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Table 1
Alphabetical listing of recognized Safety and Physical Hazards, Biological and
Chemical Hazards, and Diseases pertinent to agriculture.
[Adapted from (8)]
Safety and Physical Agents: Biological and Chemical Agents: Agricultural Diseases:
Commodity storage & transfer
  • Back injury
  • Lifting
  • Repetitive trauma
Farm machinery
  • Balers
  • Chain saws
  • Combines
  • Power take-off
  • Roll-over protection
  • Safety guards
  • Tractors
Fuel storage
   (leaks and fires)
   (poor lighting)
   (shock and fire)
Liquefied Propane [LP] gas
Liquefied anhydrous ammonia
Livestock handling injuries
Physical/environmental hazards
  • Noise
  • Thermal
       (heat and cold)
  • Ultraviolet
       (sun light)
  • Vibration
  • Psychological stress
  • Sanitation
  • Transportation
       (on & off road)
  • Welding
  • Confined space
  • Entrapment
       (see commodity s.&t.)
  • Fumigation
  • Carbon Monoxide
  • Silo gases
       (NO2 and CO2)
Diesel exhaust
Disinfectants including
  • Chlorine
  • Quaternary ammonia compounds
  • Organic iodides
  • Cresol-based compounds
  • Formaldehyde emitters
   (inorganic aerosols)
Hydrogen sulfide
   (a key manure gas)
Microbiologic organisms
  • Infectious microbes
  • Mold spores
  • Noninfectious bioaerosols
  • Parasites
Nitrogen dioxide
   (silos & welding)
Organic dusts - e.g.
  • Cotton dust
  • Endotoxin
       (on many organic d.)
  • Grain dust
  • Sugar cane (bagassosis)
  • Wood dust
   (including application and
         harvest activities)
Dermatoses - caused by
  • Heat
  • Irritant chemicals
  • Infectious microbes
  • Insects
  • Sensitizing chemicals
  • Sunlight
Noise Induced Hearing Loss
Immunologic diseases
  • Allergic rhinitis
  • Asthma
  • Dermatoses
Noninfectious diseases
  • Cancer
       (is actually a low risk)
  • Hypertension and heart
  • Respiratory diseases
  • Asthma
       (also immunologic dis.)
  • Bagassosis
       (from sugar cane)
  • Bronchitis
  • Byssinosis
       (from cotton dust)
  • Farmer's Lung
       (see also HP below)
  • Hypersensitivity pneumonitis
  • Organic dust toxic syndrome
  • Pneumoconiosis
       (e.g. silicosis)
  • Silo filler's disease
       (see also NO2)
Organophosphate poisoning and sequelae
Silo unloader's disease
Zoonotic diseases

Table 2
Labor Intensity During Harvest
    Low High



Low Mechanized Crops
(e.g. cotton, grain, processed tomatoes, and nut crops)
Bush & Tree Crops
(e.g. tobacco, stone fruit, and citrus)
High Livestock
(e.g. cattle, swine, poultry)
Row Fruits & Vegetables
(e.g. strawberries, lettuce, and flowers)

Table 3
Distribution of 542 farm deaths by causative agent
[adapted from (15)]
Fraction of Deaths Causative Agent Comments (breakdown within agent)
51% Farm tractors 57% rollovers; 9% fall-offs/run-overs
11% Buildings and structures 33% grain suffocation; 13% silo-gas
6% Farm trucks Mostly non-highway accidents
4% Barnyard equipment e.g. augers, skid loaders
4% PTO/ power take-off Drives attachable implements
3% Electrocutions Overhead wires only
3% Haying equipment Entanglement, especially in round balers
3% Farm animals Mostly bulls and horses
15% Other  

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