made available here on an "as is" basis.

The five UA/UC files: geo_2000_d_dec_00000_400_py_z1.dbf, geo_2000_d_dec_00000_400_py_z1.shp, geo_2000_d_dec_00000_400_py_z1.shx, geo_2000_d_dec_00000_400_py_z1.sbx, and geo_2000_d_dec_00000_400_py_z1.sbn have been compressed into a 31 MB ZIP file. Use software compatible with PKWARE's PKZIP® to decompress the file.

Record Layout for .dbf file

Download File

National UA/UC Boundary File in Shapefile format

Source: U.S. Census Bureau
Geography Division

Created: May 20, 2002